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Site very slow after upgrading to 3.4.0

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This is a great example of why professional IT folks have development, test, and sometimes staging systems. Upgrading your production system without having tested and documented the upgrade process, without having tested the upgraded system under load, etc is just asking for problems.

In today's world, where "infrastructure as a service" is so cheap and easily available, there is no reason not to have tested the upgrade first.

Setting up an environment to test the upgrade is a good chance to test your backups and recovery plan, too!

Obviously this isn't helpful to those that have already made the jump to 3.4.0, but perhaps it give anyone thinking about making the leap something to think about.


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This is a great example of why professional IT folks have development, test, and sometimes staging systems. Upgrading your production system without having tested and documented the upgrade process, without having tested the upgraded system under load, etc is just asking for problems.

In today's world, where "infrastructure as a service" is so cheap and easily available, there is no reason not to have tested the upgrade first.

Setting up an environment to test the upgrade is a good chance to test your backups and recovery plan, too!

Obviously this isn't helpful to those that have already made the jump to 3.4.0, but perhaps it give anyone thinking about making the leap something to think about.


So what in my situation? I get stuck on the previous version forever? What good is that.

If IPS don't have confidence enough in their products they shouldn't release them. I've been hit with 4 specific bugs with this new version (cpu usage, center code vanishing in ipcontent, promote content button gone, skin issue), one that has major implications for my server/host, one that has major implications for my frontpage (for a program advertised as being able to use forum content as front-page content, this is completely broken for me, and I rely on that, and one that wrecked the ability to use the site for my users. I always keep backups, but the three other bugs apart from the CPU usage went un-noticed for some time (I only found out about the skin bug and the center bug tonight), and my site uses IP.Nexus for a store, which means I'd have to completely wipe out records of real-world purchases and money transfers.

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So what in my situation? I get stuck on the previous version forever? What good is that.

I do not see where that was suggested or implied.

What I did suggest was that rather than jumping into the deep end without a plan, you should have had a plan in place that included testing the upgrade in a non-production environment. Please be clear, I am not trying to pick on you. It is quite okay to not be an IT professional. I am trying to give ideas to other people like you before they make the same mistake that you did, that is all.

Another thing that most IT professionals know: Being an early adopter for major releases is often a bad idea, unless you enjoy being a beta tester for the product and can afford to do so.


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Another thing that most IT professionals know: Being an early adopter for major releases is often a bad idea, unless you enjoy being a beta tester for the product and can afford to do so.

Sad, but so true.

The problem is that, in some cases, the problems are fixed only on the next version, so this leaves us no choice, since the version we are upgrading fix the errors of the previous version. A paradox ?

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So what in my situation? I get stuck on the previous version forever? What good is that.

If IPS don't have confidence enough in their products they shouldn't release them. I've been hit with 4 specific bugs with this new version (cpu usage, center code vanishing in ipcontent, promote content button gone, skin issue), one that has major implications for my server/host, one that has major implications for my frontpage (for a program advertised as being able to use forum content as front-page content, this is completely broken for me, and I rely on that, and one that wrecked the ability to use the site for my users. I always keep backups, but the three other bugs apart from the CPU usage went un-noticed for some time (I only found out about the skin bug and the center bug tonight), and my site uses IP.Nexus for a store, which means I'd have to completely wipe out records of real-world purchases and money transfers.

We do have confidence in our software. We are running it here on our company forums, and we are running it live on invisionpower.com (yes, that is entirely powered by our software, mostly IP.Content and IP.Nexus). :)

Either the bugs you ran in to were not caught by testers before hand (such as the promote to article link missing), or we simply are not able to reproduce them at will. This is what technical support is for.

Request ID 828936

In looking at the ticket, it appears that our last responses indicated that we needed to know what specifically is consuming more resources in your environment. I don't like to take tickets public (as they are inherently private), so feel free to reply to your ticket and reopen it so we can continue to assist you there. Ultimately, when you are hosted on another environment, if you face resource issues we will need specifics to investigate.

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Sad, but so true.

The problem is that, in some cases, the problems are fixed only on the next version, so this leaves us no choice, since the version we are upgrading fix the errors of the previous version. A paradox ?

Nonsense. You just need to upgrade in this case once 3.4.1 is out. i.e. a .0.1 bug fix not wait until the next major version comes out.

Those of us who have been around a while don't rush to upgrade. I'm still on 3.3.4 and I'll be waiting for 3.4.1 to come out. That also gives times for the skins I use to be updated.


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I wish i never upgraded to 3.4.0 it has made my site very slow, i upgraded last night so presume i downloaded the updated patched version. Still site is loading so much slower now, very frustrating. I hope their is a proper fix for this soon.

You should submit a ticket if you are experiencing extreme slowness. We have actually found one or two bugs that we've since resolved due to people submitting a ticket. Simply posting in a topic that your site is slow following an update does not help us determine why that may be. :)

The vast majority of users are not experiencing any noticeable speed differences between the versions, so if you are, it is possible you are affected by some as-of-yet unnoticed issue, or an issue that only crops up in specific hosting environments, or similar.

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