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Square Wheels

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Square Wheels

  1. This happens too, again, all was well until the recent release. Request Timeout This request takes too long to process, it is timed out by the server. If it should not be timed out, please contact administrator of this web site to increase 'Connection Timeout'.
  2. I put ibn a ticket a long time ago. I was waiting for support to release a fix for the sites loading very slow. That came out and seemed to fix things until the current release. It just took over two minutes for my unread content to load. This is happening again on all three sites, the only change is the current release.
  3. Hi, This appears to still be pending. It's a small cosmetic issue. Thanks
  4. How can I move Blog posts over to a forum post? I will not be renewing Blogs,
  5. Regarding Marketplace, is it possible to post the date a new version was uploaded while it's awaiting review? It is frustrating that we pay renewal fees on these apps and weeks of time are taken away waiting for approval. Also, the only reason we purchase them is we find them to be an enhancement to our sites, those enhancements (like Bookmarks) are now missing.
  6. Has the new version been uploaded? Thank you
  7. Thank you both, I'll let people on my site know. We post many videos, one person woke their wife early in the morning while viewing the site. 🙂
  8. Thank you @Adriano Faria, I'll need to stick with my third party app then. If I can't remember how to log in, I can't put in a ticket. 🙂
  9. No one has access to post anything but a YT link. A couple of people said this is happening. Could it be an iPhone thing? I don't have access to one.
  10. https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/suite-applications/commerce/providing-support/ Is it possible to use Commerce as a ticket system without tying it to a purchase? If yes, is it also possible to allow non-registered users to submit tickets? I use a third-party ticket system now but would like to maintain fewer systems. I don't get many tickets, but the ones I get often are from advertisers who are often not forum members, or members who are having issues logging in. Thanks
  11. Recently videos, including YouTube videos, starting autoplaying for some members. Is there a way to stop that? I don't seen a setting for it on embedding.
  12. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH User error, sorry to have taken your time. I intended to take this away from moderators and instead took it away from admins. I did this a couple of weeks ago.
  13. Ugh, I see it in your test post, but here's what I see in any other post.
  14. Odd, log in as me. The Cafe is the best place as that's where most posts are made. Others didn't report it. I noticed it at home on my laptop, and here at work on my desktop.
  15. Ugh, I blame you for that, it came up as a warning to switch that. 🙂 I updated my details in the client area with the email.
  16. For the server or ACP? I just updated ACP.
  17. It seems I can no longer mark posts as the solution. I suspect it's unrelated, but I recently had my host convert some myisam tables to innodb. I just cleared my cache. Forum setting Sample post Same issue if I disable all customizations.
  18. These Which lead to this: Which controls their current rank. Thanks
  19. We have a cycling rite with 10 ranks. No one is even close to the top rank. I've like to manually adjust one member for a few days so they will show the top level. How do I manually add points, and can they be removed? Thanks
  20. I was a terrible skeptic (still am), but if this is how "tickets" are going to work moving forward, this is good. 🙂
  21. Yes, I had the tables converted by my host, they just did it last night. I also turned on GMP PHP, that too was listed in the ACP. Things seem OK now. Thank you
  22. PathLabTalk Also, and chance the warning can be lifted, I won't be posting anywhere here any longer aside from the help section.
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