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Google AdSense Auto Ads


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1 hour ago, Phil Lilley said:

I'm glad someone else is having issues.  I just initiated them.  This is what I'm getting:


Double ads.


Ad over the post, not in between posts.  

Anybody else seeing this?


Add this code to your custom.css Phil, fixed the ads that appeared over the posts for me among other things:

#ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 300px; height: 250px; }
@media (min-width:380px) { #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 336px; height: 280px; } }
@media (min-width:764px) { #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 728px; height: 90px; } }
@media (min-width:980px) { #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 468px; height: 60px; } }
@media (min-width:1160px) { #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 728px; height: 90px; } }

#ipsLayout_sidebar .adsbygoogle { width: 300px; height: 250px; }
@media (min-width:380px) { #ipsLayout_sidebar .adsbygoogle { width: 336px; height: 280px; } }
@media (min-width:980px) { #ipsLayout_sidebar .adsbygoogle { width: 300px; height: 600px; } }

.adsbygoogle {


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11 hours ago, Saurabh Jain said:

They have a small code to be added on between head

Yes this can be done with global template

However this also shows ads on login /  register pages   which are not allowed

so how can we place a code between heads and disable ads on  non content pages


Adsense is pretty good at detecting where not to place ads, but there's a specific option where you can create groups of URLs to not display ads. Simply add your login and registration links, privacy policy, etc. I did that on one of my sites along with the entire /forum section and ads are not displayed.


I don't know the specific terms, but I'm sure this is something Google is aware of since they specifically tell you to load the code in those global places, whereas with regular Adsense, you need to place them specifically where you want them (and follow their TOS).

Edited by Cemmos
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5 minutes ago, Cemmos said:

Adsense is pretty good at detecting where not to place ads, but there's a specific option where you can create groups of URLs to not display ads. Simply add your login and registration links, privacy policy, etc. I did that on one of my sites along with the entire /forum section and ads are not displayed.


I don't know the specific terms, but I'm sure this is something Google is aware of since they specifically tell you to load the code in those global places, whereas with regular Adsense, you need to place them specifically where you want them (and follow their TOS).

I can see option  - to create new url group...  on clicking it says  choose your domain   for type of ads...

but I cannot see the specific url option where not to show ads 

Can you please check and share 

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9 minutes ago, Saurabh Jain said:

I can see option  - to create new url group...  on clicking it says  choose your domain   for type of ads...

but I cannot see the specific url option where not to show ads 

Can you please check and share 

Click the Add URL button and a popup will come up.


Type in the URL that you want to hide all ads on (such as www.YOURSITE.com/register)

Trailing slash and http/https don't matter — they'll be stripped anyway.

Repeat adding your URLs for every page you want to disable ads from, then go to your site in the list below and click on the arrow dropdown (to reveal the URLs you just added). Select each one of them and continue to the next page. On the next page I believe you'll select each ad type that should be shown. Uncheck all of them, including the small button at the button about future ad type, then proceed. You can name it.

For example, I have multiple sites that use the same auto ad code. I name mine as such:

Site1.com - no ads
Site2.com - no ads

3 minutes ago, Saurabh Jain said:

there is url option too

which all pages should i block


1 login

2 register 


I don't actually use it on my IPS site, but I set it up for when I want to use it:


But my URLs are customized, except login, lostpassword, and contact. So your mileage will vary. For instance, all of my documents such as terms of service, ad disclosure, and privacy policy are under the /policy page, so including only that one will also remove the ads from /policy/privacy, /policy/terms, etc.

Keep in mind that Google themselves are also very good at not displaying ads on pages they think shouldn't have ads, such as those ones with very little text on them that don't seem like an article.

