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Square Wheels

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Everything posted by Square Wheels

  1. I don't know if I agree with marking that as a solution. 🙂 Too bad it wasn't more flexible.
  2. Can this be set up as a monthly goal?
  3. Yikes, it's only available to those paying more than $549 a month. I feel so out of place on this site now. It seems like just a couple of weeks ago the lowest plan included most everything at around $50 a month. Now it includes less and went up to $89 a month. Sadly, I suspect they will do away with us in the next couple of years. Hopefully Xenforo continues to improve and doesn't go this route also.
  4. So, this is for cloud only. This will be available to the hi end people who probably spend many hundreds / thousands a month and never post here. How many hobby sites can afford 149 dollars a month? Not sure how many self-hosted customers you have, but I suspect that is who read these posts, and yet, it will not be available to us. Not sure why I would be excited by this. Kinda feels like a poke in the eye to be honest.
  5. Is this a new feature for the next release, or something we already have? I see this at the top of some posts.
  6. No disrespect to the mods, I have tons installed. I'd like to see it native.
  7. Display a preview of posted links, similar to the way an IPS page embeds more details than just the link.
  8. Hi, That text looks very helpful, how did you add it? Thanks
  9. I have a VPN with three sites. Only the busy site is showing errors. If this were a server error, wouldn't I get errors in all three sites System logs?
  10. It used to save to the database, I miss that feature. If your browser crashes you're likely to lose what you had.
  11. https://squarewheelscycling.com/ https://www.pathlabtalk.com/forum/
  12. Understood. How can I follow your instructions and "contact the community owner..."? 🙂
  13. It seems you made a recent update to this site. The index is rebuilding, and it was briefly unavailable a short time ago. You posted a message letting users know the site was not available, but also implied we could contact you if needed. I assume this is the same message we have on our sites during updates. How exactly do we contact you? I'm not suggesting we need to, but the message is a bit misleading.
  14. I just set me away, no board errors. I looked in the System log, nothing noted. Would it be immediate?
  15. Many pages of errors, most in the last few days.
  16. Hmm, thanks. Yes, running 4.6.11. @Ehren, thoughts? These are your themes. 🙂
  17. I am seeing errors in the system log, is it related to this plug in? Template store key: template_157_8c4a7392199bd32f6d6c19155010c32e_global missing (memberaway, front, global) #0 /home/squarewheels/public_html/system/Theme/Theme.php(856): IPS\_Log::log('Template store ...', 'template_store_...') #1 /home/squarewheels/public_html/cache/template_157_94a9d7649fb9cdbfc784d3516e61a717_global.php(6852): IPS\_Theme->getTemplate('global', 'memberaway', 'front') #2 /home/squarewheels/public_html/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(61): IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_front_global->globalTemplate('Tomorrow starts...', '\n\n\n\n<div class=...', Array) #3 /home/squarewheels/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(173): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call('globalTemplate', Array) #4 /home/squarewheels/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Standard.php(113): IPS\_Dispatcher->finish() #5 /home/squarewheels/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Front.php(687): IPS\Dispatcher\_Standard->finish() #6 /home/squarewheels/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(155): IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->finish() #7 /home/squarewheels/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #8 {main}
  18. I respectfully disagree. If you follow the instructions on this site, which I did, it does not work. I applied for Elevated access, I have not heard back. I presume I was denied. Also, you're assuming that will work, you do not have evidence it will. At this point I'll assume it will not be fixed and will move on. Thanks anyhow.
  19. This bug was reported in January. It looks like next months release still will not include a fix. Aside from the standard, we never say when we'll fix things, can I get an estimate on when it will be fixed? 4+ months seems unreasonable.
  20. This is related to the customization you did for me. Seeing this in the System Log. Error: Class 'IPS\questions\Project' not found (0) #0 /home/pathlabt/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\questions\modules\front\questions\_index->rss() #1 /home/pathlabt/public_html/forum/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #2 /home/pathlabt/public_html/forum/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #3 {main} Backtrace #0 /home/pathlabt/public_html/forum/init.php(1015): IPS\_Log::log('Error: Class 'I...', 'uncaught_except...') #1 [internal function]: IPS\IPS::exceptionHandler(Object(Error)) #2 {main}
  21. Not trying to be negative, just how I feel. As others above have said, aside from things like Zapier that you almost never her members talk about, what new features have we seen? I only update my support because I'm still waiting on a bug fix I reported a long time ago. Instead of meaningful updates, we get mostly bug fixes, and a new store, not using your software. I don't think there will be many purchases of an IPS hoodie, but I could be wrong.
  22. Error in ACP, is this related to Member Away (or possibly Jobs)? Thanks #0 /home/pathlabt/public_html/forum/system/Member/Member.php(160): IPS\_Session::i() #1 /home/pathlabt/public_html/forum/system/Content/Content.php(1125): IPS\_Member::loggedIn() #2 /home/pathlabt/public_html/forum/system/Content/Item.php(2440): IPS\_Content->hide(NULL, NULL) #3 /home/pathlabt/public_html/forum/applications/jobs/tasks/Jobs.php(52): IPS\Content\_Item->hide(NULL) #4 /home/pathlabt/public_html/forum/system/Task/Task.php(367): IPS\jobs\tasks\_Jobs->IPS\jobs\tasks\{closure}() #5 /home/pathlabt/public_html/forum/applications/jobs/tasks/Jobs.php(56): IPS\_Task->runUntilTimeout(Object(Closure)) #6 /home/pathlabt/public_html/forum/system/Task/Task.php(266): IPS\jobs\tasks\_Jobs->execute() #7 /home/pathlabt/public_html/forum/system/Task/Task.php(229): IPS\_Task->run() #8 /home/pathlabt/public_html/forum/applications/core/interface/task/task.php(58): IPS\_Task->runAndLog() #9 {main}
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