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Square Wheels

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Square Wheels

  1. I understand your frustration in trying to make so many people happy. We're not asking for indeed. What you've developed will be perfect.
  2. Thanks @Paul E., I appreciate you trying, but this is too complicated. Not sure why IPS would remove the version from the footer due to it being a security issue, but then create a file that shows when I updated from every version and what version I am currently on, and make this viewable to all. Why not stick it in the database? Anyhow it's been there for years and my site is still around, I'll just leave it.
  3. Using cPanel, I found Error Pages, I see this as a 404 page, but not sure how to edit it. I tried adding my page outside of the edit marks, but it didn't block the page. <!-- <!-- -->
  4. Oddly this stopped working for me. Not sure when or why. This happen to anyone else?
  5. WHM - Web Host Manager. It allows me to control the server level settings. A dangerous thing for someone like me. I don't understand putty or SSH, I have a tool called Terminal that is similar. I have separate sites listed, each with their own cPanel. I followed the steps above to edit the php.ini file that controls the individual site, then I (think) I restarted the service by going to Terminal and running service httpd restart. Not sure what php-fpm is or how to restart it. I am just a guy running some hobby sites and wanted to remove this message from my ACP.
  6. I have a VPN that I can manage though WHM. I tried to disable the listed dangerous functions, but it didn't seem to work. I went to cPanel --> MultiPHP INI Editor --> Editor Mode --> Home Directory and added this to the bottom: disable_functions = exec, system, passthru, popen, proc_open, shell_exec Then back to WHM --> Terminal --> service httpd restart These functions still are listed as enabled. I'm sure I did something wrong, suggestions?
  7. I purchased and installed here, not displaying. https://www.pathlabtalk.com/forum/
  8. Reminder posts would be really helpful. I find people forget this even exists on the site and don't post pics or vote.
  9. Still hoping for an update. This is a goofy app, but people like it.
  10. Thanks, I was looking for something for the forntend where everyone can see this.
  11. Is there a plug in / app that lists who gave the most likes?
  12. There is one problem item on the list. It is displayed in Our Picks, and that link works. I added it to the home page as a block, which goes to a broken page. When I go to Manage Promoted Items, it's not listed, so I'm not sure how to fix it. Ideas?
  13. Some even have already. 🙃
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