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David N.

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Everything posted by David N.

  1. This time I got a notification that I have 6 new comments in a topic. I click it, and there's only one new comment since I last viewed that topic (in fact I had liked the post before the last post in that topic):
  2. I don't think it's the same issue? I mean it says 85 new topics when there's only one so it's not just a matter of getting a duplicate. It seems like the counter keeps incrementing (from when?) even though I've approved those topics.
  3. I agree, I am underwhelmed by the presentation of the Articles database which does not offer at least a basic decent looking blog capability. I really hope that this gets some attention in future updates so that we can display blog articles in an elegant manner. I'm sure Invision has made a template for their own blog here so at least including that template as part of a release would be a start in the right direction. Before purchase, I assumed it would be possible for me to display something similar, so that was a bit of a downer.
  4. This is all great news, thanks Daniel! 🙂
  5. I've noticed that the item count in notifications gets unusually high for no good reason. I'm not sure how it counts for items like new topics requiring approval. In that example, I had only 1 new topic requiring approval, but the notification states there are 85 of them:
  6. What I do is control-click the file and choose Copy Image Address. I can't use media embed because I'm coding my pages in HTML and that does not parse embeds. On a separate note, I do not see a preview of the image in the File Overview tab?
  7. Thanks @Charles This is huge for me!! Courses and lessons will be immensely helpful. I am an author, I write books on how to use software, and I created a community so people could ask their questions. I will now be able to offer an accompanying online course to my community. I intend to create different modules for different topics. For me, the most important capabilities would be: A clear course outline in the sidebar where the students knows where they are in the course and checkmarks for lessons that were already completed (for example currently viewing Lesson 3/10, checkmarks for Lesson 1 and Lesson 2). Progress tracking so students know how much of the course they've completed (for example course 28% completed). The possibility to ask questions about a course item, that automatically flags the specific course lesson in the notification sent to the teacher. Integration with Commerce. Once the foundation is built, some enhancements could be: Learning path (a series of courses to take to complete a specific career path). Integration with Live Topics. Gamification. Automated notifications (i.e. "Looks like you haven't completed your course, you took the last lesson a week ago..."). Basically the main idea would be to make it easy enough for the student to keep track of their progress to engage them to want to learn more and complete their course or their full learning path.
  8. For cloud customers, I suppose SSO isn't useful? I mean we can't add anything on top of our Invision Community software, right?
  9. All I have to say so far is that this is really amazing. WoW!
  10. Will it be possible to integrate live topics inside courses? To make for example a weekly Q&A for course subscribers.(Jump to the answer in the video)
  11. Wow, that is GREAT NEWS!! I will use that for sure. 😃
  12. I really would love to see enhancements for Pages and the Articles, in order to have a modern looking way to display and organize articles (hopefully inspired by the newly revamped Events which look sleek and modern), and also URLs that aren't mydomain.com/articles/category/how-to-write/ but rather mydomain.com/how-to-write/
  13. It seems that anything around 2017 and older is still archived: https://www.logicprohelp.com/forums/forum/1-logic-pro/page/830/
  14. The topics are still not unarchived. I suppose I must have a wrong setting somewhere?
  15. Thank you. However I don't see these options in the Content tab of the Moderator group?
  16. I just realized that my moderators can not see the little warning site at the top (next to the bell and envelope symbols). Is there a way to let them access that ?
  17. When moving a topic, I wish that the "Leave a link to the new location?" checkbox could be selected by default.
  18. When a moderator movers a topic, I always want a link to the new location. Isn't it possible to keep that checkbox always selected by default?
  19. I'm referring to any image I upload on my site. Mostly they are screenshots in the ".png" format. As for @opentype I believe he's referring to one image that he used for testing both on this site and one of his communities.
  20. But that's the thing, I never deselect it, and I'm resizing only my own images, images I've posted myself, and sometimes it is deselected. It's pretty frustrating so I wish there was a way to completely disable the option to resize an image.
  21. So if I change the size (and keep the aspect ratio), submit reply, then edit and double-click the image, it's unselected?
  22. What do you mean by "manually" resized exactly? For some reason it's often deselected here and I end up with distorted images.
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