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Hello @opentype,

I have been having an issue with records getting published without actually getting published and then actually "going live" a few hours later. 

Originally I though it was an RSS feed issue and reported it to IPS Support here:

However, it appears that is only relates to the database that I use SuperGrid on and is corrected when I change the database templates back to IPS ones.

The issue at hand is that when I schedule a Record to go live at say 8am, it will do everything it should appear to be live at that time for me.  However, if I login to a different account or view as a guest, the article is still hidden.  IP.Pages believes the record is live via both the article posting info and the publish date in the Admin CP, however, it is still acts hidden and will not actually do any of the tasks it should when a record would get published (like be visible or add itself to the RSS feed).  However, in a few hours, the article will go live and the publish time will reset to whenever that is and everything will run as it should after that point.

I have tried:

  • Clearing the system cache
  • Uninstalled Supergrid, deleted the templates (IP.Pages templates), cleared the cache, and reinstalled.

I use Supergrid on nearly all my sites and this is the only one with the problem.  It is also the only one I have on IPS's Cloud.

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10 hours ago, UncrownedGuard said:

I have been having an issue with records getting published without actually getting published and then actually "going live" a few hours later. 

There really should not be a connection tot the template used. All a template does is change the appearance of content when viewed. It doesn’t affect anything else and certainly not in other areas (like feeds). All of those act independently. A database record doesn’t even have to be opened, so my template wouldn’t even be executed in any way.

From what you describe it sounds more like a problem with background tasks or time zones. 

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On 8/6/2022 at 1:29 AM, opentype said:

There really should not be a connection tot the template used. All a template does is change the appearance of content when viewed. It doesn’t affect anything else and certainly not in other areas (like feeds). All of those act independently. A database record doesn’t even have to be opened, so my template wouldn’t even be executed in any way.

From what you describe it sounds more like a problem with background tasks or time zones. 

That was my thought and still is, but I didn't get much help on the support forum, so figured I would try here as well.  Sadly I don't even know how tasks are handled via the cloud as all it says is "Community in rte Cloud Tasks".

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1 hour ago, ntrivilino@alice.it said:

I understand, thanks. Has anyone had this problem after the latest IPB update?

Edit: posted the problem in the support forum 


I have tried it from the front end and the back end and they seem to post just fine here. You might want to disable all other plugins and see if maybe that affects the posting. If so, re-enable one at a time to find the culprit.

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This is a great plug-in and I have it working on a database page now. The lessons you have on Pages and databases are incredibly useful to a newcomer like myself.

I have however encountered a small issue.

When I use the dark theme with Navigation Toolkit 1.2.4 the text on the record display view doesn't show up at all. Am I missing a setting?

Edited by Alex Duffy
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4 hours ago, opentype said:

Have you set a matching background color?


This was happening when I used the switch or button that changed from light to dark and back again at will. So shahed

suggested ...

html[data-theme="dark"] .customClass {
    background: #333;

So I used

html [data-theme="dark"] .SG_record_right_with_image {
  background-color: #40403E;

and that is working so far, thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good day @opentype I hope all is well.

I have a question about the Hero Image. Currently, it is set so that there is the ability to set the 'aspect ratio'. What this does for the 'Record View', is to increase the overall vertical size of the image display within the article. While not as critical as the record view, this is equally true for the 'Listing View'.

Ideally, one does not want to set the ratio too high as it makes the image quite large and sets the record text far below the fold. The issue I am perceiving, is that there are portions of the image that are cut off that is not optimal for the desired display within the record view. Again, while it is not a big deal for the listing view, it does make a difference for the record view.

My question is how feasible would it be to incorporate some type of image manipulator that allows for the movement of the display area so one could customize the display a bit better than having essential parts of an image cut off. For clarity, say I want the left-hand corner of the image to be included, having the ability to select that complete portion of the image would be great.

In an ideal world, this would also include the image aspect ratio that would adjust within the manipulator so that you would see the size of the rendering of that particular ratio.

I hope my explanation of the issue is somewhat clearer than mud.

As always, thank you for the consideration.



Edited by My Sharona
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19 minutes ago, My Sharona said:

My question is how feasible would it be to incorporate some type of image manipulator that allows for the movement of the display area so one could customize the display a bit better than having essential parts of an image cut off.

There are no plans to refine this apart from the aspect ratio options.

But you could override the behaviour in the custom.css. Something like:

.SG_record_image {
background-position: bottom !important;


Currently it also uses background-size:cover, which causes parts of the image to be hidden. You could also change that to something like background-position: contain, which would reduce the image to fit in the container. 

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1 hour ago, opentype said:

There are no plans to refine this apart from the aspect ratio options.

But you could override the behaviour in the custom.css. Something like:

.SG_record_image {
background-position: bottom !important;


Currently it also uses background-size:cover, which causes parts of the image to be hidden. You could also change that to something like background-position: contain, which would reduce the image to fit in the container. 

Thank you good sir.

I think the 'contain' will work. 

If I'm understanding you correctly here, the following would work in the custom css file(?). Simply liking this post will suffice for a reply.

.SG_record_image {
background-position: contain !important;
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6 minutes ago, opentype said:

No, “contain” belongs to “background-size”, not “background-position”. 

If this is what you are saying:

.SG_record_image {
background-size:contain !important;

That indeed contains the image to the display window but it also adds the image again to both sides of the image.

For lack of a better description, something like;
side of imageimageside of image

I don't know if this is due to the height of the image and that I would then need to adjust the 'aspect ratio'(?).

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  • 2 weeks later...


Today Invision displays me this error message:



PHP8 Incompatible Customizations

We are currently in the process of migrating our platform from PHP7 to PHP8 in order to provide you with the greatest level of performance and security. We've identified one or more Applications or Plugins currently installed on your site which contain PHP8 incompatible hooks and/or subclasses. In PHP8, altering overloaded method signatures within a subclass results in a fatal error which can make a site completely inoperable. Also, our hook system relies on subclasses so this change applies to hooks as well. Therefore, this code must be either replaced with an updated version, removed, or disabled from your site as soon as possible. 

If you are not sure what this means, you must contact the Author of any listed Application or Plugin for an updated version. If you cannot update to a PHP8 compatible version, the Application or Plugin will have to be disabled or removed.


I have only SuperGrid and 2 others extensions installed on my system. Could you, please, tell me if yours is PHP8 compatible or not?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi @opentype

I have used this plug in for several years and it's been fantastic for me. I've just had to upgrade my forum software to 4.7.3 and I also upgraded the supergrid plug in so it is compatible. It's working but with a couple of issues, relating to how the images are displayed.

Firstly, on the listings thumbnails the images are tiled when they used to just fill the box (see screenshot below).

Secondly, the image in the head of the article used to be cropped to fit and fill the entire space, but again, I'm getting tiled images (see screenshot).

Can you advise me on how to fix this please?

Thanks for a great product.


Could contain: Person, Human, Advertisement, Poster, Flyer, Brochure, Paper, TextCould contain: Person, Human, Field, People, Football, Team, Sport, Team Sport, Sports, Face

Edited by tlw1999
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