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Square Wheels

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Everything posted by Square Wheels

  1. Hmm, I just ran this, and it found a record. From the Forum Statistics block, I should not be there yet. SELECT * FROM forums_posts ORDER BY pid LIMIT 1 OFFSET 999999; Just to be sure, I put in an obscene number (a billion) and it came back "MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). " Did I already hit a million posts and the Forums Statistics is way off?
  2. Thanks both, It looks like I've deleted many posts - over a thousand. I had a thread about women in bikinis, it had hundreds of posts and was not appropriate. I deleted it. Again, I never delete anything, but that thread had no redeeming value. If people get mad and say, I demand you delete that thread, I just move it to a hidden section of the site. I've been sued once and was required to turn over my database, I'm sure it can happen again. My current count is 1001805. I'll look for a query that will find the millionth record in the database.
  3. Thanks, doesn't the Forum Statistics block read the row count from the database? There is more than a 100k difference. I rarely delete threads, no way I've deleted 100k posts.
  4. My tiny little site will reach one million posts soon. Two things. The front page stats claim I am at 999,008 under Forums Statistics. The database table forums_posts says I am at ~891,007. Which is correct? That's a huge discrepancy. Also, any tips on a query to find the millionth post? Thanks
  5. Still hoping for an update. Do you have an ETA?
  6. Looks nice, but the current app is more specific to welcoming new members. Lots of options, posts, PMs, emails...
  7. So I have it installed on three forums, all have low new member rates. A second forum just had a new member, and I didn't get the welcome post. @Michael.J, I know this is free, but many people really like it. Any chance it will be fixed soon? Maybe make it into a paid app to help you out a little? Thanks
  8. Immediate. All members are manually approved, but it worked OK like this before.
  9. Running latest version, didn't make the welcome post.
  10. Thank you, I created a new "Default" and the menus appear now.
  11. Thanks for looking. I've done the somethings not working... before. How do I delete and recreate a default theme?
  12. Someone on my site went to Other Media --> Insert a stock photo and started typing racoon. After they typed just two letters ra a nude woman pic came up. Happened here too. I see in Giphy we can limit pics by rating. How do we limit Stock Photos? I do not allow any nudity on my sites. Thanks
  13. On my cell phone, how do I get at: ACP Moderator panel PM Notifications I can't seem to find any of these, but with a purchased theme I can.
  14. You seem to be correct, I tried it in the test section here and was able to edit the title. Thanks
  15. This is showing up for regular users. I suspect it's not supposed to. One of them saw and tried, it didn't work for them. Is it supposed to show?
  16. Thank you. It seems the default is at least 3 pages, I do 50 posts per page, so for me, 150 posts.
  17. Is this a setting, maybe after so many posts? It's not forum specific, 99% of my posts are in the same forum.
  18. I have it on a few sites. Oddly, on one site it was doing this, sending to everyone. The other site it works fine. For the bogger site (just under 12k members) I only have it make a post.
  19. Will the 4.5 update be coming soon? At least a version like what we have, but 4.5 compatible? Thanks
  20. Thank you, I submitted a ticket this morning, it was escalated.
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