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Posts posted by CoffeeCake

  1. 6 minutes ago, jaeitee said:

    Now to just see if it breaks anywhere else

    The only other thing I would wonder if it would be affected in any way would be search results. You may need to rebuild search index (not sure if elasticsearch knows about hidden posts in any capacity, or if the status of results returned by elasticsearch are joined to their current state in SQL).

  2. 1 hour ago, jaeitee said:

    My intention is to unhide the whole lot in one swoop 🙂   They're not in the Mod CP Approval queue, if they were it would be far easier 🙂 
    Mod CP > Hidden Content > All Content. 6500 pages, 160,000+ posts.
    The only way to unhide these via Invision is to open the discussion they're in one by one and press 'Unhide.'
    That's a few months of human effort, or at a rate of 1 every 10 seconds 7.4days non-stop 😄 

    Since this came through a conversion, what's the chance this conversion was done on a test environment and not in your production environment? We ran many, many tests, taking upwards of a week each to identify issues with conversion from vBulletin, and identified all sorts of them. Fixing issues in the conversion script made the clean up process much easier for us in the end.

    If that were the case, correcting the problem in the conversion script would be ideal. If this is the end result you're stuck with in your production environment, then back to plan B. But, I'd recommend coming up with a SQL fix and testing it in a copy of your production environment so you're sure you're happy with the outcome before doing it live.

    software consulting GIF

  3. On 8/29/2020 at 12:25 PM, jaeitee said:

    After a conversion Hidden Content -> All Content has some 6000+ pages of hidden posts.
    Is there a quick way to unhide all of these?

    I came across this post however it was per user.

    Depending on your comfort level with SQL, you can likely handle this there, yet there be dragons.

    What do you want to do? Unhide them or keep them hidden and remove them from the Mod CP approval queue?

    The value you're looking for lives at forums_posts.queued. There are also fields in forums_topics at the topic level, and representations of whether or not queued posts live in the given topic. See forum_topics.approved and topic_queuedposts.

    Danger danger danger, but doable. Backup everything before playing. 🙂

    computer working GIF

  4. I posted a reply to a thread, edited that post to add a very upset and vibrating Will Ferrell and provided an edit reason, and then created a new reply to quote @bfarber, a god amongst men.

    The result is here:

    Since the two replies were made within the "merge multiple replies into a single post" threshold, the two posts were merged.

    This resulted in the message that showed that I had edited the post along with the timestamp of the edit vanished (though it shows "edited" at the top). From a UX perspective, I recommend showing the edited by user message when posts are merged. I would understand clearing out the reason (as there's a new edit, caused by merging), but the "edited by" message and timestamp should still appear I think.

    Here I am making an edit....

    sister belive GIF

    New reply... merge, baby, merge...

  5. Just now, bfarber said:

    Email address should be available if you made the request with "email" as a scope.

    lastActivity should not be a timestamp - if it is, that would be a bug and should be reported, thanks.

    I reported both issues as a bug (via support request--the bug tracker doesn't allow me to post new ones anymore), and an additional one where secondary groups are not returned as documented by /core/me.

    To retrieve the e-mail address, I found that I did not need to update the scope, but rather simply include /core/me/email as allowed in the existing scope (which is not called "email").

    It may be that the documentation needs to be updated to say "must include 'email' as the name of your scope" or "must allow /core/me/email."

  6. 6 hours ago, Lindy said:

    I would hope a number of customers here would attest to the fact that we will generally just update the URL for you if you contact us - especially if you're just changing the URL on an existing installation. In cases such as those described above, the fee may apply. 

    Just hopping in to share that when we were first began testing IPS as the path to migrating away from vBulletin, we made an error in setting up our testing environment as our production environment by not including the -TESTINSTALL string in the license. This led to us getting into a predicament where our license was incorrectly associated with the wrong URL. I think this may have actually happened more than once. We test a lot.

    We opened a support request and IPS changed the URL as a courtesy for us without charge. I understand the need for a deterrent. While I most certainly don't always agree with decisions or directions IPS takes, this is one where I think they've done right. I would generally agree that the process of documenting and guiding support requests for this could be a bit more transparent. I'd encourage the team to consider adopting language in the install docs or client area that explains that IPS is willing to consider waiving fees at their discretion in instances where you reach out via support channels and help explain why you're doing something that would not often be done in practice.

