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9 minutes ago, Papastache said:

This is what it looks like when changing Points name on everyone's profile: https://gyazo.com/c26f6cc7d0ef5b17efaa2d6a6203cb27

Try running the support tool and clearing the cache

9 minutes ago, Papastache said:

Also doesn't update in the extended member profile: https://gyazo.com/88dda25319c10551c535b7c30cb49dfc

Yes that will be in a update for the enhanced user info panel.

18 hours ago, keshas said:

Hello, we are still missing on new updates that members could pin topics that they created, but not everybody everybody's. Could we have this some time soon? :)

To be honest I forgot about that request, I will look into it for 1.0.8

6 hours ago, SerialNoob said:

Negative points coming soon? :(

What way do you want the negative points to work?

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Don't know if I#ve missed this, but is there a way to create a random item?  In the sense that you can select which category it looks at , so if I have 5 items in category A and buy a "Random Item", I could get item 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 (depending on stock levels of course)

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13 hours ago, KPDub said:

Don't know if I#ve missed this, but is there a way to create a random item?  In the sense that you can select which category it looks at , so if I have 5 items in category A and buy a "Random Item", I could get item 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 (depending on stock levels of course)

No there is no mystery box for the items them self

12 hours ago, SerialNoob said:

Mostly deleted and hidden content. They get points when a content is created, I want the points to be removed when the content is deleted or hidden

Yes sorry, That is near the top of my notes to do for the updates

12 hours ago, silenceheaven said:

Could an extension for items be created so I can make my own item types easily?

Not yet, Once I am finished most of the updates I have planned then I will start working on extensions for other devs / members to start adding their own to it, but for now my priorities are in the update requests I got for the app

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1 minute ago, Lycanth said:

I'd be very interested in a mystery box too! Also, as a hopeful soon purchaser, is there any way to use my own images for items, or does it have to be the fa-fa icons?

Adding images instead of font-awesome icons is next on my list of updates

On 4/17/2018 at 10:14 PM, jinnie said:

Are there any plans on having a feature where users can purchase medals from the trophies & medals app with points?

To be honest I didn't think about the medals I only done trophies, I will look into it and see what I come up with

On 4/9/2018 at 6:36 PM, KPDub said:

Any plans for it by chance?

I will add it to the list

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Anybody else just seeing broken images when looking at the screenshots/images for this application?

Is this similar to Adriano's classifications system in that users can sell their items (digital or physical) with money and/or points? The description makes it sound like they can only buy with points but they can buy points.

The reason this gets tricky for me is that I want my users to earn points but I don't want to force my sellers to sell their goods for points. I would not want to front the bill to make up the difference unless I can say there is no exchange of points for cash.

My next question is how does this application work with affiliate products (people who wish to list products for sale that are affiliate links) and people who wish to create products on our marketplace and create an affiliate commissions on their products.

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On 4/26/2018 at 10:13 AM, Josiah Wallingford said:

Anybody else just seeing broken images when looking at the screenshots/images for this application?

Is this similar to Adriano's classifications system in that users can sell their items (digital or physical) with money and/or points? The description makes it sound like they can only buy with points but they can buy points.

The reason this gets tricky for me is that I want my users to earn points but I don't want to force my sellers to sell their goods for points. I would not want to front the bill to make up the difference unless I can say there is no exchange of points for cash.

My next question is how does this application work with affiliate products (people who wish to list products for sale that are affiliate links) and people who wish to create products on our marketplace and create an affiliate commissions on their products.

It doesnt support custom items 


I wanted it for that reason but its not been added. 


It DOES support custom items, 




What this does it allows the user to pick this option and then its on the mod./admin to deliver said custom item via which option is required. 
I would like to see and the author has noted that he has it marked down for there to be the ability to add a text area ( I specifically would like users to be able to buy codes for games ) in the future. 

Edited by Vanucci
Misleading information
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17 minutes ago, Vanucci said:

It doesnt support custom items 


I wanted it for that reason but its not been added. 

It does have custom items, You create a custom item and the user redeems it then you award it / send it / do what ever the custom item is for.

12 hours ago, Josiah Wallingford said:

Anybody else just seeing broken images when looking at the screenshots/images for this application?

Yes, I have uploaded them loads of times yet they still break, it's not only this, it happens with a lot of marketplace files

12 hours ago, Josiah Wallingford said:

Is this similar to Adriano's classifications system in that users can sell their items (digital or physical) with money and/or points? The description makes it sound like they can only buy with points but they can buy points.

Only admins can create items

12 hours ago, Josiah Wallingford said:

My next question is how does this application work with affiliate products (people who wish to list products for sale that are affiliate links) and people who wish to create products on our marketplace and create an affiliate commissions on their products.

Same as above, Only admins can create items

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