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Radical Tags


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Despite ATP being taken over by Kevin, I've decided to give Radical a try. About to buy. This said, I hope the Safari issue gets resolved soon, many of my users are on Mac/Safari 😞 Wait, so am I!! About to click!



Edited by Giray
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  1. Question 1: Is there no way to delete tag aliases? I made a mistake and now can't find how to modify or delete them?
  2. Question 2: How come the tags do not show up as options/suggestions in a tag field?
  3. Problem: In the Manage tags section. If you click on the plus sign (redtags prefix create) I get a red band message: This page does not exist.


Edited by Giray
Added questions
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Before I get into all the details, is anyone having problems with the Tags and calendars? If I set a calendar to 'closed' or 'prefix' mode, no matter what I put in where, the event tells me that I don't have permission to add a tag. Also, nowhere does the option to set a prefix come up. Again, anyone with general tags/calendar problems? If so, I'll get into greater detail. Thanks.

{have another issue too, will post separately}.

Oh, and no feedback on previous post yet. Oh well...

Edited by Giray
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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, jp said:

hi, what is being worked on at the moment? is a new version coming out anytime soon with more features?

Not sure how active he is. I've asked questions a few posts up and no sign of life. I've actually had issues so for now the app is disabled. Disappointed considering the strong language of how this app would be so much better than the 'other' one. Oh well, wait and see...

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Sadly, I think this is a pattern with Makoto. He has periods where he is very active, extremely helpful in all topics and when he is active it is obvious he is one of the most knowledgeable people about the IPS platform and server management. Sadly, these periods of activity are followed by total disappearance, which noone knows how long is it going to take. 

I am sure if he has the time he can make the app first class, but in the current state I wouldn't recommend buying it. 

Edited by jair101
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On 6/30/2019 at 3:29 AM, jp said:

hi, what is being worked on at the moment? is a new version coming out anytime soon with more features?


On 6/30/2019 at 4:35 AM, Giray said:

Not sure how active he is. I've asked questions a few posts up and no sign of life. I've actually had issues so for now the app is disabled. Disappointed considering the strong language of how this app would be so much better than the 'other' one. Oh well, wait and see...

I'm working on fixing some of the bugs mentioned here right now and will have a maintenance release ready by Friday. After that you should see some new feature releases coming over the next week or two.

I apologize for the delays in communication and activity!

Edited by Makoto
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I've pushed a maintenance release today that should resolve the issues you mentioned above @Giray, let me know if you run into any troubles updating!

I'm currently working on implementing support for multi-moderation tools that will allow you to add tags and/or prefixes to multiple content items at once for the next feature release which should hopefully be available soon.

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All right. Reinstalled and tested. Still not working the way — I think — it should. It could, of course, be me, but if it is then we need better instructions.

I don't have time right now because I am about to go to the airport, but basically, I have it working okay if I set it to Use Global Configuration. Anything else does not work. If I set it to Open, the thread accepts tags but does not keep them when you save. If I put Closed or Prefix, I get the You are using closed system tagging but no tags have been set up, even though I do have tags set up.

I'll keep trying variations on the screenshot I have attached — I have already tried multiple configurations —  but so far not succeeding, sorry.

Screenshot 2019-07-07 06.36.14.png

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  • 4 weeks later...

after upgrading IPS to 4.4.5 I get this error which looks like it is related to Radical Tags:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '0) AND css_app IN ('radtags') AND css_location IN ('global') AND css_path IN ('.' at line 1 

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18 minutes ago, jp said:

after upgrading IPS to 4.4.5 I get this error which looks like it is related to Radical Tags:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '0) AND css_app IN ('radtags') AND css_location IN ('global') AND css_path IN ('.' at line 1 

What page(s) do you see this error on? Is it just on any page with tags, or somewhere specific?

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2 hours ago, jp said:

in the backend (admin control panel), the upgrade from IPS 4.4.2 to IPS 4.4.5 won't complete and bricks my backend. so cannot log in to backend and can't finish the upgrade.




Are you running the latest release of Radical Tags?

I upgraded my test/dev installations to 4.4.5 with Radical Tags installed and didn't see this issue, I'm not sure what would cause this error at a glance.

If you can message me on here and provide me with a temporary ACP account I can look into this for you further.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Makoto,

thank you for your development. By the features this is exactly what we need so we went ahead and got the app. Unfortunately after installing it, we seem to be unable to use tags at all. If we disable the application tags work, enabling it, there are no more tags available.

Here are the settings we use:


Group permissions:

And then, creating a new topic results in this:

Are we missing something? Is it a configuration error or something else?

Thank you for your support

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  • 2 weeks later...
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