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Adriano Faria

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Adriano Faria last won the day on June 9

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  1. You don't need Pages at all. Add the Topics and/or Posts feed: Configure it the way you want:
  2. It really depends on what you want for you community. You can have a free UNSUPPORTED plugin or pay $10 for a support. Even better: you don’t need to pay anything. Just learn how to do your plugins:
  3. I have recently created a forum for this matter: https://www.sosinvision.com.br/index.php?/forums/forum/111-suggestions/ Try it! 👍
  4. On the other hand, why release new apps if people don’t purchase them?
  5. Remove the permission to add files to this category. Not perfect but a workaround: https://www.sosinvision.com.br/index.php?/file/214-display-files-from-subcategories/
  6. I would add the ability to set my own order of tags (in the content item) if I don't want to order them alphabetically. I was also hoping for multiple prefixes, colors, etc.
  7. Hi Matt, Just a question: how does the framework handle the tab=comments or tab=reviews in Downloads, for example? All the tabs from the Movies app are created on the "commentReviewTabs" method of its content item. I mean: and would generate the same "errors", right? I didn't find anything specific for them. Are they "excluded" somehow? Wouldn't a "noindex" in these links solve the issue?
  8. Sorry, yes. I have no error with IN_DEV disabled but it doesn't update the value to other categories; nothing happens.
  9. Hello, just to make sure, as I don't use this for ages. I created an activity stream here on IPS to display only content items (topics) but replies (comments) are displayed too: Is that right? Shouldn't it show only the topics (first post) and no replies, like above? Thank you. AS ID 1211, just in case.
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