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David N.

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Everything posted by David N.

  1. I am trying to create a Twitter login for my community. I created an App in Twitter and turned OAuth. When I enter the API Key and Secret in my Invision Community ACP, the ACP saves them. But then when I attempt to sign in with Twitter, it takes me to the Twitter site, then I am redirected to my website where I get the following error: Note that when I enable OAuth in Twitter I also get a Client ID and Client secret however I cannot enter those in my Invision Community ACP (if I try, I get the error below):
  2. Great! Thanks, I did not know that. 😄 Very good idea, thanks a lot! 😄
  3. Yes, but I'm looking for one single link that would be for both content started and posted by the user. Some users don't even know if they started a new topic or replied to an existing one, they just want to have a list of everything they wrote no the forum.
  4. Ok thanks. External would have been my choice as well. I'll try that.
  5. Thanks, opentype. In our community, I'm fairly sure that most users don't look at the activity streams, even if I did add a link there. You know how most users are, they're in a hurry, they want to find what they need very quickly without having to think. Maybe I should create a custom stream made from content the user either started or posted in, and create the button myself? As a user, that's where I would expect to see it. I mean I can access my profile, my attachments (which I never need to access in my case), it would make sense to me that I could access my posts from that same menu.
  6. I recently read a case study over on the admin zone where they studied how forums were used and one of the major points that came out were: Most people googled something, came to a single page, either found their answer or didn't, and left never to come back again. For the few who sign up and ask a question or reply to a topic, when (and if) they decide to come back and see if there was an answer, most of them have the hardest time trying to find what they posted. I suggest adding a super obvious easy way for anyone to find their posts. Either a big green "Find my posts" button, or a less conspicuous "MY POSTS" link in the member pop-up menu like this:
  7. I am setting up Google login for my Invision Community. I'm afraid I don't fully understand what Google is saying there. Which should I choose, Internal or External? Thanks!
  8. Thank you for all these options. When I scrape a forum topic with the Facebook debugger I see this: The following required properties are missing: og:description, fb:app_id I do have a facebook app which is set up for the facebook login for my invision community. How do I fix this? Thanks!
  9. I could swear I've set it up before and yet links appear with a blank image. I searched my ACP for "open graph" but got no result. Thanks!
  10. That would explain why some of our members reply to the email notification rather than clicking the button to go to the thread in the forum:
  11. Ok, understood, and that makes sense. Thank you @Jim M! 😄
  12. When I edit a post I see "Edited just now by (me)". I know I'm the only one to see that (or perhaps mods can see it too, not sure), however I'd rather completely remove it and not see it so that I can see the same thing a regular member sees. Is there a setting for this?
  13. And... done. Let's see if it works to help convince members to upload a custom profile picture.
  14. That's great, I completely overlooked this. Even better than what I was suggesting. Thanks!! 😃
  15. A lot of members don't understand how to upload a profile pic. They go to their profile and click "Cover Photo" and their avatar ends up being a cover photo instead. That little button at the bottom left of the profile pic isn't always obvious for some members. It seems that many just click their profile pic on their profile and expect to then be able to upload a new one. I wish we could click the profile picture to update it. For example Facebook's interface is a bit more obvious: I can click my profile picture and this pops-up a little menu where I can choose to update my profile picture:
  16. Many members don't have a profile picture. Most don't bother because they just join to ask one question at first. Others wouldn't know where to begin to set it up. I wish there was a system set up to encourage new members to upload a profile picture. I will be using the Alert System to encourage all new members to upload one and share instructions on how to do it, however the Alert System doesn't know which members already have a profile picture, and which ones don't, so that a new member who's already uploaded a profile pic will still get the alert. Also it would be great to send a reminder alert to older members who've never set up a profile pic either.
  17. Indeed this was a PM that was responding to an alert. Thank you @Nathan Explosion!
  18. I was logged in as myself. The user was a spammer, so I've deleted him, so unfortunately I no longer have a link to his private message. I believe it's possible that when I tried to access the private message, the spammer had deleted it.
  19. When I try to access a specific private message I get the following error: Error: Call to a member function forMember() on null (0) #0 /home/logicpro/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\core\modules\front\messaging\_messenger->manage() #1 /home/logicpro/public_html/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #2 /home/logicpro/public_html/applications/core/modules/front/messaging/messenger.php(67): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute() #3 /home/logicpro/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\front\messaging\_messenger->execute() #4 /home/logicpro/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #5 {main}
  20. Ok I understand, thank you for explaining that. Thank you! And yes you're right as I did search in ACP before asking here because I couldn't find it.
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