Classic self-hosted technical help
Problems related to your server or other classic, self-hosted edition issues.
4,396 topics in this forum
by warrior1306- 0 replies
I have the forums in one part of my site, but we are adding a video uploading part that requires a login, I can edit the video login. I don't want my members to have multiple accounts on my site. How do I retrieve the member's username and passwords from database of the forums so my member's can log in with the same credentials on both parts of the site?
Last reply by warrior1306, -
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
Hello Guys, just need some optimising advice.. My current server spec is Processor: Intel Q9400 QUAD CORE » Memory: 8GB DDR2 SDRAM » Hd1: Dual 500GB SATA / Hardware Raid 1 » Hd2: 500GB 7200RPM SATA / 8MB Cache My.CNF Settings [mysqld] max_connections = 1000 safe-show-database skip-locking key_buffer = 256M max_allowed_packet = 64M table_cache = 256 sort_buffer_size = 128M read_buffer_size = 256M read_rnd_buffer_size = 128M myisam_sort_buffer_size = 256M thread_cache_size = 128 query_cache_size= 128M thread_concurrency = 64 wait_timeout = 30 innodb_file_per_table innodb_log_file_size = 10485760 open_files_limit = 8192 max_heap_table_size = 512…
Last reply by Gary., -
- 3 replies
Since installing our board a few years ago we've never removed any of the files that could be now considered of no use. My first question I guess is simply is there a tool to remove all unused or old files from our directories which were part of an older installation and which are no longer used. I've quickly went through our site and have listed those files below which I reckon are no longer needed - I've renamed them already and so far the board is running fine, so next step is to delete them but before I do so can anyone confirm they are safe to be deleted?. I realise some may not be part of a previous install and could possibly be part of an old mod or something…
Last reply by markopolo2002, -
- 6 replies
Hi there, I may be running IPB on Windows soon, and was wondering if I should opt for MySQL or MSSQL 2008 R2. Whilst both have there advantages, which gives the best performance? Are there any issues reported when using Wincache?
Last reply by shamil, -
- 1 reply
I give a hand to a forum. I just realize that all the erased messages from the forum are still in the database, all the query are still present. I can't find how to clean up all the database and when I want to make a backup I got the message of MySql out of memory. Thank's a lot in advance.
Last reply by Robulosity2, -
- 2 replies
Has anybody played around with the Percona XtraDB Storage Engine with IPS ? Apparently it presents a number of improvements over standard InnoDB but I haven't messed around with it at all. Percona server is also available as a replacement for mysql (basically a patched version of mysql):
Last reply by shamil, -
- 14 replies
There's this really strange issue going on, on my forums. On my forum, we have a custom field that we call "Experience." Staff ads exp. points whenever a member does something they deem worthy. Any way, for some reason this WORKS perfectly (meaning we can add/subtract exp points) for all members EXPECT one of them. This particular member, whenever we try to add/subtract points, yields a 500 Internal Server Error. I don't understand why it does it for her. I go into her profile. click edit profile, proceed to change this one variable and then BOOM, get hit with the error. Does anybody know why this happens, or have a solution b/c I really do not. :/
Last reply by AndyF, -
- 7 replies
Hello For a server: # 2x Intel Xeon Quad 5405 # 8192 MB FB DDR2 RAM # 500 GB 7.200 RPM 1.000 Mbit Unshared Centos 64Bit What settings i can use for my.cnf and php.ini? my.cnf: Thank you [mysqld] port = 3306 socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock skip-locking skip-innodb skip-bdb key_buffer = 10M max_allowed_packet = 1M table_cache = 1024 sort_buffer_size = 2M read_buffer_size = 1M read_rnd_buffer_size = 1M net_buffer_length = 2K thread_stack = 64K log-slow-queries = /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log server-id = 1 skip-networking [mysqldump] quick max_allowed_packet = 1M [mysql] no-auto-rehash safe-updates [isa…
Last reply by *Salvo*, -
- 7 replies
