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David N.

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by David N.

  1. Thanks again. In the end, I created a test user on the Invision Community platform, linked it to a Facebook account, and gave them instructions to log in to the Invision Community platform with that test user. They were able to log in and seem to be happy with what they've seen so far.
  2. Thank you Marc. I haven't set any banned filter. Is there a way to check what spam service they were caught up in or why? How can I whitelist them? Edit: found it under "Spam Defense Whitelist".
  3. Facebook (a.k.a. Meta) reached out to alert me that an action was required for them to continue letting me using the app I created in order to allow for Facebook login on my Invision Community. I detailed the purpose of the app (to offer the Facebook login to my community forum). They replied with: I have 3 days to comply or they're canceling my app. What should I do?
  4. Here's what he's seeing when trying to access his moderator CP. If I disable the Courses app then he can access the moderator CP as expected.
  5. Good question. I have many pages of PMs. I just marked all read, I'll see if that resolves this issue.
  6. This issue seems to be tied to the banner that says I have 25 new messages (even though I really have only one new message).
  7. Yes indeed it looks like it would make sense. I've been wondering about the impact of Google Analytics on page speed lately. I know there are some alternatives to Google Analytics (such as abralytics) that improve page speed. However I can't use those as my ad manager requires Google Analytics. I'm still wondering if there's a difference between the UA and the GA4 scripts (I intend to test this soon and post my results here), and if data stream enhanced measurement settings (scrolls, outbound clicks, site search etc...) affect page speed (not sure how to test that).
  8. I have: 1Password – Password Manager 2.12.0 Google Docs Offline 1.62.0
  9. According to my Ad Manager, I should keep the UA code and I'm all set. I may still run some performance tests to see if one code is faster than the other. If I find out anything I'll post it here.
  10. Did you get a chance to have a look? This is still happening on a regular basis.
  11. Oh yes I'm well aware, thanks. The UA property will stop processing data on July 1, 2023. However the UA script I'm using still works fine in creating a GA4 data stream, which is all the GA4 property requires to process data. Maybe I'm overthinking this and it doesn't matter in the end.
  12. I'm still using the old one, it's working as expected (I suppose because inside Google Analytics I've linked it to my GA4 property) but I'm wondering if I need to change it or not, or if one presents advantages over the other. I suppose that just to be up to date I may change it to the new one, I'm just used to "if it ain't broken, don't fix it...".
  13. A year or two ago I've set up my GA4 property in Google Analytics and it did not require changing my code snippet, so my website is still using the old UA code snippet for the GA4 data flow (which works fine - I see in GA4 that my data collection is active). However I wonder if I should change the old snippet currently used on my site: <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> <script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=UA-XXXXXXXX-1"></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-1'); </script> And instead use the new one: <!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> <script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-XXXXXXXX"></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-XXXXXXXX'); </script> Does that make a difference?
  14. I wish this would show up when searching the ACP for "Analytics" or "Google Analytics".
  15. Ok so I finally was able to apply the patch (not sure why it wouldn't work the first time), but the orange message remains?
  16. When a member changes their display name, the new name is used in the poster's card on the left, but the old name is used for the "Edited by" sentence...:
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