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David N.

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by David N.

  1. I see an orange notification on my board that states: Important Cookie Consent / PII Patch We have released a patch with important updates for your community. Please go to AdminCP > System > Support to apply the patch from the top left box. However there's no link called "Support" in my ACP "System" category. Perhaps it means "Get Support"? In which case I saw a link that said a patch was released, and a link that said "Fix this". I clicked the link to install the patch but after following the prompt I ended up seeing a message stating "There no application to update". Now I can't find that "Fix this" link anymore but the orange notification is still showing.
  2. Thank you @Marc, I've updated and the problem is now resolved.
  3. For the first time I saw the mention "Several people are typing" — usually I see the name of the people typing. Is that when there are more than 2 people typing or...?
  4. Yes that does sound like the conclusion of just about every "SEO Master Class" webinar I've attended. 😂
  5. Wait it was 18 topics a minute ago. Now I find only 6. I just removed the "Recent Topics" widget as it doesn't seem to be a good idea to have it on a view-topic page for SEO purposes. Thanks a lot. Still it's weird that Google re-indexes older archived topics with new content (the title in the Recent Topics widget), and doesn't index the new topic instead?
  6. Oh wow so that means that within the past 8 hours, Google took the time to re-index at least those 18 older pages, but not the new topic that was submitted 8 hours ago by my forum?
  7. 8 hours ago, a poster named oscwilde posted a topic named "Adding your own samples from an external source" on my forum. Now when I search google for that title, I get 18 older, unrelated topics, some archived 13 year old topics, with that new topic name and member name?? Here's the new topic: https://www.logicprohelp.com/forums/topic/149087-adding-your-own-samples-from-an-external-source/ Here's the wrong Google search results: https://www.google.com/search?q="Adding+your+own+samples+from+an+external+source"+site:www.logicprohelp.com&rlz=1C5CHFA_enFR1005FR1005&sxsrf=APwXEddXZRVAK55-kVH25hq_sH8nS979cw:1685018739789&ei=c1hvZLHpL5CfkdUPnaWv2AY&start=10&sa=N&ved=2ahUKEwjx7rL7v5D_AhWQT6QEHZ3SC2sQ8NMDegQIIRAG&biw=2220&bih=1603&dpr=2
  8. Yes indeed I just got a notification email with the HTML code you just pasted.
  9. AH!!! That's a great theory. Yes, I suppose that's what must have happened here. Thanks for explaining, that makes a lot of sense.
  10. No, HTML isn't allowed on my forum except for me (I am the sole admin).
  11. Received an email notification about a topic where the member embedded a YouTube video and it looks like this:
  12. But even with the stock theme and no plug-ins enabled I still get this issue. I just tried to disable all plug-ins now and I still get inverted colors. Great, that works! Thanks. 🙂
  13. Thanks! I'm experimenting with SuperGrid but had it turned off when I took that screenshot, not sure if that affects the display? I still can't find a way to remove the "Tag: " part? Also the colors are inverted: if in Display Options I choose white text on blue background then instead I get blue text on white background.
  14. I can add tags to articles in my Articles database. They are displayed in green with the word "Tags:" in front. Is there a way to change that color and remove the word "Tags"? So for example here I want it to say simply "Workflow":
  15. This just happened again right now. I'm not sure who I should email. The problem is also that by the time someone looks at it, the problem has disappeared, but this problem shouldn't happen that often, even if short-lived each time it occurs..
  16. Thank you! When I try to submit, the "Deauthorize" field requires to be filled first.
  17. Thank you Marc. Facebook is asking for the following information, what should I put in there?
  18. Oh ok thanks! Unfortunately I cannot find the oEmbed product in my Facebook App? Here are the only choices listed:
  19. I can no longer find the page that lists all supported embed in invision community. I tried pasting an instagram link to a video but that doesn't work. I was able to paste the embed as HTML but is there no support for instagram embed? Thanks.
  20. Well scratch that, I can reproduce the issue with only one tab open. So there's another variable which makes it work sometimes and not other times. I can reproduce the issue with no extensions. Bugs aren't always predictable, there may be a variable that we're not accounting for here, such as if I had already visited that notification or not for example, I'm not sure. I'm using an up to date version of Chrome (Version 113.0.5672.92 (Official Build) (arm64)) on macOS 12.3.1. All extensions disabled.
  21. Interesting. Now I can no longer reproduce the issue if only one tab of my website is open in my forum. The issue remains if I have more than one tab open though.
  22. Thanks. I just had this happen to me again: I was typing a private message to someone, got a notification, clicked it, and my browser window was updated to the new page. Thankfully the private message is saved in the text area and I was able to retrieve it when I went back.
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