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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Matt

  1. We are fortunate to work with some of the worlds biggest brands, such as LEGO, Squarespace, SEGA, Mattel, etc. Working closely with the community managers from these brands allows us to really understand the tools needed to manage and moderate at scale. A lot of the features that have been added over the past few years to all platforms have been driven by these conversations in addition to feedback left on our community. As a company that creates a community platform that can be used from the smallest of new communities to managing thousands of posts a day, there will be some features that we announce that will not be of interest to you. It's absolutely fine to skip past these announcements. We are not going to stop talking to all of our customers when announcing new features.
  2. Tagging @Daniel F who is the lead engineer on our APIs.
  3. We might need to buy you a new mouse button sensor. We'll see what we can do!
  4. I wouldn't change too much right now. You can add a "Latest topics" block at the top above the forum listing, or above the adverts but that may change the conversion rate.
  5. You can always refresh your memory with our guides:
  6. I agree completely. Any existing customers (self hosted or cloud) that are looking to switch to a newer package should contact sales and we'll always do what we can to repay that loyalty. Cloud platform customers on a current package (outside of some very old plans dating back to the 2010s such as the 10 user) will not need to move to one of the new packages. I understand why you feel that way, but we have no plans to remove the self hosted licensed version and if such a time came, there would be a multi-year deprecation schedule.
  7. I would also consider using a Topic Feed widget to showcase the last 5 or 10 latest posts in the sidebar below the adverts to give people an easier way into the content.
  8. Do you have the IN_DEV constant set in constants.php?
  9. Hello and welcome to Invision Community! I've had a quick look at your site and have a few observations. It may be that it is because I am not logged in, but have you created a topic with some FAQ/help on how to use the new forum? Likewise, do you have a topic to act as support for people who are a bit confused? Did you communicate much about the migration in advance? Have you also double checked to ensure that the permissions are correct so that members have access to all the areas they should? In terms of the raw data, there will be a period where Google needs to essentially recalibrate via crawling your site. Tens of thousands of URLs and their content just changed. There's no way around that unfortunately. I checked Pagespeed and Core Web Vitals. As you have a lot of ads, it's loading a lot of JS (I think close to 1mb for the ad delivery code) so you're never going to score highly for that but without removing the ads, there's not a lot you can do. It claims Core Web Vitals have failed, so it's worth checking your Google Search Console to check that and also check Index > Coverage to ensure that you don't have a high number of crawl errors. Feel free to DM me screenshots if you want a second opinion.
  10. Ok, this isn't how we work together in a constructive way. I'm going to lock this topic also. @Gauravk we hear you loud and clear. We have fixed these issues and they will be in a future release once we have confirmed the date. It is currently in peer review which means other developers test it and there may be more changes needed hence why we can't give a date.
  11. I'll update this topic when we have a date. Until then I think it has run its course. 🙂
  12. What sort of features or changes would you like to see?
  13. We do not have any separate forums for our cloud platform customers. All the forums you can see as a client are all that exist.
  14. The following languages are supported: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. We are not going to build a simple API because as explained above, pushing and pulling data from AWS services is only a tiny part of the architecture.
  15. While many in this topic are experienced and capable server administrators, a high number of our customers are not. A good amount of support we manage is to do with CDNs, Redis, Elasticsearch, etc where server configurations are incorrect, the service is badly set up or unsupported versions are used. I'm not here to debate the technical ability of our customers, though. There is more to sentiment analysis than just fetching the numbers from an AI service. What we are interested in are trends over time, and for that we have separate architecture running Python, which is the most efficient language when it comes to raw math, aggregating and making sense of the data which is sent back directly into the cloud platforms database; there is actually very little product code for this reason. Even simple things like pulling the data and sending it to AWS for processing isn't done via CRON or a task, we use a custom task runner within our cloud platform to do it. It's more efficient to develop this way. I realise we haven't spoken much about our cloud platform, but there's more to it than just using the AWS SDK in the product code.
  16. We're using an AWS service to return sentiment based on the content of the posts. We can then do an average to find the sentiment for the topic. Eventually, we'll look at building out guided moderation features based on this, and concepts such as alerting moderators to topics trending negatively, etc. It's an expensive service, so it'll be a feature on our top tier packages. @Matt Finger has been writing python code on our cloud platform to crunch the numbers and aggregate them so we can view trends over time.