  7. On the new popular posts in thread bit that appears in threads, I saw something interesting marked as popular and wanted to read it in context, yet there's no obviously clickable link to take you to the post. This seems like a UX oversight. There should be a "go to post" link that takes you directly to the post in the thread that the user clicks on.

    Clicking all over the thing, I eventually discovered that the date of the post is what takes you to the post itself. I'd suggest something instead like an arrow at the end of the blurb.

  8. Thanks, @Makoto. The updated 1.5.2 resource installed successfully. I can't test it yet but will report back once I can.

    The behavior last time seemed to be that the upgrade did not proceed. It still had 1.4.4 listed as the version in ACP, though no idea what it really did in the background and if the hooks were replaced or not.

  9. There seem to be a set of content only available to those with resources published in the Marketplace.

    I agree that it's an odd choice as there's no mention of it until you come across these embedded things us plebs can't see.

    But, I see the link above and have not published anything in Marketplace so not sure why you don't see it. It's in the Client Lounge forum.

  10. Welp, this showed up in the Marketplace tonight. And, in spite of the assurances of code reviews by IPS after removing the ability to download 4.5 Marketplace offerings in the "interest of security, stability and customer confidence and support," the resource appears to be broken and displays this error upon attempting to upgrade.

    1S111/1 All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; if you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead

    Would love to inspect the code and see what's going on, yet here we are. If I had to guess, there's a SQL structure change adding a primary key that includes a column with null values.

  11. Adding onto this request, it would be nice to have the ability to queue content with links for review without putting them into a moderating status. A "show me all content with an external link" area that would allow moderators to review posts containing links after the fact.

  12. @bfarber: Yes, I'm doing an OAuth2 request. Ultimately, if I understand the workflow correctly, application redirects to oauth/authorize, user logs in, redirected back to application, which creates an access token (hitting oauth/token) and then application requests /api/core/me to get id/username/email, etc. for the authenticated user.

    After much debugging and injecting outputs through both IPS and the third party application, I found that the post for the token call was failing because I had defined the token URI as example.com/oauth/token instead of example.com/oauth/token/. I'm not sure if this is a peculiarity of nginx and my web server configuration with php-fpm, but when I added the trailing slash, the script would receive the post request with the expected variables. Prior to that, the script would only see the post request with no elements provided.

    Now, I'm at the point where the token is given, yet the third-party application is complaining that the id is not being sent from the call to /api/core/me which has the token in the Authentication header. Further along the chain, yet still not quite there. Working on adding debug code to IPS to see exactly what's being returned by /api/core/me.

  13. 10 hours ago, Saurabh Jain said:

    Where is the option to select all

    we have to select them one by on 

    You can select multiple posts within a single thread using the checkbox on the upper right. Then, in the moderator tool bar, unhide. This also works by member, if you go to their activity on their profile.

    If you're using the approval queue in the Moderator control panel, then you go one by one.

  14. So, a bit of debugging more and trying to wrap my head around this, I've confirmed that the error is coming from the Generate Access Token Endpoint, and the first condition is failing:

    /* Get the client */
            $obj->client = \IPS\Api\OAuthClient::load( $clientId );
            if ( !$obj->client->enabled )
                    throw new \OutOfRangeException;
    catch ( \OutOfRangeException $e )
            throw new \IPS\Login\Handler\OAuth2\Exception( 'invalid_client' );

    Looking to see where this client thing is enabled, and I've verified that $clientId is empty. Hrmmmm....

  15. Hi,

    I'm trying to create an OAuth2 plugin for a third party application to use IPS 4.5 as an authentication server via OAuth2. I'm following this guide:


    It's a bit unclear what the request to call api/core/me should look like and my attempts so far have not been successful. After agreeing to login using IPS, clicking continue, I'm redirected to the third-party application, which returns an error: invalid_client. This is generic and I'm not sure coming from IPS. There is nothing logged within the REST/API log in the ACP.

    After getting redirected to the third party app, I'm sending a request to https://<hostname>/api/core/me with the header "Authorization" and the value "Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"

    Has anyone tried this that would know if I'm headed in the right direction here?

  16. Posts are the content within forum threads. So every first post in a thread, and every reply to that thread is a "post."

    The counts above in the "most Content" section included things like status updates, resources in marketplace, articles in Pages, etc., as well as posts.

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