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  1. Thanks
    Ramsesx reacted to SeNioR- in Multiquote button out of focus   
    Hi, Ramsesx. 
    Maybe you just need to center the button?
    Try it 🙂 
    html[dir="ltr"] #ipsMultiQuoter { right:unset; left:50%; }  
  2. Thanks
    Ramsesx reacted to Sonya* in Pages: Thumbs for record image in search snippet   
    Please use thumbs for the record images in search snippet. The template recordResultSnippet.html:
    <ips:template parameters="$indexData, $itemData, $url, $condensed" /> {{if $condensed}} {{if $itemData['record_image']}} <span class='ipsThumb_bg ipsThumb_small ipsPos_left' style='background-image: url("{file="$itemData['record_image']" extension="cms_Records"}")'> <img src='{file="$itemData['record_image']" extension="cms_Records"}' alt='{$indexData['index_title']}' class=""> </span> {{endif}} {{else}} <div class='{{if $itemData['record_image']}}ipsColumns ipsColumns_collapsePhone{{endif}}'> {{if $itemData['record_image']}} <div class='ipsColumn ipsColumn_medium'> <a href='{$url}'> {template="thumbImage" group="global" app="core" location="front" params="$itemData['record_image'], $indexData['index_title'], 'large', '', 'view_this', NULL, 'cms_Records'"} </a> </div> {{endif}} For the image heavy database the activity stream has a terrible performance if every record image has over 4 MB.
    Thank you!
  3. Agree
    Ramsesx reacted to Nathan Explosion in Invision Community 4.6.0 Beta 1 is live!   
    That would be because none of them are compatible with IPS 4.6.0
    Restore the backup you took before upgrading
    @Jordan Invision right here is an example of why you should be putting in a "DO NOT UPGRADE YOUR PRODUCTION SITE UNLESS YOU REALLY KNOW THE CONSEQUENCES" comment to your post.
  4. Like
    Ramsesx reacted to Matt in Has member title been removed?   
    The 4.6 release now moves all existing custom titles to a new custom field.
  5. Thanks
    Ramsesx reacted to SeNioR- in Has member title been removed?   
    I just moved the members' titles to the custom field.
    Just create a new text field with a maximum length of 65 characters.

    My field has the ID 7. In the query, change the field ID to yours.
    Additionally, add a prefix before the tables, if you have one.
    Make an SQL query
    UPDATE core_pfields_content t1 INNER JOIN core_members t2 ON t1.member_id = t2.member_id SET t1.field_7 = t2.member_title; Caution.
    You do everything on your own accountability.
    Before executing the SQL query, make a backup copy of the database just in case.
  6. Thanks
    Ramsesx reacted to Daniel F in Club invitations, how to see the members I invited?   
    You can use the filter on the club - members page to show all invited members.

    That said, as far as I know, they won't get a duplicate invitation if they were already invited.
  7. Agree
    Ramsesx got a reaction from Pjo in Has member title been removed?   
    Thanks for pointing this out, but this doesn't makes any sense to me. 
  8. Agree
    Ramsesx got a reaction from Linux-Is-Best in WHMCS - The Opportunity Invision Might Just Miss   
    On the site WHMCS it says "Trusted by over 35,000 customers in over 200 countries" 
    IPS I smell a business opportunity. 

  9. Agree
    Ramsesx reacted to Matt in WHMCS - The Opportunity Invision Might Just Miss   
    There's lots we can do, but we really want to focus on the things we're really good at, which is enabling discussion.

    We have no plans to move into a hosting management market as it would require a lot of resources to compete an develop effectively.
  10. Thanks
    Ramsesx reacted to Daniel F in Has member title been removed?   
    There's indeed a rule for this in our guidelines https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/submission-guidelines/
  11. Like
    Ramsesx reacted to GazzaGarratt in How to view blocks and content through different devices   
    I've not come across a setting as far as i'm aware. When working with Pages especially and you have more than one column, for devices such as mobile, it reads the first column top to bottom, followed by the next column top to bottom with the side bar on the usual right hand side coming last.
    For Desktop users, the columns very much help break up the page so you're not looking at something really huge across the entire screen. However it then can really impact the idea of how you want the site to be viewed on another device that essentially concatenates the page is a different way to your expectations.
    I would love for the ability to dictate per page how the view works, and if it can row by row rather than column by column so you have greater flexibility for your viewers looking at everything from different devices.
    One workaround from what I can see is creating the same block from scratch twice and then toggle the Visibility. However, this can cause some serious overhead times. Potentially some core templates that are set up in the way to help different concatenate would be extremely helpful to all core users?
  12. Thanks
    Ramsesx reacted to Nathan Explosion in "Kindness" plugin   
    I'll regret this, but not much...plugin attached (xml file) and it will add a toggle to the comment form when reading a topic.
    I'm off now to go wash the sugar taste out of my mouth.
    Note: no support is provided for this plugin, as it is a 'proof of concept' for an application which is now available in the MarketPlace.
    (NE) Kindness.xml
  13. Agree
    Ramsesx reacted to Sonya* in Is there a mobile app ?   
    Yes. But it has many bugs.
    An app with branding and all the customizations is technically not feasible, I guess or requires tons of programmers. Right now: no customizations, no monetization, no branding. All IPS communities sit in one app like TapaTalk. To have an own app for your community only, you would have to go through Google and Apple approval process to add it to their stores. You, not IPS. It costs. 
    Another question: why do you need mobile app? If it is because of push notifications, they are integrated in 4.6 without mobile app. Any other reason, you would like to have mobile app? 🙂
  14. Thanks
    Ramsesx reacted to Sonya* in How can advertisers trust IPS Advertisement system?   
    I have used it for some years. I have stopped because their code had responsiveness issues. Another issue was the slow performance at large projects. Self hosted was not enough. Cloud was too expensive. We have changed to Ad Manager. 
    The earnings for banner advertisements slowed down though. Paid walls, subscriptions, affiliates, writing and featuring content - this is where we are now 🙃
  15. Agree
    Ramsesx got a reaction from Sonya* in How can advertisers trust IPS Advertisement system?   
    I recommend revive formerly known as openx. Use this since many, many years. It's free, self hosted and a lot of features. You can add the advert delivery code into the ips advertising system.
  16. Haha
    Ramsesx reacted to Daniel F in missing phrases (posting friday, thursday....)   
    Ahh, I was too slow with my research. I was just going to say that it was _date_this_week_c and _date_this_week 
  17. Thanks
    Ramsesx reacted to Daniel F in missing phrases (posting friday, thursday....)   
    No, unfortunately we included this feature in 4.5.0, so beginning with the 4.5.0 release you're able to see any modified language strings in the setup/upg_x/folders.
  18. Thanks
    Ramsesx reacted to Daniel F in missing phrases (posting friday, thursday....)   
    Is this happening only with your custom language?
    There were some changes to existing language strings in 4.5 which resulted in this, upgrading to the recent version of the translation should resolve this!
  19. Agree
    Ramsesx got a reaction from Sonya* in Status display in activity stream bug   
    This shouldn't be possible:

