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Regarding Reputation


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Regarding reputation, I think it is better if we can have a tab or something in the profile that shows all posts/topics that received a reputation.

I like that we can now view who gave us the reputation but if a member has 500 posts and 50 rep points, it would be a pain to hunt down which posts she has that has reputation.

This is a minor suggestion but I think it would be a good tool to help build a better community.

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Is that so? :unsure: How resource intensive could this prolly be?

Not to compare or anything, but VB do have a feature of listing down all posts you made that were thanked by other members.

I sincerely believe, though, that since IPB already have the rep system, that it is doable here too, and I would be delighted to have that, if ever.

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I just thought it (might) be resource intensive as it would have to run queries to locate where the rep came from. :)

As I say, I do like the idea although possibly restrict it to showing where the last x (10 or 25 seems sensible) rep's came from.

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I was aware of the ACP lookup for this (obviously) ;)

I kind of thought about resource usage as its not likely several administrators will be looking reputation up in the ACP at the same time etc, so I thought that impact of resource usage to do this via the ACP was not the same (in that usage would not be too important simply as it would not be constantly used) as having it exposed for all on the front end :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

While we're at it I'd also like to request features of limiting how many points a member can receive from a single member and an option of disable the system per forum.

Because the lack of these options I disabled the rep system in my board because members are just abusing it.

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