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David N.

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by David N.

  1. How do I allow moderators to approve new posts by newly registered members? Right now my moderators do not see this:
  2. Wow! Good to know, thanks, and I'm glad I asked this question. 🙂 Great, good to know. Thanks a lot.
  3. I see that renaming a forum topic handles redirects from the original topic to the new one under the hood. I'm wondering how the redirect is done exactly, what happens if I rename a topic multiple times, and if it can hurt SEO, or if I shouldn't worry about it?
  4. One of my members just reported getting 403 errors when accessing the site. How can I resolve this? Thanks!
  5. Thanks! The user was me, the admin, so I've set it to unlimited. All good. 🙂
  6. I don't understand how my Max File Size is now around 200kb when it was around 2MB for months. I haven't changed the settings and no one else has access to those? Also I looked in my ACP but I cannot find where that setting is in order to change it back? Thanks.
  7. I'm not sure what you mean by filters. I searched and the only filters I find are cuss words that are replaced by (@#*&$* signs. Are there other kinds of filters?
  8. I see so unfortunately when one clicks on a tag in Articles it shows any forum topics that have that tag as well... is there anyway to have it default to show only articles that have that tag?
  9. I want to use "Articles" along with its database to start a blog. I have disabled categories because I would rather not have articles stuck inside a single category. Instead I would rather have tags, just like in my forum, so that a single article can have multiple tags. Is there a way to do that? For example if this were a food blog, the article "Apple pie" would get the tags "Fruits, Apple, Tarts, Desserts" and one could click on any of those tags to access all the articles that have that same tag.
  10. Great! Thanks so much. Just goes to show that before asking a question here I should have searched my ACP. 🙄 But I assumed I would have to go into the templates and customize them, this is way easier. Thanks!!
  11. How can I add a link to my privacy policy at the bottom of my site, for example like this? Also I just noticed the copyright is still 2022, how do I change it to 2023?
  12. I choose to let users create their own tags. However sometimes users create tags for words that I'd like to filter out. These are words that are not part of the word filters.
  13. Ok he doesn't remember but he says it's possible that was from another thread, so at this point I believe it's likely to be what happened. Thanks!
  14. The strange thing is that users can't delete their own posts, only I can, and I did not delete a post containing that image. I'll ask the poster if he knows anything.
  15. A user posted a picture. It shows up for me but someone says they're not seeing it (seeing an empty .png instead). When I click the picture, it opens an image viewer with a broken image link, as below. When I edit the post, I see the picture but not the attached file? Here's the post: https://www.logicprohelp.com/forums/topic/146421-audio-tracks-will-not-play-when-attempting-to-count-in-or-punch-in-parts/#comment-849115
  16. Why is that? It sounds like it would tie nicely in with their new "Real Time" cloud features, plus I find that it makes it more exciting to post a reply when you know the person is online even if they're not browsing the current topic.
  17. When looking at the list of topics in a forum, there used to be a real time yellow "2 users here" (for example) when 2 users are currently viewing a topic, instead of the view counter. I haven't seen this in a while. Not on my site, not on this site either. Is this feature disabled? Here's an example of a topic that I know currently has multiple users viewing and typing, and yet it just shows the view counter as usual instead of displaying the real time number of users viewing the topic: Ok so I just saw it here on this site. But I'm no longer seeing it on my site?
  18. I wish there was a clear way to quickly identify which members involved in a discussion are currently online without having to place the mouse pointer over an avatar to get the pop-up that tells me if the user is online. Something like what phpBB is doing:
  19. I agree that the default size is really small, it would be nice if their default size could be a few points larger than the text.
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