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25,500 topics in this forum
Problems with layout?
by Guest PC-fre@k- 23 replies
If i go to I see the quoted text tabbed to the right with about 300px... All pages with quotes have this problem, is this just me? (firefox 2)
Last reply by .KX, -
Forum Preferances
by Guest basher772000- 3 replies
It would be real cool if there was a way to have it where members can select forum categories they like and when they visit the forum logged in it remembers that and all the other categories they don't care as much about are minimized. So like say i have categories: Cars Trucks SUVs Big Rigs and member A only likes Cars and Trucks he can select that in his UCP or something and the next time he logs in the Cars and Trucks categories are maximized and the rest are minimized. Does that make sense. I have seen it before but it wasn't on a IPB forum rather it was on a custom ASP forum.
Last reply by .KX, -
show number of users viewing each forum
by Guest TCWT- 4 replies
shows the number of membes and guests in forum view :cool:
Last reply by .KX, -
What is the best MySQL for 2.2?
by Guest 20 replies
What is the best MySQL database for 2.2? version 4.0.20, version 4.1.15, or version 5.0.18, :thumbsup:
Last reply by stooley, -
IPS Own Live chat
by Guest Bobcheese123- 7 replies
IPS should make their own live chat that comes with the forum. It can be controlled by the admincp. If anyone has seen the chat rooms made by Lithium Technologies (those chats are SOOOOO amazing), IPS should make something similar. It may be a good component for IPS.
Last reply by bfarber, -
by Guest TestingSomething- 2 replies
I know there are a billion topics on this, but apparently the settings arent being made clear at all. I did the settings like some have said (.domainname, any prefix, and /) and still it has the session string in the url, which bfarber said means the cookie settings are not proper when that happens. I have had it with only the first one filled in for ages and it has worked fine, but it indeed still had the session string up there (sometimes, most of the time it isnt there, I think it is only there the first time you go to the index.php page after getting on).
Last reply by TestingSomething, -
We use now RC3 on this forum... 1 2 3 4
by Guest WoLeRiNe`- 83 replies
Invision Power Board 2.2.0 RC 3
Last reply by Terry - AKA Dumbledore, -
Change "New Messages" to "Unread Messages"
by Guest Luke- 10 replies
I know there have been people here that have claimed there was a bug with the "New Messages" thing... And I had some people today do the same thing on my site... "New Messages" means that you have received new messages, and then once you go to the PM center it reverts to "0" because you know about them.... They are not new anymore, whether you read them or not. This can confuse people at times... So what I would suggest doing is changing "New" to "Unread" and instead of setting it to "0" when you view the PM listing index, subtract from the number when you actually view the contents of the PM. That way it's a little more functional, and this is how most people perceive…
Last reply by Cybertimber2009, -
custom bbcode
by Guest moondust- 5 replies
Hello, I've been using phpBB for a while, and I've decided to switch to IPB. However, I've had a custom BBCode in phpBB [mirc][/mirc] which is a mIRC scripting syntax highlighter (like php syntax highlighter) but it's custom made. Adding BBCode to IPB as it seem, isn't this hard but.. I had a mirc.php and mirc.css files etc.. and I had modified bbcode.php in phpBB. So, anyone aware of how do I import this bbcode from phpBB to IPB? Help is appreciated. Thanks in advance. Regards,
Last reply by Strange_Will, -
Spelling error
by Guest Glenn Sand- 0 replies
Just thought I'd report a spelling error in the ACP: notice 'Cutom Blocks' Unreal Portal Portal Main Organize Blocks Add Cutom Blocks Edit/Del Cutom Blocks Add Custom Content Edit/Del Custom Content Edit: oops...guess that was an 'Unreal Portal' error...sorry
Last reply by Glenn Sand, -
What happened to the search bar?
by Guest Genestoy- 16 replies
In previous releases there was a search bar to the right of the "Welcome Back" line. Was it intentional to omit that? :(
Last reply by Will L., -
Post screen editors
by Guest Genestoy- 5 replies
How does a member know which editor they have toggled to? Clicking on the rotating arrow icon just changes between the editors but there is no indication of which one is being used (of course admins can figure out which one). Shouldn't there be something that says "Standard Mode" and "Rich Text Mode"? ;)
Last reply by TestingSomething, -
Profile Portal default actions
by Guest Justin- 2 replies
In the "user profile" settings group, there are 2 items related to the new Profile Portal... is that it? Am I missing another section of settings somewhere related to the portal? I would like to modify the "default" selection of things like notifications for new comments/friends, etc... so either I'm missing it somewhere, or this is a request to have that added in. :)
Last reply by Justin, -
I have get every 10minutes "IPS Driver Error"...
by Guest WoLeRiNe`- 3 replies
Hello; I have get every 10minutes "IPS Driver Error" since 45minutes on this forum... You upgrading RC4 :lol: or FINAL :wub:
Last reply by Mat Barrie, -
Modifications, outdated or not
by Guest ~Dopey~- 2 replies
Is there any way in knowing what modifications for 2.1.7 are going to be outdated (I.E: not work) and one's won't be?
