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David N.

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Everything posted by David N.

  1. That's a bummer! But thank you for the answer @opentype.
  2. When the Articles database is set to not use categories, the byline for each SG_card on the front page says: By David, in Articles, April 19, 2022 Is it possible to remove "in Articles" since that is the only place where all my articles are?
  3. I understand the reason but as a user that's not the behavior I'm expecting. I don't mind waiting for 5.x for a fix but I do hope this will get fixed.
  4. Then maybe I wasn't clear. Here's an example: You see how "Unanswered Topics" does not have a submenu. Neither does Downloads. On the PC, you click once on "Downloads" and you get to that page, as expected. On the iPad in landscape mode, you tap "Downloads" once and all you get is that little white arrow pointer point to Downloads, yet you're still seeing the Unanswered Topics. That's not the expected behavior from the user. The expected behavior is that you tap "Downloads" once and you load that page (and, if Downloads had a submenu, it would display that submenu at the same time).
  5. The navigation menu does not work as expected on an iPad in landscape mode. Top level items require two taps instead of one, whether or not they have sub-items present. When there are sub-items, the first tab displays the sub-items below the top level items but does not take you to the corresponding page if the top item is a link. This can be reproduced on all Invision Community websites that are using a stock invision template and no 3rd party plug-ins or applications. For example I was able to reproduce it with https://www.ic-essentials.com/
  6. Thank you! Why is that better? Would it make the page load faster because it would be using smaller image files?
  7. I am using sharp images as the record image and they appear sharp in record view, yet they are blurry on the front page? Edit: I deselected "Use Thumbnails for Listing" in the plug-in settings, and now images are sharp.
  8. When someone clicks on the name of a user, it shows the profile page with the "Activity" tab active by default. Is it possible to have the "About Me" tab active by default instead?
  9. Nevermind I just realized this doesn't go in a template file but in the Display Options when editing a field.
  10. In which template file should this be added? Thanks!
  11. No. I'm really just getting started with publishing Articles and only have 1 published article (as of last week).
  12. No, in the case of my article blog, it's an article I haven't published yet.
  13. Nothing out of the unusual, this happens either when submitting a reply to a topic, or when saving a Page I've edited in the Articles database. I'll try to turn off my plug-ins and see if this happens again.
  14. Unfortunately I'm still having this issue now in 4.7.13, although now it's intermittent. It's fast sometimes, and very slow at other times.
  15. Thanks! Super easy. I was looking for a "category" field when editing the article - but this makes sense, much like moving a forum topic to a new forum. Thanks again. Publishing date was enabled however even I, the admin, didn't have permissions to edit it. Giving it the proper permissions fixed it.
  16. I started an article (hidden) a little over a year ago and am now ready to publish it. I have since created a new category where that article belongs. If I publish (unhide) the article today, I want it to have today's date as the publication date, and I also want to move it to the correct category. How can I do that?
  17. This was handled (very quickly) by the Invision Team. Again, thanks a lot! 🙂
  18. I've needed this before but I don't remember how to do it.I have republished an article that used to be on my old wordpress-based site and some people have linked to the old URL. How can I create a redirect from that old URL to my new Invision page? Thanks!
  19. This was resolved, it's now working as expected. Thank you!
  20. I disabled the 3rd party app, disabled all plug-ins, switched to a stock theme with no ads, and tried again. It still creates a good old bookmark, no PWA.
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