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David N.

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by David N.

  1. I was able to make an animate screen capture of the behavior if that helps. I'd rather not share publicly but I can send it by email.
  2. Thank you Marc. Different websites behave differently when clicking a notification banner like this. Some websites (Reddit for example) have even changed the behavior for their notifications in the past.
  3. I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing? It doesn't matter whether or not I press the Command key here when clicking a notification banner on my desktop Mac, for Invision Community, it always rewrites one of my website's already opened tab and never opens a new tab. I'm talking about clicking this: Here's a simple example: I have only one tab opened with page A on my website. I click a notification banner about a new reply to another topic. The new topic overwrites the tab that had page A opened. There's no way to go back: the back button in Chrome is disabled (as if I was never on another page before). The tab does not register the overwriting as a new page in the history, it's the same page, only its content was overwritten. I can't go back to page A.
  4. I'm pretty sure it's an issue with how the Invision software is coded: My back button works as expected and takes me back 1 step in my history for that tab, however when I click a notification banner to visit a page, the current page is wiped out of the history to be replaced with the new one. This happens only with the Invision software, and it happens with all browsers. In any case I really wish that clicking a notification would open a new tab and not replace one of the currently opened forum pages, that would make more sense.
  5. This is a frustrating behavior. I visit a page from my forum (page A) and keep it open in a tab, hoping to come back to it when I get a minute. I receive a notification banner that there's a new reply to another topic. I click the banner. The page I had kept open (page A) is replaced with that other topic (page B). I click the "Back" button on my browser: it takes me back to the list of topics. There's no way to find page A again.
  6. Do you know why my cloud-hosted website would display this?
  7. Thanks Charles. I am already in full screen view, however the "Questions" section below the video is so tall that the video is kinda small. On that doctored screenshot I just shared I've made the video bigger so it's the size I wish it was. In reality even in full screen, the video is about half that size (I wish I had an undoctored screenshot but I don't have one).
  8. Yes! That's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks! 🙂
  9. I've promoted a few posts on my forum so they're listed under "Our Picks", however now those also appear in every notification email being sent. Is there a way to remove them from the notification emails? Thanks!
  10. When I see the buttons at the end of a course, I feel like I'm missing some options that would make the visitor move forward. Most people don't want to return to the course they just took or retake the same quizz again either? Most people want to either go to the next course, next module, or back to that course's list of modules, or to the library of courses.
  11. I wish there was a way to make the video larger (and still see the chat pane) in Live Topic. Something like this:
  12. Is there only one quizz per module, at the end of the module? (Jump to the answer in the video)
  13. Looking great! I can't wait to get started building my first course. 🙂
  14. Ok thanks Marc. Maybe it's because of these super long strings of code. Oh well no big deal.
  15. In my search console, one topic from my forum generates the "Incorrect Value Type" error defined by Google as: The value specified for a field was of the wrong type. For example, you specified a string when a number or array was expected. See the structured data documentation to learn the required value type for that specific field. The page is: https://www.logicprohelp.com/forums/topic/144297-an-audio-unit-plug-in-reported-a-problem-which-might-cause-the-system-to-become-unstable-please-quit-and-restart-logic-pro/
  16. On my Mac, I get a notification that I received a new message: After I click that notification, I'm taken to the Inbox but no message is selected, so I see this: So at first I'm a bit confused as it looks like the message I was just notified about isn't there? Then I realize that I have to click the highlighted discussion in the column on the left, and then I also have to scroll all the way to the bottom of that discussion to read the last message. Shouldn't the message that corresponds to the alert (there's actually only 1 new message) be selected and visible after I click the notification?
  17. Before it went down, I even saw this when trying to react to a comment, and the last comments I submitted took a long time to be submitted.
  18. For a little bit of time (1 minute, 2 minutes?) my site was almost down (the CSS was broken) and I couldn't use it, there was a db error "too many connections" and when I came to invisioncommunity.com it was the same here! 😰
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