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Posts posted by Woodsman

  1. 6 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    That is referring to the following:

    Exactly, this is a test output to any current updated browser as in


    Required browser version:

    If you are testing with any updated browser version you will see the particular message

  2. 3 hours ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    Careful with that - it itself is out of date, with some recent versions of browsers not listed, and it flags up later versions as 'out of date' too...example:


    Follow the example update buttons and it will come to a yellow and orange striped box

    Read the comment inside.


    This is the page that is shown to visitors with an out-of-date browser after they clicked the notification to update their browser. This is not the information for your currently used browser.

    Remember at this point you are just testing the script.

  3. If the idiot insists on using IE11 here is a script to try. 

    var $buoop = {required:{e:-4,f:-3,o:-3,s:-1,c:-3},insecure:true,api:2020.09 }; 
    function $buo_f(){ 
     var e = document.createElement("script"); 
     e.src = "//browser-update.org/update.min.js"; 
    try {document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", $buo_f,false)}
    catch(e){window.attachEvent("onload", $buo_f)}

    Found here.


  4. @Paul E. and @Nathan Explosion Thanks for your replies. I am very familiar with Windows Task Manager and Task Scheduler and how they operate and looking at my original post I seem to have left these out. So thanks anyway...

    42 minutes ago, Paul E. said:

    Here's a quick StackExchange article that gives options for you that should help guide you: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9894804/use-php-to-set-cron-jobs-in-windows

    Again one of my favorite go to sites... I will have to dig into this link and see where it takes me I am quite surprised I have not seen this one in particular...

  5.  Since the birth of 4.0 there has been this maintenance error plaguing IPS test boards on a localhost in Wamp I have searched high and low with Invision as all the internet since I first received this message tested every possibility with no luck.


    The phrase that still has my concern is "This will cause significant damage to your community if not resolved."

    Still looking for an answer or a real lead to fixing this issue.


  6. On 6/27/2020 at 10:44 AM, Interferon said:

    I designed the new interface. You're welcome.


    From where I am sitting this new theme looks one hell of a lot like this.


  7. On 6/23/2020 at 9:30 AM, Brian Robinson_47676 said:

    Thanks Woodsman. But already getting confused with what would be installed on my own pc (nothing?) and what would be on the new host's space. Ideally I should try and get my working version of 3.4.8 onto a new host and have it up and running. Then try and get assistance to upgrade that to 4.x.x?
    There isn't a way to install 4.x.x onto a new host and then do a conversion from my 3.4.8 installation, is there?
    Don't even remember what script changes I did over the years, so hoping nothing complicates the upgrade.
    That's aside from all the attachments which tend to drive upgrade scripts bonkers.
    Phew...i can see why I have put this off every time I contemplate it.
    And why I'd rather just pay an expert to do it. At this stage, the forum is too important worldwide to lose...lots of valuable info that cannot be found anywhere.

    I have managed and upgraded quite a few other boards in my time. This article Upgrade from IP. 3.4.x to IPS4.0 (updated) was not written for the faint at heart or those with a lack of experience. For those of you that feel a bit squeamish you have some pretty good options. You can contact IPS Support or contact a 3rd party support member as @DawPi.


  8. Hello Brian,

    As for installing your IPS Suite on to another domain as a test site yes this is possible. The only catch is it cannot be active to the public. In other words you as the administrator and those experts you referred to may have access to this domain/test board.

    Another avenue you may consider would be to submit a ticket and have support do the upgrade for you.

    As for a local host environment it is quite simple. To start with...

    Here is a condensed set of directions

    (1) Go t o your cPanel and backup a complete copy of your database to your pc. 
    (2) If you haven't already, download Wamp or  Xampp to your computer and install it.
    (3) Go to phpmyadmin and create and install a copy of your database backup.
    (4) Come back here (IPS) to your Client Area and download the latest version of the suite and install it on your local host. To do this create a test site directory to install to. For Wamp you will put it in the WWW directory. For Xampp you will put it in the htdocs directory.
    (5) Go to your newly installed suite and start your upgrade.

    Good luck and have fun!

    OH By the way....

    Where it comes to your license key, make sure you add -TESTINSTALL after it.

  9. 12 hours ago, Saurabh Jain said:

    Flipgrid  is completely free

    if this can be integrated

    Unless I am wrong, from reading on this product it appears that it is for education purposes only

  10. 23 hours ago, Frank Jorgensen said:

    Ok, apparently you can actually start the upgrade process manually without having access to the ACP. Database converted successfully.

    But when it starts the last step of the upgrade it gives

    Table 'uofcom_ipb.core_sys_module' doesn't exist


    It is correct that this table isn't in the database for some reason. Can this be created/bypassed?

    If you are getting a database error for a non-existing unknown table I would submit a ticket. 

  11. Well here we are. A total turn around from friends to followers. Yea @Lindy and a few others are going to attack this but when it comes down to it people quit looking up profile because who wants to be a follower in the first place. People like making friends and yes some like adversaries as well. But who truly wants to be known as a follower or worse yet a statistic. 

    Profiles were meant to be a mini members introduction and information page. One member could look into another's profile and see what information they were interested in. A choice could be made at that point whether or not a collaborator like friendship could be made. Then comes the GDPR and California which totally tore into profiles of what can and cannot be displayed in European or California forums.... What a Joke. What forum software has to appease Social media especially Facebook gets away with After all truth be known there is not anything I can't find out about another on Facebook with a little digging and following right down to idiotic political views.

    You want a working usable profile and forum try making friends.

    13 hours ago, breatheheavy said:

    Everything you wrote 👏 

    When I'm on Instagram and I see someone's comment or photo I like, I click their username to check out their profile and am instantly taken into their world. 

    I think the Connections app by @Andy Millne was a step in the right direction.


    @breatheheavy This really should part of the suite operation and not so much a plugin.

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