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David N.

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by David N.

  1. I'm still having an issue. My issue is that I was using the menu manager to edit my menu while this issue occurred. Since then I'm seeing a different menu in my menu manager than what I'm seeing live. I don't know how to "reset" the menu manager so it shows me my current, live menu, so that I can continue editing it?
  2. I no longer see the warning here, and my menu looks like it was magically restored (to a wrong version). I can't tell what's going on.
  3. Same here, in the middle of a theme update... 🙄 Ok now I've completely lost my navigation menu because of this issue. I tried to restore default in the menu manager but never clicked the blue "Publish" button and yet the changes are now live, so my custom menu is completely gone. 😡
  4. Thanks a lot! I really was expecting the answer to be a simple "No, of course not." - this is magical. I just restored the post. Love it. 🙂
  5. On my forum, I just deleted a post by mistake. Is it possible to recover it?
  6. Ok I understand. However in my opinion that's an issue for visitors who are seeing this and wondering where it's coming from and whether or not it's legit.
  7. That's fine, however I was first confused when I saw that and thought I was victim of a hack or a phishing scam (the black line at the bottom looks like a text field). The problem is that the look of that form is completely unfamiliar, and it looks like one of those fake ads that have fake buttons like "Submit" or "Verify" etc to make you click them by mistake. I feel like that the look of that form should match the branding of my site: keep the site header, use the same font I'm using on the rest of the site, same button as in the forum etc... just like the Invision Community Alert pop-ups.
  8. I just saw the following after I clicked on member's avatar to see his profile. Is this part of the new spam prevention system?
  9. I see! Well it's a bummer... I'll just have to be patient. Thanks Marc.
  10. Unfortunately I am still having this issue. I just uploaded an image and double-clicked it to resize it, and Keep original aspect ratio was deselected: I can reproduce it if I try to upload that same image to another topic as well. If I upload that same image here to this forum, I am not getting this issue. I am attaching the image in question below:
  11. Yes, back to normal, thanks. 🙂
  12. My site has been back and forth between that 504 error or an unbearably slow response from the server for the past 15 mn. 😞 Meanwhile here's what I'm getting when trying to connect to invisioncommunity.com: Or when trying to react: Or when trying to upload a file:
  13. Something just happened. My community (in the cloud) was down (error 504 - see below) and this website (invisioncommunity.com) was giving me a gateway error. Now my site is working but very, very slow.
  14. This can also be done with javascript (without the need for a plugin or application).
  15. This is occurring again today. I know this will be fixed in a future update, but meanwhile, this issue is frustrating. 😞
  16. Under ACP > Members > Profiles > Profile Fields.
  17. I followed @opentype's instructions in the post that is marked as the solution to my question (green frame).
  18. I agree. I've suggested that before: IMO they should be the same. I've posted about that before too:
  19. I agree with most others here, that's the way I'm hoping it will work in a future version. Pure notifications like "Rank X achieved" could be marked as read the instant they are displayed on screen. A typical user will have only one at a time in their Notification menu, maybe two. But power users may have 30 notifications on any single day, and most expect to use that Notification menu as their to do list. IMO, the notification should change color when the item is read, whether you've clicked it in the Notification menu, or read it some other way. So if I go back to my notification menu and see only 14 bright notification, I know that I've already read the 16 other items.
  20. I wish we could have "Edit" buttons for each lesson on the module block (rather than only for the Quizz as it currently is). This is what I'd like to see:
  21. In Courses, clicking a large image does not open the image viewer as it does in the forum. Instead it opens the image full screen and there's no "X" button to close the image. The only way to go back to your lesson is to click the Back button on your browser.
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