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Keith Clark

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    Keith Clark reacted to David N. in Introducing Courses   
    When I see the buttons at the end of a course, I feel like I'm missing some options that would make the visitor move forward. Most people don't want to return to the course they just took or retake the same quizz again either? Most people want to either go to the next course, next module, or back to that course's list of modules, or to the library of courses.

  2. Thanks
    Keith Clark reacted to Daniel F in Mailchimp Integration/Popup Newsletter Reg on hosted plan??   
    We have only a bulk mail feature for registered members, but there’s unfortunate no newsletter feature in our core.
  3. Like
    Keith Clark got a reaction from Greek76 in Shoutcast 2 Functionality Radio Audio HTML5\Flash   
    Hello everyone,
    I'm hosted with IPS. I've searched high and low for plugins and code to support what I'm trying to accomplish, which is to simply play a url like the following:
    I've purchased this code: https://codecanyon.net/item/shout-html5-radio-player-with-ads-shoutcast-and-icecast-support/20522568
    Of course I am scratching my head as in how I can upload these files to the server (it would connect to a remote audio that I am hosting using shoutcast). I'm thinking support will tell me its out of scope (which is the answer I get for most of my requests)
    Really, all I want to know is:
    How can I have HTML5 streaming of Shoutcast 2 audio with IPS?

    Open to any and all suggestions! Plugins that work, other ways of inserting code (including source), etc. I've seen other people ask on here and receive no response.
    Thank you in advance! 🙂
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    Keith Clark got a reaction from Nathan Explosion in Shoutcast 2 Functionality Radio Audio HTML5\Flash   
    Thank you Nathan, much appreciated!
  5. Thanks
    Keith Clark reacted to Nathan Explosion in Shoutcast 2 Functionality Radio Audio HTML5\Flash   
    Use the following HTML in your content source:
    <audio controls> <source src="URL"> </audio> OR <audio src="URL" controls></audio> Video:
    <video controls> <source src="URL"> </video> OR <video src="URL" controls></video>
  6. Thanks
    Keith Clark reacted to OctoDev in CSS to Change Page Backgrounds Globally   
    .ipsWidget_inner { background-color: white; }  

  7. Like
    Keith Clark reacted to bfarber in Publish & Sort Historical Content & Articles \Databases   
    The Pages application databases support a "publish date" field, so you can easily do this with pages. You just adjust the "publish" date when you publish the article/record.
  8. Like
    Keith Clark reacted to kmk in Sorting posts by reverse   
  9. Like
    Keith Clark reacted to Rhett in My search index table has 4gb!!! Can I simply clean it?   
    By default the search settings are set to 365 days for your search index, if you have changed that and increased it, that may explain the higher usage, you can limit search as needed to adjust the size of this as needed.  This is changed in your admincp > system > search settings. 
  10. Like
    Keith Clark reacted to RocketStang in Sent Messages?   
    Yes, that is normal...the PM system is conversation style so all the incoming and sent messages are posted inline in your inbox.  You can manually move sent messages to the sent folder that you created, but it won't do it automatically.
  11. Like
    Keith Clark reacted to CodingJungle in [CJ] Babble (Support Topic)   
    the chat service will, it is one of the reasons why it exist. the self hosted could too, but your node.js service would need to be on another server.
    babble has been out for almost 5 years now, i changed the renewal for babble 3, why it has a new entry (as i increased the renewal for the self hosted and increased the chat service from the 6 month to 1 year service, and there is no way on IPS to change existing purchases renewals). 
    I do offer a 30 day trial of the chat service on my site. you will need to register to get access to the offer:
  12. Thanks
    Keith Clark reacted to Morrigan in Background Color of a Page   
    Themes > Click edit on your theme > front end colors tab > Body background
    If this doesn’t change it then you need to talk to the theme author.
  13. Like
    Keith Clark reacted to Teddy Rogers in Disable uploading attachments in specific forums?   
    Pretty much as the title suggests. It would be nice if there were an option in a forums permission settings to "Upload Attachments" next to "Download Attachments". I have some forums that I do not want specific groups uploading files in to. As far as I am aware the only way to prevent a group from uploading a file in to a forum seems to be by disabling uploads for that group. Unfortunately that disables uploading across all forums.
    I have never fully understood why you would want to allow a user group to upload files in to a forum and yet disallow downloads in that forum by disabling "Download Attachments". It makes a bit more sense to me to have "Upload Attachments" as an option in each forums permission settings...

  14. Like
    Keith Clark reacted to CoffeeCake in Two factor security answers are exposed in ACP   
    I noticed a member who had turned on two factor authentication and provided security answers. I don't believe it's security best practices to show these values to anyone looking at the member's account in plaintext, without some sort of action being taken that is logged. For example, a button to view the values that then logs the account who requested to view the values, or even better, only validate that the entered answer matched what the user specified without displaying the values at all.
    Right now, the answers are available to anyone with permission to view without taking any action to see the answers. Please change this behavior to require a click on something that would insert "Paul E. viewed member's security questions and answers" or such in the account activity logs at a minimum.
  15. Like
    Keith Clark reacted to Rhett in Scheduled Posts   
    I have brought this up internally for further review, I can't promise anything at this point, but it's being considered for a future version.  Thank you for all of your feedback on this item. 
  16. Like
    Keith Clark reacted to Rhett in Bandwidth usage   
    You can see your current storage usage in the client area by selecting your cloud package from your purchases. 
  17. Like
    Keith Clark got a reaction from CoffeeCake in Limit File Extensions Type Uploads by User Group   
    Hello everyone, my first post, or feature request to the community! Requesting consideration of the following:
    Limit File Extensions Type Uploads by User Group Reasons
    Viruses can be packed in .exe, .zip, heck even word docs! How about limiting file types by group (adding that functionality to the group page) This way, only trusted groups could upload, for example a nice big .zip file. Because they're a trusted user that you've elevated to that group, their limitations would allow them to do that. Allowing any user to submit any type of file they want is completely unsafe and puts other users at risk. Thanks, and look forward to seeing ya'll more often! 🙂
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