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My Sharona

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Everything posted by My Sharona

  1. No more future publish when the record is linked to a forum? Please say it isn't so.
  2. That's fine but how do I know which ones I haven't read? Lol, no worries.
  3. The "Marketplace" took me all the way back to a post on November 3, 2022. ETA: actually, all topics in that sub are marked as "Unread." ETA II: The pinned topic, "Marketplace Reviews" is the only one showing as read.
  4. I hadn't. However after reading your post, I tried another browser and indeed it is the Chrome browser.
  5. I have been experiencing this issue myself but it is not limited to this software. I have experienced it in other places and because of it, I kind of figured it was my browser.
  6. Just trying to understand better here... Aren't patches, by their very nature, critical?
  7. Just curious but is there a reason why a notification for a critical patch doesn't go out?
  8. FYI - the Invision Insider sub is now doing this.
  9. Two sites on CIC, as well as this one, seem to be sluggish this morning.
  10. Why can't you? click image to see the url.
  11. Might be a stupid question but, did you upload the image(s) in the ACP for the category?
  12. @Kalum Cavazos This is the Accordion support topic.
  13. What version of IPS are you running?
  14. Thanks. Must have been a feature I was unaware of. I always added them manually.
  15. @Square Wheels Perhaps I am missing something but ,as it stands now, the default setting is 'Overview'. Would changing the default setting to 'Monthly' solve your problem? It would then display the 'Calendar' as it was previously. You could even set up the RSS feed if so desired. Apologies if I have indeed missed something here.
  16. Thank you Marc. I don't know how it got changed as there has been no one in the backend to change those permissions. Regardless, thank you for the direction, much appreciated!
  17. I have one Moderator who can not view the reported posts in their entirety. They can only see three old reports. One from this past year, one from the year before last, one from the year before that. I have had them try different browsers, clear caches and nothing seems to rectify the issue. Noone else is reporting this issue. Is there something I can do on the backend to correct this or does IPS need to have a look? TYIA
  18. Secondary Groups and Group Promotions should do what you are looking for.
  19. Additionally, you will find that the "unread cookie" is not honored either.
  20. The tracking would be alleviated because they would go into a queue and your UCP toolbar will alert you, and any other administrative staff who has such permissions, that there are posts needing moderation. And, as Jim alluded to, since the member in question has been duly notified, I would not give priority to having to review them. Letting them sit and becoming a bit stale might motivate the member to get with it. You do however want to process them with some expediency because you do want to incentivise him/her. Judgment call as far as how much time to let elapse.
  21. Probably not the solution you're looking for but you could always place the offending member into a group whose postings require moderation approval before showing to the membership at large.
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