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  1. Like
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from sobrenome in Elasticsearch Version 7 & IPB?   
    This. Don't do it. Use 6 until they fix the problem.
  2. Haha
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from Maxxius in IPB as a LMS   
  3. Like
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from Ibai in SEO Suite   
    Have you considered robots.txt and excluding /profile*?
  4. Like
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in url1128 appended before verification email link   
    This is not your hosting company.
    This is intentional behavior when you have sendgrid tracking turned on and you have added a branded URL. That's what is changing the address.
    When the recipient clicks the link, sendgrid tracks the clickthrough and redirects.
    See: https://docs.sendgrid.com/ui/account-and-settings/how-to-set-up-link-branding
  5. Like
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from SEO Guru in SEO Suite   
    This may not be exactly what you're looking for, but you can set it so that profiles are only accessible by logged in members under permissions in System.
  6. Like
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from JeffreyDupree in Post drafts aren't being remembered by ckeditor correctly   
    Here's another, different example, of how this is broken:
    After posting a reply to a thread, navigating away and looking at other threads, I clicked on a notification that someone had reacted, click on it, see the thread, then decide to add additional thoughts as a new reply. As soon as the editor expanded, I see the previous message I submitted eleven minutes ago in the editor saved as a draft, even though that should be gone now.

  7. Like
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from IPCommerceFan in Registration emails going to spam   
    Trying to understand what the issue is here--are you using a Google Workspace (previously GSuite) to send e-mails from your forum, or an actual consumer @gmail.com account?
    This is likely not an IPS issue, but rather one of:
    Your SPF/DKIM records are not correct The account you are using to send e-mail from has been flagged enough times by recipients that it is considered by the email providers to be spam
  8. Agree
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from Luuuk in ACP Search - Tag Discover New Feature Settings   
    A wizard notifying of new features and allowing the administrator to jump to the relevant areas to enable/disable/configure things upon upgrade (like an onboarding) would be welcome. 
  9. Agree
    CoffeeCake reacted to Ocean West in ACP Search - Tag Discover New Feature Settings   
    I have gone a few weeks and months when a new toggle switch was introduced for a new feature but failed to find it.
    I was late to enjoy the new settings unless it's obvious a lot find and seek goes on in the acp. 
    Can we get a set of tags or something that when we type some tag specific to the version or something it will list ALL new settings and navigate me there?
    Or if by some magic the content of the release notes appeared in our own ACP and any new or altered 'setting' had a button or link to setting.
  10. Thanks
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from Mark Round in Registration emails going to spam   
    Check SPF & DKIM records for the domain of your e-mail account. For example, if you are sending e-mail from forum@markround.com, then look at your DNS SPF and DKIM records for markround.com. Make sure they validate.
    If you are sending email from forum@gmail.com, you don't control those SPF/DKIM records and I'd highly discourage doing this. Use a proper SMTP server.
    Paste the headers from one of these e-mails that are getting flagged as spam and we should have the answer right there.
  11. Thanks
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from Mark Round in Registration emails going to spam   
    Trying to understand what the issue is here--are you using a Google Workspace (previously GSuite) to send e-mails from your forum, or an actual consumer @gmail.com account?
    This is likely not an IPS issue, but rather one of:
    Your SPF/DKIM records are not correct The account you are using to send e-mail from has been flagged enough times by recipients that it is considered by the email providers to be spam
  12. Like
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from simonle in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Bottom line: You didn't communicate these changes effectively at all, and you didn't learn from the last time(s) you didn't communicate effectively.
    What will the next surprise be that you don't communicate effectively to your customers be?
  13. Like
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from sobrenome in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Hold up.
    It's still horrifically slow on your infrastructure.
    There is a penalty to all of your customers from the latency, shifting, and time to paint. This needs to be a very high priority, and is an item which requires consideration and planning over a stretch of time. When did/will you start that 6-12 month epic?
    Occam's razor and all would suggest that planning and consideration may not be organizational or leadership strong suits (as opposed to the notion that there exists meticulous planning practices behind the scenes and the screw it we'll do it live approach what could possibly go wrong on the public facing side of things). Investments in human capital with strengths in these areas may be a good idea.
  14. Like
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from ZLTRGO in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Hold up.
    It's still horrifically slow on your infrastructure.
    There is a penalty to all of your customers from the latency, shifting, and time to paint. This needs to be a very high priority, and is an item which requires consideration and planning over a stretch of time. When did/will you start that 6-12 month epic?
    Occam's razor and all would suggest that planning and consideration may not be organizational or leadership strong suits (as opposed to the notion that there exists meticulous planning practices behind the scenes and the screw it we'll do it live approach what could possibly go wrong on the public facing side of things). Investments in human capital with strengths in these areas may be a good idea.
