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David N.

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by David N.

  1. It's not really an issue for me, now that I know, I could just stay logged in on my phone. It's an issue for my members though, as I can't imagine explaining that behavior to all of them. When they receive an email notification and click the button labeled "Go to this Post" and they don't see a post, they think something's wrong.
  2. But then that is an issue: I post a question on my Mac, receive a notification on my phone where I'm not logged in, click the link in the notification and there's no reply to my question. 🤨
  3. Yes, it looks like a caching issue. It occurs when you've already viewed a page, then someone posts an answer and you try to view that same page again. I just tried experimenting with a test post but I can't reproduce the issue when I reply to my own thread: my reply is immediately accessible in that case.
  4. I'm not sure. I'm a cloud customer and my board was migrated by Invision.
  5. I've experienced this a couple of times on my iPad and also on my iPhone. A comment is added as a reply to a topic, and I can see that comment appear as being posted "6 minutes" ago on the topic list (the comment was actually posted 15 minutes ago). Yet when I click the "6 min" link it takes me to the first post of the topic and I can't see that last comment. I can access the last comment as expected from Chrome on my Mac. Another time on my iPhone I received an email notification that a reply had been posted to a topic, I clicked the link and could not see the reply. The reply appeared as expected on my Mac. After a while (15 or 20 minutes) I end up being able to see the comment on the iOS device.
  6. Ok so actually it can be marked as the solution as long as there's at least one reply. So I have to reply something like "Thanks for posting your solution", then I can mark the first post as solved.
  7. I'm trying to mark as solved a topic with one single post. The poster edited his post right after posting to add his solution. Can I not mark it as solved?
  8. Ok thanks. I'm glad you chimed in. In fact your SuperGrid is the closest theme and I suppose I'll end up using that or hire you to do a custom job.
  9. Thank you @Randy Calvert - I've looked at those and others in the Marketplace but I haven't found something i like. IMO They don't look as clean as the two examples I shared. It's too bad Invision doesn't offer a decent default theme especially since they have really nice ones for this site and for the "Our Picks" page. Is there no way to somehow adapt the theme file used to display "Our Picks" to the Articles in Pages?
  10. I'm struggling to make my own articles look good on my website. Is there a way to make the page displaying all the articles look like the news on this Invision website, or like the "Our Picks" page on my forum?
  11. Will there be a quick guide on how to use Zoom and YouTube for Live Topics? I'm not sure if we need to subscribe to a paid plan or if that's a free service, or how to set it up?(Jump to the answer in the video)
  12. Interesting. Actually I see these attributes (gyroscope, accelerometer...) for a video that was posted on my forum in July 2022.
  13. Does anyone know if there's a way to test this on a Mac, so that I can take screenshots for my users? My iPhone 7 is too old, and Safari's Developer menu only goes to iOS 14 on my Mac.
  14. Got it. Any idea why even with all plug-ins disabled, when I copy paste the same YouTube link to my forum it adds allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen=" — which isn't added to @Nathan Explosion's forum?
  15. Actually "Trim Empty Lines" is just a CSS add-on that hides empty <p> tags, it doesn't manipulate the post content. Ok so I'll just fix the broken threads I can find manually... but this is a bummer.
  16. I have tested it and I can post videos as expected with or without 3rd party items enabled. The issue was with these two older topics (who knows if there aren't others). I haven't added new or removed old 3rd party plug-ins. I have only a minimum setup with 4 simple plug-ins: Enhanced Joined Date Enabled15.0.0 Marketplace By All Astronauts https://all-astronauts.com Trim Empty Lines in Posts Enabled1.0.3 Marketplace By Ahmed Zayed https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/189809-a-zayed/ Remove Pages from Search Enabled1.0.0 Marketplace By Adriano Faria https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/114025-adriano-faria/ Default Quick Search Option Enabled1.0.0 Marketplace By Ahmed Zayed https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/189809-a-zayed/
  17. I found another broken page: https://www.logicprohelp.com/forums/topic/140230-logic-pro-optimization-distribution-of-threads-on-cpu-cores-on-m1-mac/ - so something's wrong here. @Marc Stridgen if you can look into it that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  18. But no one (but me) can post HTML and I never use it to edit a post in the forum. I don't. I just copy pasted the video from YouTube.
  19. That worked!! Still scary though, how could the HTML break like that?
  20. Thanks for finding that out @Nathan Explosion. Now how did that happen? And how do I fix it?
  21. That's basically my question: why is the footer missing, and why is the page malfunctioning. In that last post, the following video should be embedded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Tx6SRCwWug Can you access the db with cloud hosting?
  22. I created a default stock Invision theme. No ads. Disabled all plug-ins. That page is still broken.
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