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Square Wheels

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Everything posted by Square Wheels

  1. I run a cycling site, a user presented the following: The idea is that we start a topic where people enter their daily miles (cycling only, I think, or it will get messy) and we add them to our forum total as we go. We start on Jan 1 and we try to get everyone to participate. So if I ride 20 miles, I post it in the topic, "20 miles on 1/1/21. 20 total." Then the next poster enters, "26 miles 1/1/21. 46 total." And so on. People wouldn't have to post each day. If they miss entering their rides, they could then post multiple rides in one post and total them, as long as they don't replicate previous dates. We can set a forum goal, depending on how many participate of, say, 50,000 miles (twice around the earth) or even as much as 112,000 (half way to the moon). Whatever seems doable. I have Pages, is this something I can create a page where people add their miles and a date and it then lists that user, their miles, the date, and a total among all users? I have never built anything with Pages. Thanks
  2. Maybe not the same as what you're doing, but I use this inside a global template, and it works. <div class="ipsClearfix ipsResponsive_showDesktop"> stuff </div>
  3. Suggestion: a new post when the new competition has been created. Also, a post for who the most recent winner was.
  4. With the change to 4.5 it's a lot harder to edit a user's email preferences in the acp. When I get a bounced email, I edit their setting to not receive any email notifications. I used to be able to do several clicks at once then hit save. Now I need to scroll to the bottom of the page, select one item, edit it save, scroll down again. Sounds easy enough, unless you're doing hundreds of users. Any chance this can be improved?
  5. Should abandoned registrations clear automatically? I have some that go back to February of this year, and one in the list from 2013. It's a small list, just curious why it's not clearing. Thanks
  6. You the only admin? Do you have someone you trust that you could make an admin? Let them try it.
  7. I'd suggest the typical turn everything off suggestion. I often find it is a setting / mod causing the issue. The easiest way is to use the Something Isn't Working option and let it turn everything off. If that fixes it, then turn on one at a time until you find the culprit.
  8. Please add me to you PM list. 🙂 Thanks
  9. Are there settings? I looked and don't see them. This is posted in my admin section, the user who posted this pic does not have access.
  10. Very much agree. I have an admin forum that is hidden from most people. These show up in the list. I had no idea, I thought I was seeing them because I had permission to see them, I didn't realize there were no permission on this app. @Fosters, would you consider adding this? Or permissions at the least? Thank you
  11. I've never really used pages where users can create entries. Is it a steep learning curve for me and for users?
  12. Was thinking of adding a recipe / cookbook option. Anyone know of an add on for that? I searched and didn't see one.
  13. Will this be coming back? We had fun with it.
  14. @Fosters, safe to assume this has been abandoned?
  15. It wasn't much of a decision, I was forced to do it. I am in the States.
  16. One of my sites is about clinical pathology. One vendor was being sued by another vendor over price fixing. They felt my site may have discussed these two vendors and their price fixing schemes (we hadn't) and the offended vendor subpoenaed my database. Not a big deal, I just sent them a copy of the database.
  17. Maybe not as elegant as it could be, but since I have no archived posts, no join needed, search just the one table. SELECT * FROM forums_posts WHERE `queued` = 0 ORDER BY pid LIMIT 1 OFFSET 999999;
  18. Ugh, @Paul E., any chance I could bug you to help my find the millionth post with your query? Thanks
  19. @Michael.J, it would be great to have this back. I think I suggested it before, maybe make it a paid app to add some incentive to make it work for 4.5?
  20. Sorry about the corruption and loss of data. That's disappointing. Sounds like you still have a successful site, at least based on post count. Matched exactly!
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