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Everything posted by Ehren

  1. Hello, The "export theme feature" will only export files which are uploaded using the "Manage Resources" area of your theme. Any theme related resources (js files, images, etc) should be uploaded there. If you've assigned forum icons using the "Community > Forums > Edit > Icon" setting, it would probably be easiest to simply reupload those icons on your live site. Those icons are not exported with the theme. I believe the only other method would be to export your database and files, and migrate them from localhost to your live server (but it seems like you'd prefer to do a fresh install, so this option isn't ideal in that case). I'm not sure if that helps to answer your question?
  2. I actually fixed this a few hours ago, it just hasn't been merged yet. I believe it'll be fixed in the next update 🙂
  3. Hi @bing11 This setting is actually tucked away slightly. Visit the "Groups" page in your admin cpanel (admin/?app=core&module=members&controller=groups) and click the Edit (pencil) icon. Under the Downloads tab, you'll see an option named "Can submit URLs?" Enable that for your group(s) and you're done!
  4. Thanks @The Old Man This has been on my radar for a while - I'll pass it onto the team to see what they think! 🙂
  5. Hey @Square Wheels I'm not aware of any errors which are currently happening with my themes. My themes only have a couple of modified template files, so theme errors/incompatibilities are very rare. If your other site isn't reporting any theme errors, then I believe it would be a server/software hiccup as Jim mentioned.
  6. @Nathan Explosion Nice solution - there's just a misplaced apostrophe with your code. The <li> line should be: <li data-categoryID='{$category->_id}' class='cForumRow ipsBox ipsSpacer_bottom ipsResponsive_pull {{if \in_array($category->_id,$collapseThese)}}cForumRow_hidden' data-hidden="true"{{else}}'{{endif}}>
  7. You can simplify that code to this: <div class="ipsResponsive_hidePhone ipsType_center"> ** ad code ** </div> That will center the ad on all screens, and will hide it on mobiles (anything smaller than 768px).
  8. Hello, There are a few solutions for your author column question in your other topic. The code editor is designed to occupy the full height of your window (minus any other elements such as your header and footer) - however since you have an ad in your admin panel (which isn't standard), the editor doesn't have much room to expand. Removing the ad will fix your editor issue.
  9. Nice, glad you got it sorted! z-index's can be a pain sometimes! 🙂
  10. Hello, When the ad fails to load, can you check the browser console or use the web inspector to see if the ad content is actually loading? It could potentially be caused by a problem with your ad network rather than the Invision software. With that said, it appears as though you've implemented your ad by modifying the HTML code of the Member Statistics block. If you have the Pages application, a more flexible method would be to use the built in "Blocks" feature and the "Advertisements" feature. This will allow you easily to drag/drop/reorder your advertisement into any widget location in your sidebar. You can learn more about that here.
  11. I'm unable to reproduce the issue on the default theme on either 4.6.8 or 4.6.9. I tried checking your site, however I'm unable to access it as a guest.
  12. Thanks for the report @The Old Man I've just fixed the Featured Products widget. It will be patched for our next release. 🙂
  13. If you're referring to the actual text color of the forum description, I'd suggest using css to change it. Using the editor will "force" the description to use that color, which isn't always ideal if you're using different themes (particularly both light and dark ones). If you do want to use the editor though, you can change the color using the "Text Color" button, which is an underlined "A".
