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David N.

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Everything posted by David N.

  1. I followed @opentype's instructions in the post that is marked as the solution to my question (green frame).
  2. I agree. I've suggested that before: IMO they should be the same. I've posted about that before too:
  3. I agree with most others here, that's the way I'm hoping it will work in a future version. Pure notifications like "Rank X achieved" could be marked as read the instant they are displayed on screen. A typical user will have only one at a time in their Notification menu, maybe two. But power users may have 30 notifications on any single day, and most expect to use that Notification menu as their to do list. IMO, the notification should change color when the item is read, whether you've clicked it in the Notification menu, or read it some other way. So if I go back to my notification menu and see only 14 bright notification, I know that I've already read the 16 other items.
  4. I wish we could have "Edit" buttons for each lesson on the module block (rather than only for the Quizz as it currently is). This is what I'd like to see:
  5. In Courses, clicking a large image does not open the image viewer as it does in the forum. Instead it opens the image full screen and there's no "X" button to close the image. The only way to go back to your lesson is to click the Back button on your browser.
  6. In courses, on a lesson page (domain.com/courses/lesson/4-lesson-name/), the lesson title is an h2 tag. There's no h1 tag. Why is that? For SEO purposes, and even for CSS styling purposes, it seems like it would make more sense to have the lesson title be an h1 tag and then my own subtitles be h2 tags? Whoops: I just realized that the page is meant to be viewed as part of a module, and thus the module name is the h1 tag. Makes sense.
  7. In Courses, the list of lessons is on the right, the content on the left. I wish there was an option to have the list of lessons on the left, content on the right, which is standard on most online learning platforms.
  8. That's good to hear! I agree that it would be great to have a Provider's Directory. I would love it if Invision would share their template for creating our own Providers Directory on our site. Same thing with the Blog (https://invisioncommunity.com/news/) and with the user guide.
  9. Is there any way you could share the structure of the database and the theme files so that we can recreate it on our site?
  10. Yes to both, but ideally I wish this was a built-in feature of Invision Community. @Richard Arch the idea is that I would like to have my own Providers Directory on my own websites for experts in our community's field.
  11. I feel like having our own "Providers Directory" would be a great addition to the feature set of the Invision Community. Most of our communities thrive around the gathering of experts and for our members to be able to browse the custom services offered by the experts would be greatly useful for both the members and the experts offering their services.
  12. Not seeing it today so far. I'll patiently await version .13 🙂
  13. Unfortunately I'm still having this issue on my forum. Submitting replies taking more than 10 seconds to process. 🥵
  14. No. This was definitely an issue only when submitting replies to my website and this website, thus with the cloud service used by Invision Community. Good to hear! 🙂
  15. This just occurred again just now. About 10 seconds to submit a reply to a thread. Actually the same is occurring when replying here.
  16. Are you trying to do auto ads, or individual ad units? The code for auto ads goes in the header, like this: https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/9274516 The code for individual ad units goes in the body, like this: https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/9190028 To check that you've added the code correctly, view the source: https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/9189018 Then you may have to wait a few hours before Google actually publishes ads on your site.
  17. In your Admin Control Panel, edit your theme's CSS and HTML and you'll find the head tags at the top of the "globalTemplate" file.
  18. Ok thanks I'll have to inform the mods then. 🙂
  19. Ok so the post ended up being deleted but it took 15 minutes or so. Is that normal? The problem is that even though I've marked someone as a spammer, another moderator continues seeing their post and believes they should be acting on it...
  20. Normally when I spot a new member who has posted spam I go to his profile and click "Flag as a Spammer", and that deletes his posts. However once in a while, the poster is flagged as a spammer, however the post remains, and I don't know why?
  21. Seems like submitting answers is fast again as usual today? Anyone knows what happened though?
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