Last reply by Dark Phantom, -
but What's that! What does that mean?
by Guest WoLeRiNe`- 10 replies
When i click ADD REPLY before 5minute, it has do this thing. Why this error?
Last reply by . Adam ., -
Something is really wrong...
by Guest .KX- 23 replies
Here's a few screenshots of what I'm talking about, the css, js, even the images are just loading and not loading when they feel like it. It's seriously messed up. Sometimes I get white pages, sometimes I get asked to download index.php, once I got a picture of a flucking animated cat instead of the board index. I've checked my PC for adware, spyware and viruses. Zone Alarm Pro and Avast find nothing.
Last reply by Mat Barrie, -
IPS should make an apple widget
by Guest `Scotty`- 22 replies
Well I think it would be cool if IPS made an Apple widget and it would have links, and the latest news on it. I think it would be cool cause im on a mac now :s
Last reply by `Scotty`, -
Quick Profile Options
by Guest MasumX- 16 replies
View Public Profile ---> It should be "View Member Profile" Add Friend ---> And also "Add as Friend" NOT "Add Friend" Find Member's Topics ---> Why is find member topics is missing? you shouldn't have to go all the way to main profile and click "Options" then click "Find Member's Topics" It should be a quick as finding member post. ---I posted all these stuff earlier but didn't get reply if they would be change or not. If this will stay as default, I want to know for sure.. Here
Last reply by MasumX, -
by Guest leatherface- 7 replies
IPB 2.2 RC3 has the upgrade folder in it. i was wondering if its safe to upgrade to RC3 from 2.1.7? Im really thinking about it because i cant wait any longer :whistle:
Last reply by .KX, -
IPB Warning: DBA errors galore
by Guest Nevulus- 4 replies
First a little background information: Moderate programming experience (recently converted from CFM expert to PHP newbie) I am running IPB 2.2 RC3 on a clean server/database Linux, kernel v2.6.18.1 MySQL v4.1.21 PHP v5.0.5 Tested on browsers: Firefox 2.0, IE 7 (cleared both caches and cookies before testing) Errors I keep encountering: IPB 2.1.7 was running flawless. So I decided to clean my directory out and install a fresh version of 2.2 RC3 to test it out. Installation went flawless. During the upload step in the instruction it did not say to upload the "converge_local" directory, but I did so anyway. After installation I deleted the appropriate file as directed an…
Last reply by bfarber, -
show number of unique posters
by Guest TCWT- 3 replies
On the popup when you click on the number of replies, it would be nice to show the number of unique posters. :thumbsup:
Last reply by Mat Barrie, -
Topic link in notification e-mail should be above copy of post
by Guest Defenestration- 3 replies
When a copy of the post is included with a notification e-mail the link to the topic is placed below the copy of the post, which means you have to scroll down to see the link with large replies you. It would be better if it was placed above the copy of the post, eg.
Last reply by Cool Surfer, -
Blocking which profiles you've viewed...
by Guest dyelton- 5 replies
I looked everywhere but I did not see an option to not have the profiles you've viewed displayed. In 2.1 this information wasn't displayed anywhere other than the online list and when someone was viewing a profile it would simply display that the user was looking at a profile but not a specific one. In 2.2 your profile page displays your last visitors. This could be an issue for some boards like mine where a moderator/admin wishes to keep secret which profiles he/she is keeping an eye on. Is there a way to turn this off in 2.2 either completely or at least so members of certain groups (moderators/admins) can be excluded from the list?
Last reply by Strike X, -
Multi-Moderation via "View New Posts" Link
by Guest Brandon C- 2 replies
I believe that the IPB Multi-Moderation feature should be added to the "View New Posts" link, meaning it would have all of the Multi-Moderation features that IPB has (the checkboxes, drop down menu options, etc.), all conveniently bundled up into the "View New Posts" link. I can see several benefits for this, but the main benefit being in this particular scenario: Say if several people have spammed all across your forum. You could do it how it is now currently, by going into each forum and deleting their posts. Or, you could go to the "View New Posts" link and multi-moderate from there! It's that much quicker and easier to do, acting as a huge time-saver for you to d…
Last reply by TCWT,