Help shape the future of Invision Community by suggesting new features or giving feedback on existing functionality.
We would love to hear your ideas for future versions of Invision Community. If you see a feature idea already posted that you like, make sure you reply and let us know!
25,502 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Hi, How to upgrade 2.1.7. to 3.x.x ? Can i do it without problem ? is it possible. thanks
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 1 reply
Got and the error message when signing in today
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 3 replies
i wish to see inline moderation in IPB. it makes moving posts much easier for example.
Last reply by bfarber, -
- 11 replies
Hi Guys :) Is it possible to have this to open in a new window please like we had before? :unsure: I know it's easy enough to right click then open the new window but takes more time, I want to be in two places at once..:lol:
Last reply by bfarber, -
Suggestions for "Resources"
by Guest Digital-Photography-Forums- 3 replies
1. Create a section for each branch of IP.Board that is still supported. 2.x whatever is probably EOL'd so it should go in an archived section for example. This would deter users from continuing to use it, request support to mods, and get countless hours of frustration. Anything that can have add-ons or mods should get it's on subsection as well. Since I don't think you can run IP.Content, or IP.Downloads without IP.Board these could be child forums for each version. For example IPS Community Modifications (Main Category) -IP.Board 3.1 (forum) --IP.Downloads 3.1 (child forum) --IP.Content 3.1 (child forum) --IP.Whatever 3.1 (child forum) --IP.Board 3.1 Paid Mods (c…
Last reply by TestingSomething, -
- 7 replies
Hi, I'm finally getting around to upgrading my site from vB3.8.4 to IPB this coming weekend, and just wondered about the likelihood of 3.1.2 being available? Cheers, Shaun :D
Last reply by squidfish, -
- 4 replies
IPB3.1.x now has a soft-delete option and I'd previously asked in the tracker if the delete reason could be imported from vB3.8.x during conversion. Does anyone know if this has been added to the latest converter script? Thanks, Shaun
Last reply by Clickfinity, -
- 10 replies
Regarding reputation, I think it is better if we can have a tab or something in the profile that shows all posts/topics that received a reputation. I like that we can now view who gave us the reputation but if a member has 500 posts and 50 rep points, it would be a pain to hunt down which posts she has that has reputation. This is a minor suggestion but I think it would be a good tool to help build a better community.
Last reply by Blind Bandit, -
- 5 replies
This may be a minor issue but thought I'd bring it up anyway. Sometimes I go through and install a few new hooks at a time or am uninstalling and then reinstalling hooks in an effort to troubleshoot or fix something. That in itself isn't so bad. What's bad is when each hook does the task of recaching all the skins. An option to 'skip' caching of the skins or to import several hooks at a time before recaching would be real helpful. What's the purpose of going through the caching process five times in a row, when installing five hooks and then performing a recache manually would accomplish the same result in less time?
Last reply by Ryan H., -
- 2 replies
I accidently disabled the core module in the AdminCP ( = cannot access the AdminCP anymore) and I do not know how to re-enable it in MySQL Admin. Can anyone give me instructions on how to re-enable it via MySQL (or somehow else)? Greetings, Maxunit
Last reply by Maxunit, -
- 6 replies
Hello, Is there anything like VB Advanced for IPB? I just wanted to start my community with something like that. Thank you.
Last reply by Marquinhos, -
- 0 replies
Please. I don't think it currently does that.
Last reply by Jυra, -
- 3 replies
I noticed that the memberData array in 3.1 does not keep the member's current status in pp_status anymore. Not sure if this is intentional, but if there is no reason for it to be empty, it might be a good idea to go add it back. I'm updating Post Author's Status, and without the member's pp_status easily accessible, I'll need to add another hook somewhere to grab it. And that probably won't be too efficient, depending on how $this->registry->getClass('memberStatus')->fetch works...
Last reply by (e) Eric, -
- 1 reply
I have a problem, i do a Feed import, to create a new topic, but the topic, is so small, and 2 lines and say View full article. Its possible to put full article in the forum? If its possible, or a modification in files. Tnx, IP.Board Staff.!