When hosting a site is it preferable to host in the country of your target audience? Does this affect search rankings if hosted in say the US for a UK site thats a .com? Does a sites ping if its 127ms seem slow ? Is ping rate a big concern with site overall speed? :unsure:
Last reply by THL, -
- 31 replies
I'm having an issue with my vps and page generation spikes. When I load the gallery or the index, most of the time it's the gallery, php takes between 1 - 6 seconds and sometimes more to generate the page. The server load also spikes without any increase to traffic, I usually only ever have between 30 - 40 guests and 1 - 3 members online at a time without much posting, searching occurring at the time of these weird spikes. PHP page generation was never an issue on my old shared host, usually it only ever took between 0.3000 - 0.6000 seconds to generate a page on my old shared host, no more than that. If anyone could help me solve this issue that would be greatly appreci…
Last reply by Gabriel Petrelli, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Does anyone know best way to bechmark site? Id like to see how much APC affects page loads. Google find this , is there better ones? edit: demo
Last reply by .Nuno., -
- 19 replies
I went to install a fresh copy of the new IP.Boards (I also have IP.Gallery and Blog) 3.1.x, and during that installation it states this: Uh-oh. Hmm! Contacted my hosting provider and they informed me that my only solution is to move over to one of their VPS solutions. I cannot justify paying an additional $30-50 just to resolve a memory limitation issue. So, can anyone recommend a viable solution? Does anyone know of a web hosting provider that offers 128(+) Memory Limits? (I shouldn't have to say this, but just to be clear I am not talking about Bandwidth/Storage capabilities here!) Any help or recommendations would be appreciated.
Last reply by Draycon, -
- 1 reply
Hi, I have recently setup a hosted IPB community account here with a domain name, for example But now I am realizing that the way the domain is spelled is going to cause confusion and difficulty in finding the site. So I want a new domain name to point to this account. I am wondering if anyone has changed the domain name associated with a hosted IPB Community account? Was it much hassle in changing? I am worried that the change will not propogate to IP.Content, email, FTP, etc. I am also worried that the logins for the ACP, forums and support will not be working after the change to the new domain. Any guidance will be much appreciated. …
Last reply by Rhuan, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Hello ! I've not been able to optimize my server (I have many temp tables created on disk, some values are high (handler_read_rnd, table_locks_waited)) and so I'm searching further. I've just enabled log-queries-not-using-indexes and now my mysql-slow.log file is full of this kind of lines : # User@Host: xxxxxxx_forums[xxxxxxx_forums] @ localhost [] # Query_time: 0 Lock_time: 0 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 DELETE FROM ibf_sessions WHERE ip_address='' OR running_time < 1278998248; # User@Host: xxxxxxx_forums[xxxxxxx_forums] @ localhost [] # Query_time: 0 Lock_time: 0 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0 DELETE FROM ibf_sessions WHERE ip_address…
Last reply by SecondSight, -
- 1 reply
Hello! I am currently running a forum with gallery setup like this: The .us TLD was just a preliminary solution until we could get the domain transfer to the desired TLD sorted out. I would now like to move the forum to a setup like: Both domains exist, on the same server, so the actual moving is just a matter of simple copy command on the server, a short edit in the conf_global and then reconfiguring the server environment and paths in the ACP. I expect no problems there. Once the move is done I want a simple 301 redirect on the old (.us) TLD to redirect to the new presence. However I am not sure …
Last reply by SuJay, -
- 3 replies
Hello ! :) I've ran mysqltuner and I got this result : It seems like I have a problem with temporary tables ? I don't understand what "result set size" means in " Temporary table size is already large - reduce result set size". Can you explain to me, please ? Do you see anything else which is said to be ok that I could change (for instance not to waste ressources) ? I only have one board on my server, with not more than 700 users at peak times, at the moment. Thank you ! :)
Last reply by SecondSight, -
- 3 replies