  15. Like
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from LiquidFractal in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Bottom line: You didn't communicate these changes effectively at all, and you didn't learn from the last time(s) you didn't communicate effectively.
    What will the next surprise be that you don't communicate effectively to your customers be?
  16. Like
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from alistairgd66 in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Hold up.
    It's still horrifically slow on your infrastructure.
    There is a penalty to all of your customers from the latency, shifting, and time to paint. This needs to be a very high priority, and is an item which requires consideration and planning over a stretch of time. When did/will you start that 6-12 month epic?
    Occam's razor and all would suggest that planning and consideration may not be organizational or leadership strong suits (as opposed to the notion that there exists meticulous planning practices behind the scenes and the screw it we'll do it live approach what could possibly go wrong on the public facing side of things). Investments in human capital with strengths in these areas may be a good idea.
  17. Like
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from RevengeFNF in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Bottom line: You didn't communicate these changes effectively at all, and you didn't learn from the last time(s) you didn't communicate effectively.
    What will the next surprise be that you don't communicate effectively to your customers be?
  18. Agree
    CoffeeCake reacted to Tripp★ in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    There is no great way of sharing the news? Maybe not, but there is an absolute disastrous way of doing it, and naturally, that's the option Invision went for. You can't defend that.
    I am not annoyed about the price increase - the writing has been on the wall for that for a long time, it's been a long time coming, I think most of us see that. Although I think that 55% increase more is a bit much in one go, but that's my problem and I will have to deal with it. Unexpected price increases with no advanced warning or even notice what-so-ever has just gone and dissolved a good chunk of confidence I have in IPS as a company.
    This is what I'm really annoyed about. This came out of the blue! There was no prior announcement (Before the fact) and only came after the fact after people started noticing which is an absolutely appalling way to deal with it.
    ANY form of notice after a good period of time say - 6 months (One renewal period) before the fact would have been a much better way of dealing with it. It would have given people a chance to be prepared for what was coming, to make arrangements thusly. 
    Also the email calling this "Not bad news" - you're having a laugh, aren't you? You're right; it's not bad. It's terrible. Also not a fan of posting my problems publically, as my site is NSFW. I'm not a fan of that - at all. If most of your support tickets are "How to do X", or "How do I set X up" then you should make it clear that those questions could be asked in whatever forum you have set up. But quite often my problems, for example, are actual problems, not me asking how to do X. 
    There was a better way of sharing the news, and as usual you picked the worst option imaginable. Your "Good-Feels Corporate Speak" doesn't change any of that. I will be seriously considering my future with IPS software, I'm not happy with being reliant on Invision Software for my site, and haven't been for a long time, this is yet another nail in the coffin for me.
  19. Agree
    CoffeeCake reacted to Dll in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    In all seriousness Matt. If you / the rest of the management at invision think that sort of timescale is acceptable when communicating such a big jump in price, then I really do recommend you hire someone with more knowledge and skills in communication and customer care. You needed to be weeks ahead of this, to give people reasonable notice. 
  20. Agree
    CoffeeCake reacted to sudo in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    I am not sure where to start with all this. I cant believe you guys did all this along with a site redesign at the same time and no notice period, I am speechless!
    I cant believe I will be losing email support while you increase the price at the same time. I paid for priority support and now that's an insane price per year for what is email support. It takes serious cahoonas to both increase the price and cripple email support at the same time. Email support pricing should be far far more reasonable, I honestly thought $1250 was a mistake when I saw the screenshot above, I could understand having an email support pricing tier and then a $1250 priority support tier but also renewals shouldnt be going up while we lose proper email support.
    Then if we dont pay for support we cant use the market place and cant even save our prior purchases so if we need to reinstall an addon we are out of luck.
    We are lucky, we can afford the support increase price wise but one of the HUGE reasons I liked IPB was the email support, it can be very curt at times but I valued it and if you had only increased the price and not removed email support I would have dealt with it as it has been a decade.
    I am strongly considering renewing our Xenforo license to have a play and test viability after this.
    Initial feedback:
    Build the knowledge base publicly first before removing support
    I understand the desire to have self support with a knowledge base, its a good thing for everyone if it gets populated but you should have been doing this months ago building the knowledge base publicly before doing any changes, that way you can point to the option and say its there and useful. Get a common ticket theme in, create a KB article then have the subject field for support request do a search as you type pointing you to articles that sounds similar before submitting the email request.
    We need a reported/acknowledged bugs area
    This needs to be along with the knowledge base really, a bug tracker would have cut your support requests because people would be able to see if it has been reported before, I know the support forum kinda does that but its not a bug tracker and its not clear if its an active bug with a fix pending or release or even workaround.