Last reply by Brian Garcia, -
- 3 replies
I don't understand why there is so much wasted space down under the board stats. I much prefered it the way it was in the 2x series. Everything in that area was layed out evenly. Is there a possibility of bringing it back? :whistle: Not having a go, just a general observation. :)
Last reply by Mercury5, -
- 1 reply
Matt, Just a reminder... [url=" Thanks for all your hard work! :D
Last reply by Misi, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Currently, if i set email validation for new members, it sets it to old members too. Id like to have setting where i can set this only to new members. Why, because now if old members changes email and he is some secondary group, his primary group changes to "Valditation" -group but it doesnt have any affect because his secondary group overrides that setting. So that member just wonders why his group name changes but nothing else happends. So IMO this is totally useless and confusing feature to old members.
Last reply by Owdy, -
- 17 replies
I want it back, as it was in ver. 2.x Going through user control panel to do it is a major pain.
Last reply by Painted Horse, -
- 0 replies
Every time I try to change my photo from the default twitter one I got here after loging in with twitter I can't change it to something else or remove it completely. Is this a bug or just happening here?
Last reply by Taylor J, -
- 3 replies
I cannot stress enough to people how invaluable IPS Ticket Support is, and how it is simply a cut above the rest! I'm not even someone that preferably enjoys resorting to "submitting a trouble ticket," because I've had so many horrid experiences in the past with other companies regarding such a customer service feature. And yet, IPS Ticket Tech Support Reps (like Logan Wortman & Mark H.) continue to make me have to rethink what I thought I knew about the "submitting a trouble ticket" experience. VERY fast, reliable, available, and concrete results/resolutions/fixes/answers constantly re-enforce to me how VALUABLE IPS products/services are, and they have never wasted m…
Last reply by Lindy, -
- 0 replies
There has been a debate on what to do if a user is connected as anonymous and to the live chat app. You can have further details in here: as Brandon stated we need to turn this into a feature request and see what our community thinks. now the question is what is best solution? there are some presented in the bug tracker, if you have a new one don't hesitate.
Last reply by majdi, -
- 16 replies
[url=" to from this thread Now from what I see in this post. "- Advertising coming in 3.1 and we'd need our own rotation scripts. Hmm that is a concern as I'd not have an idea how to write such scripts. IP.Board basically gives you a text area to insert your ad code into. How do you insert your ads now? I assume it's some sort of javascript code you put into your templates, right? If so, you can do the same thing in the upcoming version of IP.Board. You don't need to write a rotation script - however IPB can't rotate ads for you, either, so what you insert is what is used." I would think that having a rotating ad would be better for the people do have different ad…
Last reply by 3DKiwi, -
- 1 reply
Hi guys, It would be great if the mass mail feature in IP.Board borrowed some of the features from mass email marketing software like aweber. The main features that I need are: 1) Be able to delay the delivery time for a mass mail message (e.g. set up a newsletter to go out in a week's time) 2) Have an unsubscribe link in every email that is sent 3) Be able to do some automation of mass mail message content (e.g. send out a recent topics list once a month to everone who has signed up for admin mail) 3) Allow people to sign up for mass mail messages from the admin without requiring them to sign up for forum membership/registration. THIS SINGLE OPTION ALONE WOUL…
Last reply by Connor T, -
- 3 replies
Hi is there still no counter on global announcement thread/topic? could IPS add it back to 3.1 please? cheers
Last reply by jonsidneyb, -
- 5 replies
A lot of people take the time to complain about things gone wrong, or a job done poorly, but I want to take a moment and publicly thank Invision for over five years of remarkable customer support. Most recently it was Mark H that delved into a problem my website encountered, but this could easily be about any of several other Invision technicians. They're ALWAYS responsive and timely. And on the occasions where it takes multiple iterations to solve a problem (which is simply the nature of the beast), they persevere until it's fixed to my satisfaction. Really not much to add except Thank You! Don Rockwell
Last reply by bfarber,