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Site very slow after upgrading to 3.4.0

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I have download the last Patch.

In the System Scheduler i have the task "Back Up Batch Send" enabled.

Should i disable it, or leave it that way?

The backup batch send should be disabled.

If you've updated via the patch then you can leave it enabled and it still won't run.

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Actually, frustratingly, despite the PHP documentation saying that an undefined constant will return NULL, what actually happens (at least with PHP 5.3) is that it is converted into a string and returned as true! Argh!

Marcher: Sorry, but the documentation does not lie. This is well documented and has had the same behaviour since pre PHP 4.0.

The documentation at http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.constants.syntax.php says: If you use an undefined constant, PHP assumes that you mean the name of the constant itself, just as if you called it as a string (CONSTANT vs "CONSTANT").

The function 'constant' does however return null if the supplied name is not a valid constant. But as documented, it will also raise an E_WARNING if the constant is not defined (which seems rather backwards, but at least it's documented as well).
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Marcher: Sorry, but the documentation does not lie. This is well documented and has had the same behaviour since pre PHP 4.0.

The documentation at http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.constants.syntax.php says: If you use an undefined constant, PHP assumes that you mean the name of the constant itself, just as if you called it as a string (CONSTANT vs "CONSTANT").

The function 'constant' does however return null if the supplied name is not a valid constant. But as documented, it will also raise an E_WARNING if the constant is not defined (which seems rather backwards, but at least it's documented as well).

It does lie(I gave an example of it, that php.ini, short_open_tags is disabled at default and is frowned upon), just not there, remember I did notice the issue :smile: .

Thanks for the link.

Just to reiterate that the update I made to the patch about 45 minutes ago fixes this issue completely.


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It does lie(I gave an example of it, that php.ini, short_open_tags is disabled at default and is frowned upon), just not there, remember I did notice the issue :smile: .

The default value in PHP is not the same as the default value in the distributed suggested .ini file or the .ini file provided by your distributions package system.

You can see this by asking PHP not to read the php.ini file:

~ ► php -n -r "var_dump(ini_get('short_open_tag'));"
string(1) "1"
~ ► php -v
PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.4 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Sep 12 2012 18:59:41)
Copyright © 1997-2012 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright © 1998-2012 Zend Technologies

Hope that clears it up and I'll leave it as that, as this is not relevant for the discussion in this thread.
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Last 7 days: Who wants to guess where the upgrade happened?

I would suggest to submit a ticket to IPS with your findings and they may be able to find something out for you.

And you may also contact your host and hear with them whether they have a slow log for your database to look at.

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Our forum is Legacy, so we don't have an open support contract. No tickets for me.

The 3.4 upgrade has been horrible. The backup bug brought our server completely to the ground.

Even after the patch, I have the following problems:

Extremely slow: we had less than 1 second page loads before the upgrade, 30 second plus page loads after the upgrade.

I can hit the reply button to a post, and in a separate tab view new posts, select the thread, and read my reply before the first tab's progress bar disappears.

SQL error wrapper is not capturing 1040 errors from the SQL engine, returns a blank description of the error.

In some browsers, if a desktop user gets into the mobile skin, the "view full version" button does not work to return them to the full skin.

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Then please reply to your support ticket. I hope you understand that determining the cause of a resource issue is not typically black and white. If we literally knew "x" is going to cause a site to consume 100% CPU, we would just fix or remove that functionality that in the software itself and not be asking you to submit a ticket so that we can help you investigate. The things you outlined sound like typical "first steps" in looking in to resource issues that a single client is reporting.

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I've got a 2 page support ticket which resulted in no actual fix that ends with IPB support saying "I'm not sure what we can do at this point," ie they gave up, so don't accuse me of not replying to my ticket, the reason I'm posting here again is in case someone has anything they could fix.

The ticket is now 'resolved' because IPB have no idea what they've broken on my site, and I have to hope I don't get kicked off my host (since my usage spiked from 25-50% to near-constant 100%) and have to hope a new version magically fixes the problem in the same way this upgrade magically broke it.

This latest update has been a fucking disgrace. It's broken the key promote to article functionality I use to build my frontpage (because I use databases to create forum content then promote it), and it's wrecked my usage. And I've got no help for either problem except to say that they might fix the promote button in a future update.

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Our site has been sluggish today, but for other reasons. It is not due to the backup system.

Unfortunately it seems this site has been sluggish all day yesterday and today while I was browsing the forums and marketplace.. Numerous times I received timed out errors and had to wait a few minutes to hit refresh...? :sad:

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I've got a 2 page support ticket which resulted in no actual fix that ends with IPB support saying "I'm not sure what we can do at this point," ie they gave up, so don't accuse me of not replying to my ticket, the reason I'm posting here again is in case someone has anything they could fix.

The ticket is now 'resolved' because IPB have no idea what they've broken on my site, and I have to hope I don't get kicked off my host (since my usage spiked from 25-50% to near-constant 100%) and have to hope a new version magically fixes the problem in the same way this upgrade magically broke it.

This latest update has been a fucking disgrace. It's broken the key promote to article functionality I use to build my frontpage (because I use databases to create forum content then promote it), and it's wrecked my usage. And I've got no help for either problem except to say that they might fix the promote button in a future update.

What is the ticket id? Something isn't jiving here. Tickets are generally escalated as needed for this sort of thing and I haven't seen it, and none of the other devs working T3 have mentioned it.

The promote to article functionality is an issue in IP.Content that has been fixed for 2.3.4, which is currently in beta testing. That feature is part of IP.Content, which has not yet had a release since 3.4.0 went out. Incompatibilities happen at times. I apologize for the inconvenience, but it's just the nature of new software releases.

Unfortunately it seems this site has been sluggish all day yesterday and today while I was browsing the forums and marketplace.. Numerous times I received timed out errors and had to wait a few minutes to hit refresh...? :sad:

We have DDOS mitigation software enabled which can cause issues for certain users. Unfortunately, our servers were being attacked and something had to be done to fend off the attacks. As they subside, the hosting team has been lowering the filtering levels which will mean less problems for legitimate users.

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