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[Missing] Prune/Mass Move


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I assume you mean the front end features?

We were wary to put this in 4.0 because of countless stories of rogue moderators mass-pruning and entire forum before an admin realized what happened.

But you are right that the missing low-level options to prune/mass-move is sometimes difficult to work around.

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I too have seen 'accidents' with this feature.

I thought about extra protection for it, but thinking again instead of how it was in 3x and 2x ie a global mod option, how about making it only available to those with ACP access and in a global mod group ?

Another idea would be to request the users password I guess, although I am starting to think this should *only* be available in the ACP itself rather than appear on the front end...

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I see my thoughts posted above on making this a "bit safer" were taken into consideration for future implementation, as seen on the Feature Plan page. :)


Moderators will have the ability to perform rule-based actions on the front end to mass move/prune items (Forums app only to start).

These actions will be with administrator permission of course (since this is easily abused) and will be based on rules like date, last activity, and more.

For security and to prevent accidents, moderators will have to re-authenticate using their password for mass actions.

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I assume you mean the front end features?

We were wary to put this in 4.0 because of countless stories of rogue moderators mass-pruning and entire forum before an admin realized what happened.

But you are right that the missing low-level options to prune/mass-move is sometimes difficult to work around.

​This has always been a worry of mine - whether you get a rouge moderator or someone gets a moderator's password.

I just have those functions turned off for moderators to begin with - only the admin can perform those tasks.

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What the problem with the Admin choose which groups can Mass Move/Prune?
If a Admin don't trust their Mods to do that, he should only give permissions to the Admin Group or even to only himself.

I also move old topics to a Section i call Archive.

​I agree with letting the admin/site owner determine who can perform this function.  It's more than trusting mods, if someone gets their password, then they can cause havoc.  I do appreciate IPS leaving this off by default because this is and will be an admin function for me.

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  • 5 months later...

Another often used feature removed from IPB4. Not happy with this "upgrade" thusfar

I can see why it was removed though. I think it is safer in the ACP or at least (as I made the suggestion) a re-authentication option before pruning as its as you know quite destructive, and 'accidents' are known to happen.


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