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Jordan Miller

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Everything posted by Jordan Miller

  1. Hey @kmk. I like where your head is at in terms of simplification. Do you have any examples of topic lists that you like?
  2. I also think middle of the page would be nice. Upon first checking it out I was a little confused where to start. 😇 Wondering... how will this adapt to my current theme you think? https://www.breatheheavy.com/exhale/ Super awesome app though. Interested in getting soon!
  3. I like this idea a lot. I kind of had a similar idea regarding "payouts." Check this out:
  4. Feeling this. I use Members Shop big time and it appears that's going away. At least we are getting Achievements 🙂 But yea the current points system is integrated deep into my community. Should be interesting to see how this unfolds lol
  5. Interesting idea @Ocean West When you say request a payout, can you expand on that please? I know we are building our own Achievements system, but maybe the Jackal's member shop app will work (though I believe they are going to pass that app to someone eventually and it's not been updated since October). There's a donation system in it. You can donate points but set up in the rules to have the points worth actual dollars. I'm not sure the system (with the members bank and withdrawals) will suffice but perhaps it's worth looking into? Just thinking out loud 😅
  6. Yea I feel you. I do feel like a good chunk are though yea? Innovation waits for no one 😂
  7. How does one do this. Asking for a friend.
  8. Happy Hump Day, fam! Though we're only halfway through the week, so much has been done behind-the-scenes. We wanted to give you a little peek behind the curtain as we continue to better 4.6 (~coming soooooon~). Below is a dump of fixes in the past week 🤯 The support for web push notifications and the new, simple offline page are of particular interest to me personally. How about you? Anything stand out? Questions? - Fixed an issue with the REST API where a GET request to records with a category parameter would result in a DB error. - Added support for web push notifications. - Added a simple offline page, displayed when users have no internet connection. - Added support for web push notifications. To support these kinds of notifications, you will need to add parse_mobile_* methods in your Notification extensions. - Added a `$count` parameter to `\IPS\Content::definiteArticle/_definiteArticle()`. If an integer is passed, a pluralized phrase will be used, if available. You should add pluralized strings for any `__defart_*` strings you've already created. The key should be in the format `__defart_*_plural`. - Fixed an inaccurate Redis log entry indicating read server used instead of write server. - Fixed an issue where you could not hook into `\IPS\Redis`. - Fixed an issue where font-awesome `<i>` tags submitted in source mode are stripped by CKEditor. - Fixed an issue where copying a donation goal would not copy the donation goal description. - Fixed an issue where copying a support department would not copy the support department submission screen text. - Fixed an issue where copying a support severity would not copy the support severity description. - Fixed an issue where deleting a support status would not remove the custom language strings in the database. - Fixed an issue where copying or deleting a shipping rate did not copy or delete the delivery estimate text. - Fixed an issue where copying or deleting a product filter did not copy or delete the public name. - Fixed an issue where copying or deleting a product did not copy or delete various translatable fields, such as the client area page content and email notification subjects. - Fixed an issue where you may be able to purchase more than the number of items in stock. - Improved email normalization for MaxMind fraud detection. - Fixed statistical charts not working in some locales. - Fixed sitemaps not generating properly. BTW, I've received a lot of messages about when we can expect 4.6. It's on our minds, too! We're putting forth the extra effort into the new Achievements system so give us a sec if that's alright. Speaking of... stay tuned for Friday's post. We have a cool Achievements feature to share with ya. 😎 Check things out above then drop us a line in the comments below (even if it's just to say hi). Related:
  9. Hi there @MNOfficial. Although we do think this is a cool idea, we have decided that we are going to hold off on implementing this into the platform for now 😕 🙏
  10. 😍 If I understand correctly, one would (in theory) use multiple blocks to display the topic items? supertopic 1 block ad supertopic 2 block ad etc?
  11. Ahh you know what I remember doing this a year or two ago on my own forums - totally forgot about it! I remember at the time I could only use font awesome codes that started with "f0" for some reason.
  12. Hey @Pavel Chernitsky, sorry for the late reply on this one. It's definitely not a stupid idea. To the contrary! I like it a lot. I'll pass the idea along to the team and when I get an update I can circle back. In the mean time, I'm curious if anyone else would be interested in this as well?
  13. Seeing some pretty good suggestions in here 😁
  14. Hey there. I will pass this along 🙂
  15. Ahhh interesting. Can this work with SuperTopics?
  16. Still dreaming of this idea 🤠
  17. I do think having more data about what a member does could be useful 👍
  18. Hey there. What kind of icons would you like to incorporate?
  19. Appreciate you circling back. Just so I'm clear, you're looking to have the wrapping be default in IC versus applying custom CSS?
  20. Hi fam! I had a thought. Wondering if anyone thinks this would be useful or not. I am exploring utilizing tags more on my own community BreatheHeavy/Exhale. Today, I created a block that is only meant to show topics that include the tag "grammys." This is just so we can have a bunch of Grammys related content flood the homepage for the day. So my homepage looks like: Grammys content-items block All content-items block I am encouraging members to create Grammy-related topics (the show airs tonight). We can curate their content to show on the homepage as long as they use that tag. Problem is, my homepage is now including a block with content related to the Grammys (showing only content with the tag "grammys"), and below that it shows all curated content (which also includes the grammys-related content). In other words, the same topic is appearing twice on the homepage. If we could exclude tags, this would solve that! I could set up the other block with all content-items and ask it to exclude any topic that includes the tag "grammys" Unless... there's a better way that hasn't come to mind yet. Thoughts?
  21. Hey there. Am I misunderstanding? When you search for a member in your ACP and click on their username it doesn't take you to their page in the ACP? It takes you to their public profile?
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