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On 27/02/2018 at 11:45 PM, CSSlife said:

Add this code to your custom.css Phil, fixed the ads that appeared over the posts for me among other things:

#ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 300px; height: 250px; }
@media (min-width:380px) { #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 336px; height: 280px; } }
@media (min-width:764px) { #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 728px; height: 90px; } }
@media (min-width:980px) { #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 468px; height: 60px; } }
@media (min-width:1160px) { #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle { width: 728px; height: 90px; } }

#ipsLayout_sidebar .adsbygoogle { width: 300px; height: 250px; }
@media (min-width:380px) { #ipsLayout_sidebar .adsbygoogle { width: 336px; height: 280px; } }
@media (min-width:980px) { #ipsLayout_sidebar .adsbygoogle { width: 300px; height: 600px; } }

.adsbygoogle {


When I insert this code, iit was hiding all other google ads in the forum.

Equalizes random ads, but is there a solution that does not hide other ads?

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On 09/03/2018 at 5:56 PM, crackingbg said:

When I insert this code, iit was hiding all other google ads in the forum.

Equalizes random ads, but is there a solution that does not hide other ads?

try this part on its own?


.adsbygoogle {



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  • 1 month later...

Hi, I have just installed AutoAds and everything will be perfect but ... In-Article Ads appear over the text. I have tride solution from CSSlife and

If I use:

1. solution - nothing changes

2. solution (only "display:inline") - In-Article Ads looks great but other don't appear at all

Any clues?

Thank you


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/26/2018 at 4:01 AM, asigno said:

I'm having the same issue, have posted on the Adsense forum hoping to get someone from Google to comment. 

Would be great if you could comment there too: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/adsense/eftgSJTTBg0;context-place=topicsearchin/adsense/auto$20ads$20appearing$20over$20content


Is there a solution yet? Hate the ads over text ?

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34 minutes ago, Duken said:

Is there a solution yet? Hate the ads over text ?

I have complaints about it as well . The only solution I could apply was @AlexWebsites advice below. I have decided to show the ads to guests and users with very few posts. But to tell the truth the Auto Ads have made a big difference in terms of revenue. It is almost 4 times more compared to times before Auto Ads.


Edited by ABGenc
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3 hours ago, Duken said:

Is there a solution yet? Hate the ads over text ?

Hi @Duken I'd recommend posting on the Google forum https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/adsense/eftgSJTTBg0;context-place=topicsearchin/adsense/auto%2420ads%2420appearing%2420over%2420content

The last response was as below:


Many thanks for the screenshots: those are helpful. I have 'escalated' this thread to the attention of Google employees which I can do as a Top Contributor (please read https://topcontributor.withgoogle.com/ for more information). I'm not in a position to promise anything (no guarantees that it will be fixed or that you will hear anything from Google), but it's apparent that this is a bug that's affecting a number of sites, and at least Google is aware of it.


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4 hours ago, Duken said:

Thank you for the hint. What kind of code did you add? Just to be sure ?

Custom Ad -> Supply HTML Cod  -> <Ad Code given by Google> -> Custom Location -> Custom Locations Key = Google_Adsense_Auto -> Shows to -> Guests

and in globaltemplate right before the commented if statement.

		<!--[if lt IE 9]>


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  • 1 month later...
On 4/25/2018 at 7:57 PM, eMCe71 said:

Hi, I have just installed AutoAds and everything will be perfect but ... In-Article Ads appear over the text. I have tride solution from CSSlife and

If I use:

1. solution - nothing changes

2. solution (only "display:inline") - In-Article Ads looks great but other don't appear at all

Any clues?

Thank you


Is there a solution yet?

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All I can say is keep hammering google about it. It’s not an invision problem unfortunately (or it would likely be fixed by now). The more people posting about it with google, the more likelihood of a reply. 

I don’t know if any of the IPS staff have any contacts at the big G, but if you do, this would be a good one to try and pressure them to solve. The increase to monetization is significant (which is a huge plus for your customers) but the overlap issues make it unusable. 

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So, let's suppose I only want to show the ads to guest/visitors. How should I set it up?

I created a custom ads, selected guests only and got this code:


Where am I supposed to put this code now? In the <body> ? I ask because Google says to put their code in the <head>. What should I do?

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