    When I hit an issue on other software I always check to see if it has been reported first on bug trackers but because of the strange mantra of open a ticket you guys have we are blind to upcoming fixes usually until release, Jordon has at least been mentioning them but its still not a proper solution.
    Both things above should have been done before these policy changes with support
    That way your customers would have become familiar with them and you could have iterated through any issues with them before removing email support and you could actually see if this type of support works well before causing big issues for your customers, it seems so rushed.
    You guys made the whole "tickets are similar" problem yourselves with the submit a ticket mantra that is here, you should have been correcting that before making sweeping changes to support. You have entered self support mantra with none of the real tools used by others to help aid people do this. You may have plans for these tools but you literally have not shown them to us which is crazy if they exist. Right now we have a sole forum for support, I have no idea why you have rushed this through.
    I have more to say but I thought I would shoot out first.
    Please get the knowledge base live and a bug tracker live asap to at least help and to be honest delay the email support changes past the renewal/January deadline until this mess is sorted and people are comfortable, this should be a much much slower transition.
    Also contributors/devs need a discount/special license to prevent the massive bleed that will happen.
    Its crazy you dont have a way of reducing their burden and its a major issue to the viability of the market place and IPB. Their are fewer addons here than other competitors and it will only get worse with dev's having to pay large amounts to renew AND customers of devs having to pay to even buy their addons or even install them. This is crazy crazy crazy and so hostile to developers. Its one of the main reasons no one wants a certain v5 of software out there, regularly people complain about the lack of addons.
    You could get them to apply with the proviso the license isnt used to sell addons not on the marketplace and not run a full site on. Aka they can have a public site showcasing with the options etc and even getting support there but it cant be a way for a serious site that has nothing to do with the developer to get a cheap license. Hell they could apply after they have published an addon and the large discount applies to the renewals side of it.
    I am really disappointed some of the best developers here are now looking at possibly removing addons to reduce their burden rather than developing for those addons and being able to test on those addons, its so opposite and harmful because of the increased costs.
    And there was me thinking things had improved a lot when @Jordan Miller with communications and community activity, I actually could see things improving a lot with better engagement with end customers then this whole chaos happens.
  21. Agree
    CoffeeCake reacted to Dll in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    No no no. Come on. You weren't minutes late, you're weeks late. You have clients who have renewals at the new price due in days (maybe hours), which due to the change to annual pricing and the increase will mean an outlay of more than double what they were expecting. Can you not see how giving a reasonable amount of notice is the least you should have done?
  22. Like
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from Percival in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Bottom line: You didn't communicate these changes effectively at all, and you didn't learn from the last time(s) you didn't communicate effectively.
    What will the next surprise be that you don't communicate effectively to your customers be?
  23. Like
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from Summit360 in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    I am concerned that you might think that the feedback is "send an e-mail a few hours before changing the look of your web site (and oh-by-the-way-side-note-pricing-models-for-existing-clients-go-into-effect-immediately-with-no-significant-advance-notice)."
    The feedback is that you should have provided notice on revised pricing models, inclusive of what those revised prices would be months before implementing those changes so that organizations could make appropriate changes in their expected operational expenses.
    Speaking for our organization, there's no issue with the changes other than you didn't give any notice to revise our operational forecasts and planning, and our renewal is also in November. Thankfully, we have the ability to reallocate funds unexpectedly, yet not all of your customers are in that position, and it's rather poor form for what we consider a partner in our organization's ongoing success.
    I receive an e-mail from a streaming video service that their monthly price will go up one dollar with more than a month's notice. It's just inexcusable to have tied this all into throwing a new shade of paint on your sales site.
  24. Like
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from Summit360 in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    Bottom line: You didn't communicate these changes effectively at all, and you didn't learn from the last time(s) you didn't communicate effectively.
    What will the next surprise be that you don't communicate effectively to your customers be?
  25. Like
    CoffeeCake got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Hump Day: A Refresh Has Arrived!   
    I am concerned that you might think that the feedback is "send an e-mail a few hours before changing the look of your web site (and oh-by-the-way-side-note-pricing-models-for-existing-clients-go-into-effect-immediately-with-no-significant-advance-notice)."
    The feedback is that you should have provided notice on revised pricing models, inclusive of what those revised prices would be months before implementing those changes so that organizations could make appropriate changes in their expected operational expenses.
    Speaking for our organization, there's no issue with the changes other than you didn't give any notice to revise our operational forecasts and planning, and our renewal is also in November. Thankfully, we have the ability to reallocate funds unexpectedly, yet not all of your customers are in that position, and it's rather poor form for what we consider a partner in our organization's ongoing success.
    I receive an e-mail from a streaming video service that their monthly price will go up one dollar with more than a month's notice. It's just inexcusable to have tied this all into throwing a new shade of paint on your sales site.
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