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Basic Points (Support)


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On ‎24‎/‎12‎/‎2015 at 6:18 PM, EmpireKickAss said:

hello some Features ideas 

  • ACP-configurable cash system that allows users to earn and exchange points.
  • Increments can currently be configured for new topics and posts.
  • Allows configuration of cash increments for individual forums.
  • Allows users to donate cash to other users. (links not yet available in profile)
  • MCP module for Managing User Cash.
  • UCP Donation Logs
  • Can earn points for each day that they visit (login increment).
  • Configurable random bonus increments, with toggleable notifications.
  • Tip button on posts, allowing users to quickly donate to one another.
  • Configurable tax on donations.

any updates or above quote to be considered? I haven't got the plugin because there is no use yet for my community. Reasons because with the points what can they use it for?

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On 21/3/2016 at 0:51 AM, EmpireKickAss said:
  • Increments can currently be configured for new topics and posts.
  • Allows configuration of cash increments for individual forums.

I believe that's already implemented how you want.

On 21/3/2016 at 0:51 AM, EmpireKickAss said:

Allows users to donate cash to other users. (links not yet available in profile)

Likely in v1.2.

On 21/3/2016 at 0:51 AM, EmpireKickAss said:

MCP module for Managing User Cash.

Basic support for this exists in the profile page. Either adding/removing points or adjusting the points total.

On 21/3/2016 at 0:51 AM, EmpireKickAss said:

UCP Donation Logs

Profile tab already supported with a members points logs.

On 21/3/2016 at 0:51 AM, EmpireKickAss said:

Can earn points for each day that they visit (login increment).

This is likely in v1.2. Should this be based on physical logins or just page visits?

On 21/3/2016 at 0:51 AM, EmpireKickAss said:

Configurable random bonus increments, with toggleable notifications.

I need a bit more information on how this should be implemented.

On 21/3/2016 at 0:51 AM, EmpireKickAss said:

Tip button on posts, allowing users to quickly donate to one another.

Likely in v1.2

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/27/2015 at 5:06 PM, Mike John said:


Nothing, plugin can be used without active subscription.

Thanks! Exact question I had. New to IPB and it's already more expensive than I bargained for with these awesome marketplace additions. 

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm happy to see a point plugin that has active development and actually works. A few things that I have noticed while setting this up and would like to request.


1) Is it possible to allow decimals for point values? I would like to set 0.5 and 0.25 for some of the values in the forum settings, but the current code doesn't seem to allow it.

2) The points prefix and points name on the settings page doesn't seem to carry over to all pages and elements of the plugin. For instance, the /index.php?/points/ page still uses points for the log and the top earners and the profile page also uses points for the log. I would like to completely remove all reference to the points idea and replace it with my own wording.

3) On the points log, is it possible to replace the ipsBadge +1 with the actual prefix that we use in the settings?

4) Points multiplier based on the level. For instance users who reach level 2 can be set to receive 25% more points that what is set in the forum settings for per topic and reply. Level 3 can be set to receive 50% more points, etc..?

5) Prevent certain groups from earning any points.




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4 hours ago, sabolchi said:

1) Is it possible to allow decimals for point values? I would like to set 0.5 and 0.25 for some of the values in the forum settings, but the current code doesn't seem to allow it.

I'll note this for v1.2. Not a quick edit as points are stored a bit differently right now.

4 hours ago, sabolchi said:

2) The points prefix and points name on the settings page doesn't seem to carry over to all pages and elements of the plugin. For instance, the /index.php?/points/ page still uses points for the log and the top earners and the profile page also uses points for the log. I would like to completely remove all reference to the points idea and replace it with my own wording.

The url is a bit more tricky to handy. I've experimented with changing it in another app of mine but ideally this should be changed in the furl section yourself. IPB4 now allows you to change any friendly url to what ever you want. Let me know if you need instructions or guidance here.

Yeah there were a few areas I missed, let me know a list of anything that was missed and will make sure it's fixed next version.

4 hours ago, sabolchi said:

3) On the points log, is it possible to replace the ipsBadge +1 with the actual prefix that we use in the settings?

