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David N.

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by David N.

  1. So I disabled that plug-in and unfortunately the errors continue (the 12/06 and 12/07 errors occurred after I disabled the plug-in).
  2. To see the same thing as My Sharona, you actually have to click that "Latest post" tab. Is that what you mean, that you wish this tab was displayed by default rather than have to click it?
  3. And now my ads.txt has been redirected as well, so all is good. 🙂
  4. Even after migrating to Cloud, I continue seeing repeated log entries in my system log. Not sure what should be done?
  5. Yes, the advanced support team was finally able to do the redirects for me. Now I am just waiting for them to redirect my ads.txt link and I will be all set.
  6. I know, hI agree, and I don't mind if I have to design my own dark mode theme. What I wish for is a simple Light/Dark switch at the top right of the website. I'm no designer, but basically I'm imagining something like this: fi
  7. I can't really speak for elastic search but I agree that the need for an external email provider is a bummer at that price point. Or to put it in a more positive light: it would be awesome if in the near future, the Cloud services included email services so that notification emails came from the expected domain name, and not from noreply@invisioncloudcommunity.com - without the need to purchase an additional service from a 3rd party vendor. I suppose that may belong in the "Feature Suggestions" forum.
  8. Unfortunately I can't just add my own 301 redirects to a .htaccess file as one can with a hosting service. My request has been escalated to the advanced support/development team, and I'm waiting to hear back from them.
  9. Anyone doing business in the EU has to comply with EU regulations, just like anyone doing business in the US has to comply with US regulations. Most businesses have until February 17th of 2024 to comply with the DSA. Source: https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/policies/digital-services-act-package
  10. Most of our user base browse our forum in dark recording studios and complain about the bright website, being used to dark mode. I wish Invision would add a Dark mode option. I know there are workarounds, and I know about the Dark Mode 3rd party plug-in but it's got its own issues, so I would favor a built-in user setting in the core software.
  11. I can confirm this. I just gave it a try. Signed up for your forum, switched to light mode and every link I click, I get a flash of the dark theme for a split second.
  12. Wait, is there a way for me to use my Google email SMTP settings to resend these emails? In other words, now that I'm in the Cloud, can I still use any of the 3 provided Mail Delivery Methods?
  13. I am however receiving new notifications since I've changed the Mail Delivery Method to Cloud. Just not the ones I resend from the Email Error Log.
  14. I just found over 500 notification emails in my Email Error Log, all from the past 2 days when Invision migrated my community to the Cloud. All of them read: Error: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known I checked my email settings and noticed that the Mail Delivery Method was still on SMTP with the old settings from my self-host SMTP info. I switched it to: Invision Community in the Cloud : Uses Invision Community servers to send emails. - It sent me a test email which I received as expected. Then I went to the Email Error Log and started clicking the "Resend Email" button on a few of the emails, including one that was addressed to me. The emails appear to be sent successfully, however I never received the one that was addressed to me? I tried to resend another one that was addressed to me, never received it either. No emails in my spam box either.
  15. Thanks again @teraßyte - that works fine. I wish there was an easier way, but that will do.
  16. Ugh... so when I want to insert an image in a text block where I'm using HTML, what is the recommended procedure? Thanks!
  17. Wait, that does not work when using HTML inside a Text block, which is what I'm using.
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