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Staff Applications System

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About This File

Are you looking for staff? Developers? Designers? Or anything else? This application will help admins/moderators to find people to help in their boards.

Here's a quick rundown of some of the features for this resource:

  • Extra Fields
  • Module to add Positions on ACP (moderator, webdesigner, developer, etc)
  • Ability to automatically move the "winner" member to a chosen group (you inform the group when you're adding the application record)
  • Ability to restrict the application by: Content count, Reputation points/likes, Number of days as member, Minimum age and groups
  • Ability to inform how many places the position has. Example: you can create an application record to "hire" 3 moderators.
  • Module on ModeratorCP to view all pending records from all applications
  • Compatible with most important features from IPS 4.2 (Recommended Comments, Content Message, Reactions, Member History, Richer Embeds, etc.)
  • Fully integrated to the framework: tag system, follow system, report system, search system, activity streams, share Links, etc.
  • Moderator actions on applications, comments and reviews
  • Moderator permission to approve/reject applications
  • Ability to create RSS feeds from member applications
  • Etc.


Edited by Adriano Faria
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Sorry to ask such a basic question but I wasn't able to tell from the screenshots.

Can guests apply?

I seem to recall this application on a previous version of IPS, and if I recall correctly it didn't but I seem to recall you said you'd look into it. This would be a great addition to my site, however I have very few members currently and 95% of my traffic is that of guests.

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No. I really don't think interesting an admin promote someone that he doesn't know (as a member) to a staff position for 2 main reasons:

  • You wouldn't be able to restrict the applications by the way you can for members:
    • you can require X number of posts; Y days as a member; Z rep points, etc
  • The guest WILL have to create an account to become a staff member (since guests can't moderate), so I think it's better sooner than later.


Edited by Adriano Faria
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5 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

No. I really don't think interesting an admin promote someone that he doesn't know (as a member) to a staff position for 2 main reasons:

  • You wouldn't be able to restrict the applications by the way you can for members:
    • you can require X number of posts; Y days as a member; Z rep points, etc
  • The guest WILL have to create an account to become a staff member (since guests can't moderate), so I think it's better sooner than later.


I would be aiming to find media related team positions, such as writers and video creators.

Perhaps a toggle setting? *Allow guests to apply?

Edited by Joey_M
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Hello my friends Adriano no fun Staff application system   

after the correct installation when I enter the application in the main tab of the forum, the page in WHITE is attached, screenshot.  http://prntscr.com/hx1ehj.   http://prntscr.com/hx1esf

I pray that it can be solved, that it is a wizard of the applications for these forums, I am waiting for your answer.

thank you very much

Edited by cristian romero garcia
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What's New in Version 1.0.1:

New Feature:

  • Added support to Forums app as a new setting in the category
    • A topic will be created when a new application is submitted
    • This topic will be udpated everytime the application is edit to reflex the changes


  • Changed FURL to avoid blank screen error

@cristian romero garcia, update your install with newest version. Will fix the blank issue error.


I received two PMs with similar doubts so i added this note to the file description and will add it here too:

Permission: NO ONE except staff (with proper permisison) will be able to view/read or know who are the applicants. All that regular members will know is the number of users who applied to it.

Edited by Adriano Faria
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On 1/7/2018 at 6:12 PM, Adriano Faria said:

What's New in Version 1.0.1:

New Feature:

  • Added support to Forums app as a new setting in the category
    • A topic will be created when a new application is submitted
    • This topic will be udpated everytime the application is edit to reflex the changes


  • Changed FURL to avoid blank screen error

@cristian romero garcia, update your install with newest version. Will fix the blank issue error.


I received two PMs with similar doubts so i added this note to the file description and will add it here too:

Permission: NO ONE except staff (with proper permisison) will be able to view/read or know who are the applicants. All that regular members will know is the number of users who applied to it.

Can applicants send attachments when applying for a position @Adriano?

If not, please would you add it? This would be an awesome addition, as I wrote before purchasing I am looking for graphic designers and writers - assessing their skills will be paramount to who myself and my partner accept.

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27 minutes ago, JTHastings said:

Just purchased/installed. I created a new Application and it is listed on the Applications page. However, when  click on the Application to see the details and Apply it goes to a Classified Advert page. Any idea what could cause this?

Wasn’t you that sent a PM a few days back with same issue in another app?

It has absolutely nothing to do with Classifieds. :sick:

Unless you have changed the FURL from Classifieds. Do you?

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41 minutes ago, JTHastings said:

Just purchased/installed. I created a new Application and it is listed on the Applications page. However, when  click on the Application to see the details and Apply it goes to a Classified Advert page. Any idea what could cause this?

No, it was another user. Please, send a Pm with credentials. I’ll take a look tomorrow in the morning. 

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