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David N.

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by David N.

  1. I noticed that I can select a topic and choose to Feature it. However I can't see what that does to the topic exactly? I searched but couldn't find the answer. Thanks!
  2. Hello @TAMAN, do you have any plans to add the possibility to have dark mode turned off by default for everyone unless they manually turn it on? I'm a little concerned about installing it if some members will suddenly see the site in dark mode without having switched it themselves.
  3. Hello, When I'm on the forum and receive a new notification, a black banner appears at the bottom of the window. Problem is, I have a footer ad that is covering that part of the window, so the banner is hidden behind the ad. Is it possible to move the banner at the top of the window instead? Or is it possible to change the banner's z-index so it appears on top of the ad rather than behind? Thanks!
  4. The icon that shows up in browser notifications or the start page seems to be the custom icon for my first forum however it's looking very very tiny over a black square - so it doesn't really work. Is there a way to set a specific icon to show up in those places?
  5. ...aaand now I can't find it of course. Next time I stumble upon one I'll post it here. Thank you!
  6. Thanks Mark! I do want to keep most of these displayed, I was wondering if there was a way to remove only some of them?
  7. When I'm browsing this forum I sometimes see the name of a member who is watching the same content as I am displayed at the top left in a yellow box. Is it possible to have that same feature on my forum or is that a modification? Thanks!
  8. Sometimes in a thread, you see for example a "1 month later" box in between two posts. However in some cases a post was removed and the box is still displayed yet there are no posts after the box. Is there a way to remove the 1 month later box?
  9. Thanks Marc for your patience. However I still don't understand the distinction? Both are called "Notifications". In the "Notifications" pop-up menu you click on View all notifications, and the Notification list opens in the main window rather than the pop-up menu, but to me they look the same so I would assume they are both the same list of Notifications?
  10. Ok so forget about the badge with the number. If we focus only on highlights, then right now as soon as you click one notification, they are all grayed out. But if you choose "See all notifications" then you get to a page that behaves exactly the way I want (unvisited notification links continue to remain highlighted the next time you visit that page). I wish the Notification pop-up menu would behave the same as that page, so that you can keep track of which notifications you've clicked and which you have not.
  11. I see it now, thank you!! I have a footer ad that is covering that part of the forum pages... which is another subject for another thread. But I was able to delete the links, thanks all!
  12. Thank you! So yes I'd like to delete them right away. I see how to select the link. However I don't see a "moderation actions" menu when I view the list of topics in a forum? I can see that menu only when I view all the posts inside a topic.
  13. I moved some sticky posts from one forum to another. Now in the original forum I have an arrow with a link to the moved post. It's been a few days so I now want to remove those links, how do I do that? Thanks.
  14. Great! I did that and it works! Thanks a lot for the simple idea. And thank you too @Nathan Explosionfor the detailed code, I'm sure this will come in handy at one time or another, I appreciate the help as well.
  15. Thank you. However on my main computer where I'm always logged in, they are never shaded, even when there is no new content at all? Edit: Oh I see they're shaded only when logged out and there's no unread content then. Is there a way to disable this function?
  16. I noticed that when I'm not logged in (on another machine) the forum icons are shaded. What is the meaning of shaded icons, and is there a way to disable them so they're never shaded (I am using custom forum icons).
  17. I really like the widget we can see at the top of the sidebar on this forum, the one about "Scheduled Maintenance - Today - Complete". Is it possible to make my own for my forum? Thanks!
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