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Radical Tags


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Hi @abobader,

At the moment I can not provide any timeline on feature additions to this application.

Currently I am focusing on ensuring applications are stable and ready for IPS 4.5.

Once I have an estimated release date that includes the features you have requested I will be sure to post it here.

Edited by Makoto
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Hi @Makoto

Just install it now, but could not find the option:

Advanced Tools - "Migrate from Advance Tags & Prefixes", at the moment AT&P is disable. This old one from 3.4.9 before we update to 4.4.10, Any suggestion?

Thanks in advanced.

Edited by abobader
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Hi @Makoto

Well done for this app, work without any issue as I am testing.

One small issue, in save action, if you have more than 4, then is will not show as you see, after adding the tags, then the new one will not show as before you have to go to the end of the list by mouse then click. Not but issue tho.




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On 6/27/2020 at 1:48 PM, bpn said:

Does this mod support sorting closed tag lists?

The current IPB release does not allow sorting so adding a new tag is impractical as it will be added to the end of the list.
(I assume most use alphabetical order for the list)

Quoting myself.. @Makoto, can you please comment on this?

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It does not, but with IPS 4.5 you will finally be able to search for tags in a closed tag system, which should help significantly in regards to user friendliness of the closed tagging system.

I can look into adding a way to force alphabetical sorting of tags in a closed tag system on-top of this though!

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Ok, thanks. Still a bad solution if you cannot keep the lists in alphabetical order.

Strange that IPB hasn't addressed this a long time ago.

We will certainly buy your addon if you implement this.🙂

Edited by bpn
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11 hours ago, Makoto said:

Hey @abobader!

Hmm, what browser are you using where this happens? And are you using a custom AdminCP theme by chance?

Hi Makoto,

I used Chrome also test with Microsoft Edge, and default theme for ACP.

I just find out that all the old prefixes done by AT&P have red background color.

Also could not manage to know how to make a prefixes have have some letter with capital letter or start word as "Fix" as example.


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On 7/4/2020 at 8:01 PM, abobader said:

Hi Makoto,

All fine now, I just need head up info on how to make the prefixes start with capital letter like from fix to Fix, or this not supported?

Thanks in advanced.

Hey Abobader,

You may need to use the advanced tag editor to display your modified tags with an uppercase letter. Keep in mind this will only apply to your modified tags however.

By default, the tags themselves are all lowercase for consistency.

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Hi @Makoto,

Not sure if I've misunderstood this but the download page mentions under Forum / Category settings that you can configure tags and prefixes on a per-category basis but I'm struggling to see where / how to do this for forums.

I would like to invite / require users to add tags to forum posts under different categories. For example:

- Industry (tag category 1): e.g. retail, pharma, tech, ALL, etc. (tags)

- Aspect (tag category 2): resilience, efficiency, responsiveness etc. (tags)

- Technologies (tag category 3): big data, artificial intelligence, IoT etc. (tags)

If I put all these tags together in a single category or group, it would be quite messy which is why I'd like to separate them.

Also, if possible, I'd like to be able to configure the tag cloud widget to show tags by category.

Thanks for your help.

Best, JP

P.S. having read the whole support topic looking to find my own answers on this, I also noticed that I have the same issue as another user who also has Forum Blocks by fosters installed where RT settings are appearing. 

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6 minutes ago, abobader said:

@JPD It per forum settings - posting settings.

Thanks @abobader. I can see that I can choose whether to allow tags and prefixes but not how to create different groups or categories of tags? 


I'm not really trying to have different tags for different forums. I want to split out tags by type but have them available for all forums. For example, some tags relate to the industry sector that is being discussed, others might related to types of technology being discussed etc. 

From the RT product page, this screenshot is very close to what I'm trying to achieve:


I think that 'Platform' would normally be 'Prefix' but, if possible, I'd like to copy / paste this section a couple of times and relabel them 'Industry sector tags' or 'Technology types tags', for example.

I appreciate I might be asking for the moon on a stick here and that it's simply not possible. I understood 'configure tags on a per category basis' to mean what I hope it means but I'm seeing now that it means configuring by forum, as you pointed out.

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3 hours ago, JPD said:

Thanks @abobader. I can see that I can choose whether to allow tags and prefixes but not how to create different groups or categories of tags? 


I'm not really trying to have different tags for different forums. I want to split out tags by type but have them available for all forums. For example, some tags relate to the industry sector that is being discussed, others might related to types of technology being discussed etc. 

From the RT product page, this screenshot is very close to what I'm trying to achieve:


I think that 'Platform' would normally be 'Prefix' but, if possible, I'd like to copy / paste this section a couple of times and relabel them 'Industry sector tags' or 'Technology types tags', for example.

I appreciate I might be asking for the moon on a stick here and that it's simply not possible. I understood 'configure tags on a per category basis' to mean what I hope it means but I'm seeing now that it means configuring by forum, as you pointed out.

SOLVED: I found another application that does what I want to do: 

So far, it looks like it also works with RT.


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