Sorry not quite sure what your after here?

4 hours ago, sabolchi said:

4) Points multiplier based on the level. For instance users who reach level 2 can be set to receive 25% more points that what is set in the forum settings for per topic and reply. Level 3 can be set to receive 50% more points, etc..?

And what is the basis for levels? The number of points already owned or some group/perm option?

4 hours ago, sabolchi said:

5) Prevent certain groups from earning any points.

Good idea, should be easy to include this as a group permission next version.

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Thanks for your quick response.


The url is a bit more tricky to handy. I've experimented with changing it in another app of mine but ideally this should be changed in the furl section yourself. IPB4 now allows you to change any friendly url to what ever you want. Let me know if you need instructions or guidance here.

Yeah there were a few areas I missed, let me know a list of anything that was missed and will make sure it's fixed next version.

The points log page and the log on the profile are the only areas I noticed so far. I will check if I can find any others and let you know. Im not really as worried about the url itself and the admin pages don't much matter.


Sorry not quite sure what your after here?

The points log lists the transactions like this


Im wondering if it's possible to have it displayed like the following if I have the points prefix on the settings page set to "$".



And what is the basis for levels? The number of points already owned or some group/perm option?

Sorry, I should have referenced groups here, but was in a bit of a hurry when I posted. My intent was to be able to specify a multiplier based on the user's group, which in my setup indicates level of the user. The option would be under the points tab in the group settings.

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On 12/04/2016 at 9:58 PM, sabolchi said:

Im wondering if it's possible to have it displayed like the following if I have the points prefix on the settings page set to "$".

I'll note this for the next version but if you wanted some template edits to achieve this now, let me know and I'll put something together.

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6 hours ago, Mike John said:

I'll note this for the next version but if you wanted some template edits to achieve this now, let me know and I'll put something together.

Thanks for listening, I'm looking forward to seeing this app develop. No need for a template edit, I will poke around at it more when I am working on the site next. One other question though. Do you have plans to integrate the points with other parts of the suite such as the gallery? For instance being able to set a point amount for each gallery upload?

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8 hours ago, sabolchi said:

Do you have plans to integrate the points with other parts of the suite such as the gallery? For instance being able to set a point amount for each gallery upload?

Yes but still thinking of the best approach to cover a lot of actions.

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4 hours ago, Mike John said:

Yes but still thinking of the best approach to cover a lot of actions.

Glad to hear it's something you are considering.


3 hours ago, Kevin Carwile said:

A rules extension. Its what rules was built for. 

That would be great and I had really hoped to use your rules extensions. Except every time I install it on my forum, it causes errors. I've tried three different times. twice with no other plugins or template modifications and had issues each time.

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15 minutes ago, sabolchi said:

That would be great and I had really hoped to use your rules extensions. Except every time I install it on my forum, it causes errors. I've tried three different times. twice with no other plugins or template modifications and had issues each time.

Um, what errors? Talk to me via PM if you want to get things straightened out.

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On 4/14/2016 at 1:23 AM, Mike John said:

I'll note this for the next version but if you wanted some template edits to achieve this now, let me know and I'll put something together.

Any idea when the next version will be released?

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On 20/03/2016 at 1:51 PM, EmpireKickAss said:

I haven't got the plugin because there is no use yet for my community. Reasons because with the points what can they use it for?

I am with you. I love the idea of this mod and would be great to impliment it into my new community to get members posting but I need a reason for the members to gain something from having the points. What that is I don't know yet.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 21/05/2016 at 0:15 AM, Martin1980 said:

@Mike John I am wondering if your application is a good replacement for the old iEconomy extension from @-RAW-, as their development is not very active ATM. 

For a full blown replacement? No, not now and probably not for some time. That particular app was built up over a number of years. Right now my app has only basic points support, hence the name.

Edited by Mike John
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  • 4 weeks later...
20 hours ago, Mike John said:

For topics/replies or when you are manually adjusting a members points total?

Manually adjusting a points total to below 0. Currently gives you an error if you select to take say 10 off someone that only has 5. 

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