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Group Colors on User Links

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  • 2 months later...

It's not a bug - there are just two plugins competing over the same space.

Re-enable Group Colors and drag it above the Itzverified one in the plugin list and give that a try - hooks are applied in order top to bottom - I think that will work but that depends on how that plugin is hooking in there (if they are inserting inside the H1 at the end now instead of overwriting the whole template - are you using the latest version of that - they just updated it 6 hours ago)

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2 minutes ago, All Astronauts said:

It's not a bug - there are just two plugins competing over the same space.

Re-enable Group Colors and drag it above the Itzverified one in the plugin list and give that a try - hooks are applied in order top to bottom - I think that will work but that depends on how that plugin is hooking in there (if they are inserting inside the H1 at the end now instead of overwriting the whole template - are you using the latest version of that - they just updated it 6 hours ago)

Yes, I am using the latest version (for yours and the other). The only issue is I cannot rearrange them because yours is a plugin while the other one is an application. 


Maybe another plugin removes several classes from the HTML markup. I will check if I can use another hook.

Update: I looked for the icon in the posts. I use the class cAuthorPane_author to add these icons. Maybe the class is missing in your installation b/c of another plugin?


That is what @tsdevelopment said when I first reported the issue (not thinking it was your plugin causing it at the time)

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Ahh, they list it as a plugin in description.

Well. Yeah, we're fighting over the same space. The hitch being {$member->name} is dumped inside the h1 and the only way to do stuff with that via hooks is grabbing the h1.

For them, now at least since they aren't overwriting the whole header, it's an easy hook as they just tell the hook to insert inside the h1 at the end.

For me though, I *have* to grab the entire h1 as that's the only way to get at that {$member->name} bit - if there were <span>s around that var we wouldn't be having this convo.

Let me think if I can get around this some other way... worse comes to worse I can do you a solid and just throw out one that doesn't have the profile hook.

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4 minutes ago, All Astronauts said:

Ahh, they list it as a plugin in description.

Well. Yeah, we're fighting over the same space. The hitch being {$member->name} is dumped inside the h1 and the only way to do stuff with that via hooks is grabbing the h1.

For them, now at least since they aren't overwriting the whole header, it's an easy hook as they just tell the hook to insert inside the h1 at the end.

For me though, I *have* to grab the entire h1 as that's the only way to get at that {$member->name} bit - if there were <span>s around that var we wouldn't be having this convo.

Let me think if I can get around this some other way... worse comes to worse I can do you a solid and just throw out one that doesn't have the profile hook.


Thank you so much :)

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Group Colors on User Links 17 Released!

For anyone following along, I worked this up. Bottom line is if this was going to get compatible with that app it would need to be me to fix it - apps first over plugins in hook order. I've added specific checks in various templates for the application and if present and enabled, call that app's templates. All other paths involve some deep low-level output manipulation and it is so not worth it -if even grimly possible.

Also changed the forum aside hook point to more tightly target things.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Is there any chance we could either get an option to disable group names, or get compatibility with a plugin which does so? I was hoping to use this excellent plugin in conjunction with this one, but that plugin removes the formatting from this one.

Either way, thank you for this excellent addition!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heads up this appears fine on first pass with 4.5.

Also heads up if you have not bought this yet but wish too, price is going up to the new IPS minimum with the incoming 4.5 marketplace (FYI if has not been mentioned before, the minimum price - if something isn't free - will be $10) - so, save a few bucks and get in now before the switch is thrown in a week or two or three

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What he said.  They are taking a bit more in commission and setting a floor for minimum price which is fine as they have always covered the chargeback fees when scammers do stuff.  Between that and finally getting the marketplace into the acp things are looking up for 3rd party devs which is good for end users.

Next week at the earliest is when we will be able to upload official 4.5 versions of our apps and plugins, the ones that will show up in the new marketplace. That should give you an idea where we are in the 4.5 release process.

Another reason for the minimum charge now is that all 3rd party releases, everyone one,  including simple patches,  small updates,  etc., will now be manually reviewed and approved before release into the marketplace. That's a bit of labor,  but again,  good for end users. 

Edited by All Astronauts
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  • 11 months later...

Whew, almost one year later. Quality bump.

V19 inbound once approved, but you can see the changes in the MP description if you like (I just went ahead and changed it)

Had to adjust the hovercard hook for Invision Community 4.6 and then killed some time before going to bed (now...) by adding in a new formatting option: anywhere a template calls the template plugin {member='name'} you can format those universally with a new setting. All or nothing with those right now though I *might* let you filter out (or conversely allow specific) apps later on.

EDIT: July 1st this was approved and is now available in the MP. 

Edited by All Astronauts
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  • 7 months later...
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