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Square Wheels

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Square Wheels

  1. Hi, When I log in to one of my sites (I'd prefer not to list it here), it takes about 30 seconds for the page to load. Can this please be investigated? Not sure how to get you the info. Thank you
  2. So here's an example. I put in a ticket (a while ago) and was told the slowness of clicking view more content at the bottom of a stream was a query issue on their part and would be fixed in the current release. It does not seem to be. So now, I need to pay 1250 dollars to ask you to fix an issue with your software, that I paid for, and hear again that I need to wait for the next update? I'm normally a pretty levelheaded person. I can't understand, or explain, how angry I feel, how tricked and deceived this makes me feel, and how likely I will simply move my sites to another platform just to feel like I won. I need to cool off for a bit, I am one very unhappy customer
  3. Holy crap, I missed the no more support part. So, just so I understand. Improvements and substantial releases will likely continue at the snail's pace we've seen over the past few year. I like the six-month plan because of the lack of updates. Why do I want to pay when there's nothing to upgrade? Now I can't do that any longer. Everything costs a lot more, more than hobby sites can afford. Developers are already telling us (after only a few hours) that they are bailing out. Add ons (sometimes for things you remove) will dry up. If I need support, I have the honor of paying for it. Seems like you helped your small customers make up their minds. What a mess.
  4. Again, change comes very slow, and often we get things we never asked for. "Pay us lots of money and wait to see what you get..." I don't think so. I am not a happy customer at this time and still feel this was done to suit the big customers. Moving to your online plan is not an option for me. Like others have said, we have options, and it looks like many of us will exercise those options.
  5. I've never seen them change their minds. Once they change something, they only say many people asked for it, even though you've never seen such a post. Yes, I am very bitter now with these crazy price increases. A couple of posts above, I linked to a plug in I bought that will get what you want. There are template edit options, but I didn't want those.
  6. Wow, are we allowed to sell our licenses? If yes, I suspect there will be many available. It's cheaper to buy new XenForo licenses than to renew. I run three hobby sites, I don't think I can afford this any longer. To be honest, it feels like this is your market plan. Over the years changes are made and we're told many people asked fox xyz, when there are no posts ever made about xyz. Likely it's your high paying corporate accounts asking to add or remove these features. I fear us small site aren't worth it any longer for you. I recently renewed so I will be here a while longer, but I can't say I'll renew again.
  7. Thank you, is this really still pending review? It's been over a week.
  8. I hate the new look. I bought this to reset it the way it was. Works perfectly. Frustrated we have to pay someone else to restore items we had.
  9. It's the same as the screenshot above. https://squarewheelscycling.com/index.php?/stats/ Tops Posters and Top Liked Members - no space between the username and post count. Top View Topics - No space between the title and the post count. Also, long titles aren't truncated and run off the page. Thank you
  10. I don't understand why this was changed. I too didn't like it. This has been submitted here and awaiting approval. I didn't want to wait so I bought it directly from his site. Does exactly what you want without temple edits.
  11. Hi, Any chance this will be updated to fix the now shortened numbers in 4.6? Thanks
  12. I just installed, I suspect it's a setting I messed, but the post separators in the themes are removed. How do I get these back? Thanks Before After
  13. Hi @Fosters, there were 33 purchases of this app. I've had the last 7 responses, maybe I'm the only one interested in having the update? I really liked seeing the counts over time. It would be great if this were updated. Thanks
  14. Hello, I misunderstood your post that I quoted, I thought you were saying you were no longer selling this app - Legend Styler. Thank you
  15. Hi, It looks like it's still available. Are you planning to discontinue support? Thanks
  16. Thank you @Lindy, curious why I hear this a lot, that it's taking a long time for review - sometimes weeks. Often, we need to pay renewal fees (as in this case) and can't get the product we need, or our subscription time is shortened due to the extended reviews. Thanks
  17. I renewed this app, installed the new version, I get this error. I only use the default theme. [[Template blog/front/view/entry is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]
  18. Does it display "Likes", or is that data gone? Edit - That is reputation now?
  19. The Achievements systems is tied to how many Points you have. Is there an easy way to see how many points users have? We now have too many Grand Masters and I want to change the points required to get there.
  20. Thanks, I was afraid it would be a template edit. I'd prefer not to do that as I don't want to have to edit it with each update. Not sure why it was changed.
  21. Hi, I just upgraded to 4.6.x yesterday. I see that post counts are now abbreviated. Is it possible to get the original look back? Thanks
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