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David N.

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by David N.

  1. No, in the case of my article blog, it's an article I haven't published yet.
  2. Nothing out of the unusual, this happens either when submitting a reply to a topic, or when saving a Page I've edited in the Articles database. I'll try to turn off my plug-ins and see if this happens again.
  3. Unfortunately I'm still having this issue now in 4.7.13, although now it's intermittent. It's fast sometimes, and very slow at other times.
  4. Thanks! Super easy. I was looking for a "category" field when editing the article - but this makes sense, much like moving a forum topic to a new forum. Thanks again. Publishing date was enabled however even I, the admin, didn't have permissions to edit it. Giving it the proper permissions fixed it.
  5. I started an article (hidden) a little over a year ago and am now ready to publish it. I have since created a new category where that article belongs. If I publish (unhide) the article today, I want it to have today's date as the publication date, and I also want to move it to the correct category. How can I do that?
  6. This was handled (very quickly) by the Invision Team. Again, thanks a lot! 🙂
  7. I've needed this before but I don't remember how to do it.I have republished an article that used to be on my old wordpress-based site and some people have linked to the old URL. How can I create a redirect from that old URL to my new Invision page? Thanks!
  8. This was resolved, it's now working as expected. Thank you!
  9. I disabled the 3rd party app, disabled all plug-ins, switched to a stock theme with no ads, and tried again. It still creates a good old bookmark, no PWA.
  10. I'm not sure why when I add my website to my home page on my iPhone, it just creates a bookmark to Safari instead of a PWA. I've tried without creating a manifest, I've tried creating a manifest and choosing Full Screen mode, both create a regular bookmark. Is there another setting I'm missing in my ACP? When I add this InvisionCommunity.com site to my home page on my iPhone, it creates a PWA as expected.
  11. I installed the patch, then ran the task, and then the warning disappeared. Thanks!
  12. Ok I was able to reproduce it with the stock invision theme! All you have to do is change the font scale of the Medium Text and the scroll bars appear:
  13. Good call, and indeed I am not seeing this on the stock Invision theme.
  14. For some reason, when I embed a forum topic in a post, sometimes (but not always) there's an unnecessary scroll bar displayed. I know how to fix this with CSS, but I suppose that scrollbar shouldn't be there to begin with? I see this: When I would want to see this:
  15. The cloud caching issue was what triggered my need to redo the menu. However the reason I could no longer find "Unanswered Topics" in my menu manager was because I was looking at the wrong place. I was clicking "Add Item" thinking I'd find "Unanswered Topics" as a meny item type... when it was already in my menu at the top level (I am used to having "Unanswered Topics" as a secondary menu item). Thanks for responding! And thanks for this plug-in, it's very useful.
  16. @Fosters I'm redoing my menu however I no longer see the option to add an "Unanswered Topic" tab in my menu manager? The app is still installed and enabled in my ACP.
  17. UGH.... now that default menu has been published! Even though I never clicked the publish button! I've lost my custom menu and have to redo it from scratch. 🥵
  18. When the caching errors started appearing about 3 hours ago, I was editing my menu in the menu manager in my ACP. Since then, my menu has been acting weird, showing me different menu orders and refusing to publish the ones I was trying to publish. Now it's in a state where the current live menu is pretty close to what I want but it still needs to be further edited, however the menu manager is showing me a restored default configuration that I did not publish. How can I have the menu manager show me the current live menu so that I can continue editing it?
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