  20. Like
    Ramsesx reacted to Kjell Iver Johansen in Please restore the choice of reactions here at IPS!   
    I agree. I’m here lurking and seriously trying to read and learn stuff that I can use on my own sites. All this childish noise (like meow and posts with only gifs) might get some members here a good time laughing but it just gets this site less serious for users like myselve. I have enough of that noise on other sites - fb, insta. 
    Also don’t forget that there is a lot of visitors around that seriously consider using this software and the discussions you have here is important to showcase what the software can do.
  21. Thanks
    Ramsesx reacted to Nathan Explosion in Calendar Bug - Need urgent help   
    @Gauravk remove that direct edit of the widget file, and use this plugin instead.
    EDIT: updated plugin to force the usort to only run when the upcomingEvents widget is the item calling the function
    (NE) Re-sort Upcoming Events widget_1.0.1.xml
  22. Like
    Ramsesx got a reaction from Jordan Miller in Expand ignore feature   
    Sadly, developer has no active license or other reason it can't get purchased right now.
  23. Thanks
    Ramsesx reacted to Adlago in Menu icon missing from mobile after upgrade to 4.5   
    1. Open for edit your global template. Find and remove this code
    {template="mobileNavigationIcon" app="core" group="global" params=""} 2. Open for edit template "mobileNavBar"
    Copy the code I specified in my previous post, and replace the contents of the template with it.
  24. Thanks
    Ramsesx reacted to Adlago in Menu icon missing from mobile after upgrade to 4.5   
    On my site I did the following:
    1. I removed a code for template "mobileNavigationIcon" from a global template.
    2. Template "mobileNavBar" I edited by adding a hamburger menu code, before </ul>, or now total code this template is:
    <ul id='elMobileNav' class='ipsResponsive_hideDesktop' data-controller='core.front.core.mobileNav'> {{if \count( \IPS\Output::i()->breadcrumb )}} {{if \count( \IPS\Output::i()->breadcrumb ) == 1}} <li id='elMobileBreadcrumb'> <a href='{setting="base_url"}'> <span>{lang="home"}</span> </a> </li> {{else}} {{$i = 0;}} {{foreach \IPS\Output::i()->breadcrumb as $k => $b}} {{if $i + 2 == \count( \IPS\Output::i()->breadcrumb )}} <li id='elMobileBreadcrumb'> <a href='{$b[0]}'> <span>{$b[1]}</span> </a> </li> {{endif}} {{$i++;}} {{endforeach}} {{endif}} {{endif}} {{$defaultStream = \IPS\core\Stream::defaultStream();}} <li {{if !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'discover' ) ) }}class='ipsHide'{{endif}}> <a data-action="defaultStream" href='{{if $defaultStream}}{$defaultStream->url()}{{else}}{url="app=core&module=discover&controller=streams" seoTemplate="discover_all"}{{endif}}' title="streams"><i class="fa fa-newspaper-o" aria-hidden="true"></i></a> </li> {{if !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->restrict_post and \count( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->createMenu() )}} <li data-ipsDrawer data-ipsDrawer-drawerElem='#elMobileCreateMenuDrawer'> <a href='#'><i class='fa fa-plus'></i></a> </li> {{endif}} {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'search' ) )}} <li class='ipsJS_show'> <a href='{url="app=core&module=search&controller=search" seoTemplate="search"}' title="search"><i class='fa fa-search'></i></a> </li> {{endif}} <li data-ipsDrawer data-ipsDrawer-drawerElem='#elMobileDrawer'> <a href='#' title="navigation"> {{$total = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->notification_cnt;}} {{if !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->members_disable_pm and \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'messaging' ) )}} {{$total += \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->msg_count_new;}} {{endif}} {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'modcp' ) ) and \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->modPermission('can_view_reports')}} {{$total += \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->reportCount();}} {{endif}} {{if $total}} <span class='ipsNotificationCount' data-notificationType='total'>{$total}</span> {{endif}} <i class='fa fa-navicon'></i> </a> </li> </ul>
    3. Result

  25. Like
    Ramsesx reacted to Adriano Faria in Sticky Notes (support topic)   
    I’ll take a look when I have to update it again. 👍
    This too.
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