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Square Wheels

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Everything posted by Square Wheels

  1. Hi, Will this be made compatible with 4.7? Thank you
  2. Hi, Will this be made compatible with 4.7? Thank you
  3. Hi, Will this be made compatible with 4.7? Thank you
  4. Hi, Will this be made compatible with 4.7? Thank you
  5. Hi, I am aware, is it OK to ask anyway as a polite nudge to the author? Thanks
  6. Hi, Is this compatible with 4.7? Thank you
  7. Hi, Is this compatible with 4.7? Thank you
  8. Hi, Is this compatible with 4.7? Thank you
  9. Hi, Is this compatible with 4.7? Thank you
  10. Hi, Is this compatible with 4.7? Thank you
  11. If I build an HTML Page, can I embed the user ID of the person visiting the page as a hidden form field? I want to insert that ID into a table.
  12. Thanks, I followed the (slightly outdated) instruction, and cannot even begin to guess how I would make this do what I want. I'd want something like this: There would be some validation, for instance, you can't enter text in Cycling, that's for miles only... I need it to capture by user ID too. Then it needs to be viewable on a different page, ideally by year. Again, I fear Pages is far too complicated to try and figure out. I have minimal ColdFusion skills; I might see if I can do it that way instead and run it through a Pages iframe.
  13. Care to help me with this? 🙂 Are there guides for "building your first Pages" database?
  14. Cool idea, thanks. Since I own Pages, I was hoping it would be something I could build. Pages doesn't seem very useful for the average user.
  15. Thanks. I haven't used Pages, I was hoping it had "simple" ways, or maybe templates, or drag and drop to be able to create output. Doesn't seem very useful.
  16. I have a cycling site. I'd like members to have a simple page to go to with a date picker and a field to track miles. Maybe a couple of other fields as some people track hours at the gym, or walking / running miles. Then there is a page to view the total for a year, and maybe the top 10 members in each category? For now, I'm doing all this manually. There is a long thread where people post their daily info and I edit the first post. Thanks
  17. I'm not a css person, but maybe try adding this to custom.css. /* Center video */ .ipsEmbeddedVideo { text-align:center; }
  18. I will go this route. Thank you both.
  19. I assume you mean this: Enable template disk caching? I found this, is this where they are stored? /home/xxxxxxxxx/public_html/uploads/logs. The permissions are set to 755, is that what it should be? Either way, I'll leave it the way you set it.
  20. Hmm, thanks for finding this. I turned on one theme, no errors so far. I'll turn the others on now. Would you be able to help just a little more and let me know what I need to tell my host? They are really helpful and very responsive, I just don't know what to tell them. Thank you for finding this!
  21. Sure thing, I'll turn a few on now. Would that be a server issue?
  22. Unfortnualtey it ended up not being fine. Still getting errors with custom themes. Not sure why. Over 20 thousand errors in the database and I prune every 30 days. The only reason it's not worse, is I turned off the themes.
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