  14. I typically suggest a Parent/child setup, since it allows you to easily compare your customized theme with an untouched one. To do this, install a 3rd party theme onto your site. Next, visit the Themes page in your Admin panel, click the "edit/pencil icon" next to the theme and tick "None" under the "Available for" option. This will hide it from your members, which is intentional. This theme is referred to as the Parent theme. You should never edit this theme (no code changes, no setting changes, etc), just keep it untouched. Next, visit the Themes page again, but this time, use the "Create New" button to create a new theme. Select the "Manual mode" option and click Next. Type in a name for your theme, and in the "Parent" dropdown, select the 3rd party theme which you just installed. Press Save. Doing this will create a "Child theme" which is basically a clone of your Parent. You can edit the Child by visiting the Themes page, and then expanding the Parent, which will reveal your Child. The benefit with this setup is that you can now edit your Child theme and easily compare it to the Parent by using the "Compare with parent" option (by clicking the cog icon at the top right of the code editor). Also, when reverting the code, it'll revert it back to the Parent code instead of the default Invision code. When you need to upgrade the theme, you should upgrade the Parent theme. You can then use the "compare tools" to manually upgrade your Child theme - or even revert it back to the "unmodified 3d party code", and then reapply your code changes from there. Whatever's easier. It's a slightly confusing process to type out and explain, but it's very straightforward once you've tried it yourself - so maybe give it a go!
  15. I've just added the "Our Community" menu to the mobile navigation panel, and have also added a Marketplace link to the "More" dropdown menu while viewing the forums.
  16. Good spot - I know why this is happening.. When content is loaded in via ajax, all of the javascript files are retrieved too, which creates multiple instances of them. So when the hamburger menu is clicked, the two identical javascript files trigger the same event which immediately opens and closes the menu. If you load another piece of content via ajax (such as "See my activity"), the javascript files are retrieved yet again and the event fires an odd number of times which makes it work. I'm not sure of the easiest solution here, but I'll look into it shortly. 🙂
  17. The combination of classes used on some of those elements technically isn't correct (they're not used like that anywhere else in the software), but adding this to custom.css should help: .ipsBox.ipsDataItem{ display: block; }
  18. Hi @encrypted That's odd - if possible, can you send me a PM with a username/password to your ACP so I can look into this? You can restrict the admin account to the "Customization" area - I won't need access to any other areas of your admin panel.
  19. It took a moment to render for me, but it's working on my end:
  20. Yeah, that's actually an issue with the default theme too and is likely caused by images which cause the page to jump when they load. This is typically fixed by assigning width/height attributes to images, but I'm not sure how difficult this is to achieve with uploaded content. I'll mention it to the dev's to see if they have any suggestions.
  21. There's quite a lot of code which goes into that header, but it's all just standard HTML, css and a small amount of javascript. It's not a header which can easily be implemented into the Invision Menu Manager though (the top navigation menu on this site is all static code - the dark blue bar is the only thing powered by the Menu Manager system), so I'm not sure how helpful a blog post would be unfortunately 😅
  22. Thanks, I appreciate the feedback guys! @Nathan Explosion I've fixed the "Our Community" issue and the user panel is no longer John Cena-ing. The user area seemed a little crowded on laptops, so I guess the Create menu was removed for a more aesthetic reason rather than a functional reason. It gives the user area a little more breathing room and prevents the navigation from collapsing into unnecessary dropdown menus. If this is mentioned more often though, I'll be happy to revisit it 🙂 @Adriano Faria The create menu should now be working correctly on mobiles. I added a "home icon" to the mobile navigation bar which takes you back to the forum index page. I thought it might be confusing if the logo took you to different places depending on what page you were viewing. @Ocean West Nice suggestion - I've added your default Activity Stream to the "Our Community" dropdown menu. It'll be "Unread Content" by default, unless you've adjusted it for your account.
  23. Haha thanks, I've actually been lurking around here for almost 2 years now as a staff member! 🙂 Yeah, this is just for the Invision site for the moment. Version 4.5 included a pretty significant redesign, so I imagine we'll stick with that for a while before doing another revamp. When that time comes, if this new design is still appealing to our visitors, I'm sure we'll use it as inspiration for a new default theme.
  24. Thanks for the feedback! These areas should now be fixed. With that said, I wasn't able to reproduce your first two issues @Askancy so hopefully it was just a temporary issue which has fixed itself. Let me know if you continue to have issues though and I'll be happy to look into it! 🙂
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