Is there a guide for tuning mysql,PHP, etc to get the best performance out of a server for running our forums....There must be a dummies reference somewhere... :unsure:
Last reply by THL, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hello, I'm french sorry for my english. Since the 3.1.1 upgrade,when I want send a new post , I have to wait more than one minute for the new topic sends. Same for the search, I have to wait more than a minute to get the results. Can you help me please ? I have " repair " and "optimize" the database in phpmyadmin but I have always this problem. Thanks
Last reply by SecondSight, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hello ! :) I sometimes have mysql reaching about 150% of CPU usage. I told myself this had perhaps something to do with indexes. In the IPB ACP, there are tools to check if everything is ok with the database and the indexes. When I ran these tools (database checker, database index checker in the "Support" tab) they told me everything was ok. But then I decided to use phpMyAdmin in order to check the tables and it told me I had duplicate indexes in my database. It was messages of this kind : There are problems with the `ibf_attachments_type` table's indexes The atype_extension and atype_extension_2 indexes seem identical and one of them could be deleted So I …
Last reply by SecondSight, -
- 3 replies
Why I get these crazy ideas to update things when stuff is working just fine is beyond me. At any rate, I updated mysql from 5.0.x to 5.1.x and now I get the following error when attempting to run the indexer and searchd. /usr/local/bin/indexer: /usr/lib/ version `libmysqlclient_15' not found (required by /usr/local/bin/indexer) Yes, I recompiled Apache and PHP after upgrading mysql. does reside in /usr/lib so I'm somewhat flumoxed as to where I went wrong. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. I even recompiled sphinx. No joy in Mudville. :(
Last reply by Biker.GA, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I used to use the following code on my website to force all traffic to use no www in the URL. RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] ipBoard calls for me to add the following information to my .htaccess file. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> Options -MultiViews RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /utopia/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /utopia/index.php [L] </IfModule> Using both snippets in my .htaccess file like so does not provide the result I would hope for. Instead of redirecting to the same URL minus the www -…
Last reply by Zhana, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone. Here is what I want to do... I have an URL like this: and I want to make it look like this: This is what I have been trying (i know it worked before): RewriteRule ^my_new_name/?$ page/page_name [NC] But, obiously, it doesn't work. Thank you in advance for your answers. PS: I'm using: Redirect to new friendly URL format Use "301" for friendly URL redirects? URL Type - Query String Use .htaccess mod_rewrite Incorrect Permalink Handling - 301 header
Last reply by Garthilk, -
- 0 replies
Hello, It seems after trying to send a bulk mail (61 Members) my forums speed has slowed down significantly. I went from load times of .200 to insane times of .700 through 1.300, even sending a PM the load time was 2.102 or something similar. The only things I've done to try and speed up my forums is ALTER TABLE `ibf_core_item_markers_dev` DROP INDEX `item_member_id` , ADD INDEX `item_member_id` ( `item_is_deleted` , `item_member_id` ) and I run this when things get sluggish. OPTIMIZE TABLE `ibf_core_item_markers_storage`; OPTIMIZE TABLE `ibf_core_item_markers`; Though my forums were fine after I did those. Like I said the speeds went downhill when I attempt…
Last reply by Elemental Crisis, -
- 3 replies
I have heard that PHP 5.3 can be between 10% and 30% faster than PHP 5.2 and use up to 40% less memory. For wordpress it's suppose to be 15% faster. My question is how much faster could it be for IPB 3.1.1 and how does that translate in the real world. My ping to my server is roughly 160ms The load time at the bottom of ipb is 0.0400 sec to 0.0650 sec (normally 0.1200 to 1.800 on here :P ) Using Litespeed and Memcache Pagespeed 1.8 rating of 79/100 for index page So will it be around 10-30% faster on the whole loading process or just 10-30% on 0.0500 sec to 0.0650 sec ?
Last reply by Dark Entropy 646,