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  1. Haha
    Grafidea reacted to Charles in Buying new self hosted licence - how to choose few applications?   
    We no longer sell Invision Community Classic with individual applications. This is in preparation for v5 where there will no longer be a separation for the "applications" like there is now. It will just be all bundled together and more tightly integrated.
    Old pricing for full Invision Community Classic was $850 upfront and $300 per year.
    New pricing is $499 upfront and $199 per year.
    You can reach out to sales if you have questions about pricing or options.
  2. Like
    Grafidea reacted to Max in v5 news coming soon...   
    So excited to see what is coming next for Invision. As far as a wishlist one thing for me is just a general thought, but SEO SEO SEO. Any SEO improvements that help our forum threads get indexed would be huge.

    Otherwise, one thing I have always wanted are Notification filters. When I see that I have 20 notifications there are times that I don't need to check every Reaction notification. But I definitely want to see all @ notifications so I make sure I respond to them all.
  3. Like
    Grafidea reacted to Charles in Invision Community Insight: Low key news week   
    Low news now is good news for later 🙂 
  4. Like
    Grafidea reacted to Adriano Faria in v5 news coming soon...   
    This HAS to be the game-changer.

  5. Agree
    Grafidea got a reaction from David.. in v5 news coming soon...   
    @Matt As you know, a lot of people use mobile devices, and I hope that V5 will bring many conveniences and improvements in terms of forum usability. It seems to me that the majority of users visit the forum from their smartphones rather than from a computer.
  6. Thanks
    Grafidea reacted to Stuart Silvester in Pop-up cookie banner for 1 second.   
    Cloudflare is caching your page with "ipsJS_none" CSS class on the body, it's likely that the cookie isn't being passed through when the initial page is cached. This means the CSS won't hide the bar on the initial load (due to how it's designed) and after the JS loads it goes ahead and hides that (although the page has been told that JS isn't supported).
  7. Agree
    Grafidea got a reaction from Maxxius in v5 news coming soon...   
    Don't forget about visual experiences as well; most forum owners are laymen and pay more attention to appearance, simplicity, and functionality rather than source code. I hope @Ehren comes up with something cool.
  8. Agree
    Grafidea got a reaction from Darek_Hugo in v5 news coming soon...   
    @Matt As you know, a lot of people use mobile devices, and I hope that V5 will bring many conveniences and improvements in terms of forum usability. It seems to me that the majority of users visit the forum from their smartphones rather than from a computer.
  9. Agree
    Grafidea reacted to teraßyte in v5 news coming soon...   
    @Matt Taking a look at the included images, I see you guys are still using that same long-ass code for language strings:
    Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( LANG_KEY );  
    Can't you make it more simple with something like:
    # Automatically uses Member::loggedIn() Language()->addToStack( LANG_KEY ); # Make it use another member Language( $member )->addToStack( LANG_KEY ); It's always been something that annoyed me. 😋
  10. Like
    Grafidea got a reaction from SeNioR- in v5 news coming soon...   
    Don't forget about visual experiences as well; most forum owners are laymen and pay more attention to appearance, simplicity, and functionality rather than source code. I hope @Ehren comes up with something cool.
  11. Like
    Grafidea got a reaction from marklcfc in v5 news coming soon...   
    Don't forget about visual experiences as well; most forum owners are laymen and pay more attention to appearance, simplicity, and functionality rather than source code. I hope @Ehren comes up with something cool.
  12. Agree
    Grafidea reacted to Matt in v5 news coming soon...   
    It won't. I believe we'll be requiring 8.1.
  13. Like
    Grafidea reacted to Chris Anderson in v5 news coming soon...   
    There have been quite a few developers and theme designers that have left the marketplace or are on the fence as to whether they will continue developing for v4 let alone the v5 platform.
    Your team has been working extensively on two different codebases and have become quite intimate with it. 
    I would recommend trying to visualize how difficult it would be for a developer new to the platform to setup a development environment and learn how to effectively create programs that meet your marketplace acceptance criteria.
    Things to generally think about:
    How closely do your programmers adhere to common programming methods for each of the languages you utilize? Is your codebase entirely PHP 8 compliant or are you still utilizing code written for earlier versions?   Are your APIs intuitive to use? Is the cost for entry too high for the first couple of years a developer is learning how to write really good programs and their sales are next to none? Could your error messages be more informative? How does a programmer effectively test their apps?  What lessons learned from your testing team could be useful to a new programmer or to your customers that help beta test two different versions of your suite until such time as v4 is fully deprecated? Would it be beneficial to put a little more structure around public beta testing to minimize the number of additional betas or dot releases after final release. What might you do differently to make becoming a developer more appealing to make recruitment "MUCH" easier and to keep the ones you already have for the long term?
  14. Like
    Grafidea reacted to nodle in v5 news coming soon...   
    A new UI, hopefully from @Ehren. Cleaned up code (if needed). More SEO (if needed). Faster rendering time (if needed). Maybe some fun new features like when Ranks were introduced. 
  15. Like
    Grafidea reacted to Matt in v5 news coming soon...   
    Hi all,
    Next week we plan on releasing a few blogs outlining what development looks like for Invision Community v5.
    I was curious as to what changes you'd like to see, and what changes do you think are coming?
  16. Like
    Grafidea reacted to SeNioR- in Push Notification when the site is back online   
    The idea came to me that it would be nice to have the option to manually send a push notification when the site came back online. It happens that we close the site for a few hours, it would be nice to inform users that the site is now available.
  17. Like
    Grafidea reacted to SeNioR- in [Cosmetic] [This site] Error Page Buttons   
    Template: error