  17. I understand why you feel like this. For 20 years we've been a downloadable source company and everything has been focused around that. However, we have to move with the times. As people demand more interactivity and sophistication from apps, we need to use technologies outside of a standard "LAMP" stack offered by most self hosting companies. A small number of customers have the ability to set up a PHP server, a MySQL server, a Node server, Redis, and configure authentication systems including WAF and CDN, most do not and when you rent out that much hardware, the cost per month won't be far from one of our platform costs. Social media platforms have increased expectation of what a modern web app can do. Leveraging cloud architecture allows us to develop features that can compete on a UI level. Worth noting that "Sentiment" is only there as we test out the system, that's not final UI. 🤣
  18. Good work everyone: Sentiment: [63.5000] Positive | [14.2500] Negative | [7.8750] Neutral
  19. I adore and love this reply Andy! You are just the best! I love free puppies!! We can literally code a "vibe check" feature now! "Sorry, your post does not pass the vibe check" *opens PHPStorm*
  20. Now it's just 44% positive. Well done for killing the vibe, guys. Sentiment: [44.0000] Positive | [21.8000] Negative | [11.2000] Neutral
  21. Sentiment analysis puts this topic and it’s replies as 99% positive. Sentiment: [99.5000] Positive | [0.0000] Negative | [0.5000] Neutral
  22. Welcome to our April developer's update! This month has seen the developers work on a variety of features coming to our cloud platform, some of which we've been testing here, which include real-time updates on what members are viewing and when they are typing replies and an image scanner which not only identifies what is in the image, it also tags it for search results. Furthermore it can also hold images for moderation if they contain nudity, etc. We've got more to come and will announce them as they are finished. The cloud platform features leverage multiple technologies such as node, JWT security, and AWS specific functionality, enabling us to build pretty impressive new features quickly. As we expect more sophistication and algorithmic crunching from our web apps, we're starting to break out of the PHP and MySQL limitations to deliver forward-thinking features. Of course, we have plenty of new features coming to all platforms, including the self-hosting version; I can talk about a few changes we've made but let's start with some housekeeping. There will not be a full release for May, although we will be releasing several betas throughout the month. We are taking this time to finalise a few bigger changes to our codebase. For those running their own servers, we are updating the minimum PHP requirement to 7.4 and the recommended version to 8.0. If you're not sure which version you currently use, now is a good time to check! We are working on PHP 8.1 compatibility still and are aiming to have that finished for June's release. The list of fixes already in the June release is as follows: Core - Fixed an issue that may prevent attaching audio files to content. - Fixed a minor typo in the forms.css template. - Fixed upload area not showing on minimised editors for guest users. - Fixed an issue where post counts were incremented even when a new item was held for approval via the profanity filters. - Fixed an issue where filters and sort options do not persist between deleting members in the Admin CP. - Fixed an issue where sitemap may show entries from offline applications. - Fixed an issue where support account may show as the latest registered member. - The Editor Preview Button was removed from ACP Editors. - Removed the deprecated FX Country code from the Geolocation class. - Removed the ability to rebuild existing attachment thumbnails due to an incompatibility with content attributes required for lazy-loading. Gallery - Fixed an issue with the followed Gallery Images page. - Fixed an issue with rebuilding thumbnails on legacy communities where the original image may no longer exist. Pages - Added the missing `__indefart_cms_page` language string. - Fixed an issue where sorting by a numerical field could duplicate the option with an incorrect label. - Fixed issue with 'image upload' block carousels not working in the sidebar - Fixed an issue where custom Yes/No fields, when used as a database filter, were ignored when further sorting. Converters - Fixed an issue rebuilding some profile photo images. Commerce - Improved performance when updating a large number of existing purchases. - Removed deprecated Amex Express checkout options. - Fixed a niche issue where a renewal invoice (for manual payment) would not be generated if a PayPal Subscription was cancelled on an active purchase. Calendar - Fixed an issue where the day view wouldn't show today's events when it's being used as the default calendar view. A few items still being finished before being sent for peer review include tweaks to search logging. Andy added the ability to specify which groups to log anonymous search sessions. We got some feedback that bot searches were polluting the results, making it hard to discern search trends from members over time. As we anonymise the search data, we can't pick out specific member groups once it's been written. Andy also moved the search logs to their own page to reduce confusion over what the data represents. Andy has also been working on some activity stream improvements to bring a "Solved/Unsolved" filter option to allow you and your members to find unsolved (or indeed solved) topics quickly. This will require a search index rebuild after upgrading. You may also find a few new hook points added, which are in the following locations: \IPS\Helpers\Form\Upload::populateTempData() This is called from within processUploads and allows you to modify the data before it is saved into core_files_temp. \IPS\applications\forums\modules\front\forums\topic::finishManage() This is called during manage() and allows you to modify the $topic before it is returned to \IPS\Content\Controller. If you have to overload manage() in your apps, you may find this a better hook point. \IPS\Content\Search\Index\indexData now allows $content modification before it is stored via an extension in /applications/{app}/extensions/core/SearchIndex That's it for this month!
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