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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by WP V0RT3X

  1. https://invisionify.com/files/file/90-post-number/
  2. With an option to activate this feature, you don't have to use it if you don't like it.
  3. https://www.invisioneer.org/files/category/2-themes/
  4. You can add more autoembeds with plugins, maybe you find what you you are looking for here https://www.invisioneer.org/marketplace/ The best solution for clients would be an easier implementation of additional media sites just like XenForo does.
  5. https://www.invisioneer.org/marketplace/
  6. https://invisionify.com/vortex-development/free-plugins/extra-footer-links-r9/
  7. I did a little research, I guess you mean the plugin by @TDBF There is also a version 2.0, but the DL site is down too ... https://zaquria.com/public/d/7-website-footer-200
  8. You could try https://www.invisioneer.org/marketplace/ If it isn't out there, it looks bad. In that case I would recommend to switch to a plugin that is still supported.
  9. Isn't Radical Tags developend anymore btw?
  10. Hi, INVISIONify is not my site and I don't get admin emails over there. Back 2 Top was always a free plugin, you don't need a key. Simply download the latest version and install or upgrade it, that's all 🙂
  11. https://invisionify.com/fxpages/databases/create-community-faq/
  12. In the logs folder on your server should be a .gz for every domain.
  13. This site doesn't use the Blogs, it's a Pages database.
  14. Maybe this https://v0rt3x.dev/files/file/6-extra-footer-links/
  15. Another option would be this one, graphically a bit more sophisticated than the welcome widget and with many settings... https://v0rt3x.dev/files/file/62-hero-image/
  16. What exactly have you done? Maybe this guide can help you ... If you have more questions feel free to ask 🙂
  17. The Slider doesn't even work in the unmodified default theme? Do you have any other ads or modifications that could cause conflicts? Maybe you could post a link to the site for a closer look.
  18. Basically like this but use the display: none with the searchbox (simply examine page with rightclick).
  19. That sounds very sad @Square Wheels Feel free to PM me and I will build such a database directly on your site and completely for free. We can even customize it a little bit if you like to
  20. Not really. Instead of the old Marketplace, just visit the new one.
  21. Looks good so far, but what I can't see on the video is the page itself, especially this ... And don't forget this ...
  22. This is the advantage of implementing something like this with pages and not with an application.
  23. And here it is ... 1. Import the database 2. Edit database and change key to "docs" 3. Create a page like in the tutorial 4. Create a block for the sidebar {{$recordClass = null;}} {{$catClass = null;}} {{if count($records)}} {{$recordClass = get_class($records[0]);}} {{$catClass = '\IPS\cms\Categories' . $recordClass::database()->_id;}} {{endif}} {{$firstRecord = null;}} {{$currentUrlPath = \IPS\Request::i()->url()->data['path'];}} {{if count($records) and $catClass and count($catClass::roots())}} <ul class="ipsList_reset cDocs" data-controller="docs.front.devDocs.main"> {{foreach $catClass::roots() as $root}} <li> <h2>{$root->_title}</h2> {{if count($root->children())}} <ul class="ipsList_reset"> {{foreach $root->children() as $child}} <li class="cDocs_closed"> <h3 data-action="expandSection">{$child->_title}</h3> {{foreach $records as $record}} {{if $record->container()->_id == $child->_id}} <ul class="ipsList_reset"> {{if $firstRecord == null}} {{$firstRecord = $record;}} {{endif}} <li> <a {{if $currentUrlPath === $record->url()->data['path']}}class="cDocs_active"{{endif}} href="{$record->url()}"> {{if $record->customFieldDisplayByKey('docs-short', 'raw')}}{$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('docs-short', 'raw')}{{else}}{$record->_title}{{endif}} </a> </li> </ul> {{endif}} {{endforeach}} </li> {{endforeach}} </ul> {{endif}} <ul class="ipsList_reset"> {{foreach $records as $record}} {{if $record->container()->_id == $root->_id}} {{if $firstRecord == null}} {{$firstRecord = $record;}} {{endif}} <li> <a {{if $currentUrlPath === $record->url()->data['path']}}class="cDocs_active"{{endif}} href="{$record->url()}"> {{if $record->customFieldDisplayByKey('shortened_title', 'raw')}}{$record->customFieldDisplayByKey('shortened_title', 'raw')}{{else}}{$record->_title}{{endif}} </a> </li> {{endif}} {{endforeach}} </ul> </li> {{endforeach}} </ul> {{endif}} That should be it. Dokumentation.xml
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