    <ul class="ipsList_inline"> to
    <ul class="ipsFlex ipsFlex-ai:center ipsFlex-jc:center ipsFlex-fw:wrap ipsGap:2">
  18. Like
    Grafidea reacted to Olivia Clark in Invision Community Insight: July release next week   
    ☀️ Welcome to this week's Invision Community Insight! ☀️
    Thank you for checking out this weekly update. I hope you have had a lovely, productive week.
    This week's updates from the Invision Community team are below. 🙂 
    Current Happenings
    New Version
    Our latest July beta is ready! Upgrade to the official July release next week. 
    As with all beta releases, upgrading your community is at your own risk. Please make sure you backup before upgrading! 
    Here is what is slated for the July release, version 4.7.12. https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/
    On Deck

    Release Chat
    Our July release chat will be happening at the end of the month. Join us live if you can or catch the video and discussion in the converted topic after the event. 
    Finally, for those that like to see what we are up to line by line, here is the changelog for the week for version 4. Changes are limited for now as we focus attention on version 5. More information will be shared about version 5 at a future date. 
  19. Agree
    Grafidea got a reaction from Chris59 in [Suggestion] SVG support - V5   
    Hi! It would be nice if the V5 version supported the graphic format - SVG everywhere. It's a vector format that looks good virtually anywhere and doesn't lose quality! Currently, it is missing from logos, custom forum icons, favicon and many other places. It's about handling .svg graphics as well as svg code.
  20. Like
    Grafidea got a reaction from Ibai in [Suggestion] URL Replacements - V5   
    I think it would be a good solution if the V5 version had URL Replacements built into the engine not with external plugins. Something like WoltLab Suite has. Please think about it, because a lot of forums are foreign and have diacritics in links.

  21. Like
    Grafidea got a reaction from MMXII in [Suggestion] URL Replacements - V5   
    I think it would be a good solution if the V5 version had URL Replacements built into the engine not with external plugins. Something like WoltLab Suite has. Please think about it, because a lot of forums are foreign and have diacritics in links.

  22. Like
    Grafidea got a reaction from DawPi in [Suggestion] URL Replacements - V5   
    I think it would be a good solution if the V5 version had URL Replacements built into the engine not with external plugins. Something like WoltLab Suite has. Please think about it, because a lot of forums are foreign and have diacritics in links.

  23. Like
    Grafidea reacted to Charles in Network Attack Mitigation   
    I know many of you are very curious how our cloud services work and how we manage things when we service thousands of Invision Community-powered sites on our platform.
    I am writing this quick post because I just got an alert from our monitoring systems and signed on to see what was happening.
    We use AWS WAF with both managed rules and our own, custom rule sets. With those both combined, we are able to filter a lot of malicious traffic. Sometimes people do attempt a direct attack on one of the communities we host. That is what is going on today.
    As I am typing this, our WAF setup is blocking 10 million requests per minute on our network. Yet, even with that huge amount of inbound traffic, our actual operations are not impacted at all. This is one of the advantages  of a robust network backing your community.

    I just thought I would share because 1. our monitoring summoned our team to look at "abnormal traffic" and 2. I thought you might find this interesting.
  24. Thanks
    Grafidea reacted to SeNioR- in CloudFlare settings   
    change "does not equal" to does not contain"
  25. Like
    Grafidea reacted to Olivia Clark in Invision Community Insight: Happy Friday and Happy Independence Day   
    🎆 🇺🇸 Welcome to this week's Invision Community Insight! 🇺🇸 🎆
    Thank you for checking out this weekly round up post. I hope you have had a lovely week and are looking forward to Independence Day celebrations! 
    This week's updates from the Invision Community team are below. 🙂 
    Current Happenings
    New Version

    Our July beta is ready! Upgrade to the official July release later this month. 
    As with all beta releases, upgrading your community is at your own risk. Please make sure you backup before upgrading! 
    Here is what is slated for the July release, version 4.7.12. https://invisioncommunity.com/release-notes/
    Closed for Holiday
    We will be observing the Independence Day holiday in the United States on July 3 and 4. Our support services will be delayed but we are happy to asset you as soon as we are able.
    Finally, for those that like to see what we are up to line by line, here is the changelog for the week for version 4. Changes are limited for now as we focus attention on version 5. More information will be shared about version 5 at a future date. 
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