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David N.

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Everything posted by David N.

  1. Yes. I ended up being able to get them to verify it but it took a few days. You don't need an official business account. You just need your regular account and the app you've created at https://developers.facebook.com/apps/
  2. Ok I think I know what probably happened. I must have copied the HTML from an older article into a newer one and deleted the older article. Rookie mistake. Thank you @Jim M!
  3. This is remarkable. Will there be a way to adjust the length of the snippets? I like the idea, but I wouldn't want them to be too long. Trying to strike a balance between enough content visible to get people interested in the conversation, but not too much so that they still have to open the topic to read more. I was going to watch a Netflix movie but I think I'll watch that video 6 times in a row instead. 😍 @Ehren for the win!!
  4. No, I'm not. The URL is https://www.logicprohelp.com/articles/map-midi-controller-knobs-to-plug-in-parameters-r1/
  5. Oh ok, I assumed the front page was a listing page, because the "listing" display option of a field affects the way that field is displayed on the front page. So what's a listing page? How do I create one? I looked up the IC guide but couldn't find anything about it. The only mentions of a "database listing page" are referring to the ACP.
  6. On one of my articles, all images disappeared. Instead it's showing the name of the images. Like this: All my other articles display their images as expected.
  7. Thank you. I tried to add the Database Filters widget but it does not display. Is it because my Articles database is not using categories?
  8. Ok so I ended up using the visual language editor which worked fine for this application, thanks @Marc Stridgen! That's a great tutorial, thanks for sharing. I just set it up on my blog to be able to have different colors for different badges showing the type of article. One question: In the field settings, I selected "Allow filtering" but how are you supposed to filter your articles by the field value? I'm expecting to be able to click the badge to filter records but that does not work.
  9. I wanted to ask other community members what they were doing, and what they've found works best for SEO in their experience. I suppose this is an issue that all boards that have a long history are facing, so I'm hoping we can have a discussion about how best to handle it.
  10. Here is an example. Today I searched Google for "Delete Account site:invisioncommunity.com" The #1 result is an outdated 2015 archived topic that does not contain the answer. How would you handle this? Unarchive the topic so that you can reply to it with an up to date answer, or link to an answer? Or delete that topic and redirect?
  11. I have the same question. I'm cloud hosted. I wish there was a way to automatically compress images and videos, as today most users expect to take a photo or even a video with their phones and upload it to their post, the way they do on Facebook.
  12. Great. Thanks a lot @Marc Stridgen and @opentype, looks like I have some reading to do. 🙂
  13. Related to the the Pages database "Articles": I don't really need a featured article but would rather use that badge to highlight the newest article. Where can I edit the word "Featured" to say "New" instead? Thanks!
  14. Thanks a lot! My Article database does not use categories, so I'm going to follow @opentype's suggestions.
  15. I've started writing articles in Pages and would like to have other members write articles. What's the best way to give them permissions so that they can write articles? Can I have them write and see their own hidden articles but not mine, and can I be the only one allowed to unhide the article?
  16. Ok, thanks. I suppose the "+" isn't necessary then? "9 new replies" would be more clear?
  17. I've seen the following message for the first time on my community: It it a new message? I'm confused. If there are 9+ (does it mean more than 9?) new replies, why would it suggest to show only the first 7? And what's the difference between "Show first 7 new replies" and "Go to first new post"? I clicked Show first 7 new replies and it took me to the first new post. Thanks!
  18. Thank you. I finally figured out an even easier solution: just change the .mov extension to .mp4, and the file plays in Chrome.
  19. Our user-base is on Mac and when they take a screen recording, the Mac produces a .mov file. Once uploaded, that .mov file is embedded as expected in Safari, but not in Chrome. Is there an easy solution, or does one need to get a 3rd party video conversion tool to convert the .mov into a supported movie file format? Thanks!
  20. Thank you Daniel! Aren't archived topics automatically flagged as no index? My issue is, they still are given impressions in SERPs. That would make sense, however is there a way for me to do a redirect (I'm using the cloud service)?
  21. Do any of you delete older topics that are unhelpful? Sometimes, doing a Google search for a topic returns a 15 year old (archived) topic that contains an unanswered question, when we have that same topic resolved in other, more recent threads. I am wondering if it would help to simply delete those topics? And, more generally, if it would help deleting topics that do not contain anything helpful to our community?
  22. Ok I was able to change the icon in Pages > Pages Management > Templates > Block Plugin Templates > RecordFeed > supergrid to make it look like this which I like better than the chart icon:
  23. Ok got it, thanks! Is it possible to change the icon for example for a thumb-up icon like this one: https://fontawesome.com/icons/thumbs-up?f=classic&s=solid ?
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