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Posts posted by christopher-w

  1. Bit of a fiddle but this will give you what you need in a roundabout way.

    You can use it to inject code or IPS blocks and templates anywhere on the site and it's controller and url sensitive too. It's not been updated for a while as the author was/is? ill, but the support forum has an entry stating it appears to be 4.6 compatible.

    Nice site by the way. Very cool.



  2. I know you are looking for changes to be made to core, but in the meantime have you looked at CSS grid template areas? I appreciate that in most cases you'll have to target entities using CSS :nth-child(), or nth child range, which is a pain, but you can come up with some very cool layouts (also see point 2 below *)


    Two things I'd like to see in Pages:

    1/ Repeating fields - see ACF Pro for how this might work.

    2/ Entity CSS class names. Same goes for custom blocks, forums, in fact anything that has a config section in the ACP should have the ability to assign a class names string to the entity being edited/configured. Would make client side positioning* so much easier. I appreciate we can create and assign our own pages templates, but the lack of literal class name assignments seems a bit of an oversight to me.

  3. On 6/17/2021 at 5:28 PM, Ocean West said:


    It would be so much easier to see what is the content of your databases records if you could see it as a data table. 

    Even as an option for end user display...

    I bound 5000+ Pages records to a Datatable recently and it loaded quite quickly and once loaded, filtered and paged almost instantaneously. You can also do near real time search of the table contents too and it naturally supports multiple anded keywords in the search string.   It will also group by category if you set the options correctly.  

    It’s a very nice tool and very easy to bind to. Just alter the listing template (iirc) to render the contents out to a formal table, including thead, and on document load bind the table to the Datatable using jQuery. 

    It also works very well on mobile, allowing you to define which columns remain visible and which are revealed when you click the record. 

    If you are interested I think I still have some screengrabs somewhere that I shared with another member here. It shows a fully loaded Datatable bound to Google maps running in our in dev Pages recruitment app.

    it’s a great tool and went down very well with beta testers.  



  4. On 5/21/2021 at 2:40 AM, mcsg said:

    However, we need to move them around on the page based on device (on mobile they need to be at the top, on desktop, on the side) so I thought we could add them with a block or a template call and manage their appearance.


    Hack Alert

    Not fully understanding your need here, but generally can't you just mark the common container as flex (assuming it's not already) and order the contents using media queries and order:-1/+1 etc? It won't work if you just want to move one sidebar item to the top of the page on mobile, but if you want to reposition the entire sidebar above main area then it should be fine. Remember, when in mobile mode, set flex container direction to flex-direction: column;

    Alternatively, if that doesn't work for you and you need this in a hurry, as a temp workaround, set page contents to display none and move stuff around on page load with jQ/JS, with events etc, and then show it when done. Messy, but has worked for me in the past.

    You could probably also move stuff around in the templates, but given you want to display things differently on mobile and desktop you will probably end up rendering them twice and revealing them as needed with media queries.

    If it's the same site as were discussing recently and you want to try the CSS only route, drop me a line and I will see if a few lines of CSS will fix it for you in the short term.


    Edit: assuming you haven't tried the CSS only route already.

  5. Very, very impressed with achievements. 

    Two things I love.

    1/ The ability to reward activity by location. This will allow me to award, for example, VFX Expert status to members who post best answer n times in a VFX Q/A forum.

    2/ And the following I can see being incredibly popular. My wife was thrilled with it.



    One small request for future updates:

    Please would you consider grouping achievements by named group (same way as you do with custom block authoring) and rendering them to the front end in separate containers identifiable by user nominated class or group name. This will allow us to, optionally, visually separate loyalty type rewards (for example logs in 10 times) from proficiency awards such as receiving an expert award in a video editing Q/A forum.

    Either way, very happy with what I have seen so far. Installed on a test server without a hitch and so far I have only seen one small issue with VideoBox custom fields which has been reported to the author.


  6. 22 hours ago, Davyc said:

    @christopher-w those are some really nice layouts you have there.  I know your site has been a WIP for a long time, but the dividends are paying off for taking your time; I look forward to seeing the finished works when you publish the

    Thanks Dave, it's been a while since we first discussed this when I was in St Ives.

    We haven't been working non stop though - it comes and goes. We go through cycles of love/hate with the suite. Every now and again we come up against a silly gotcha which takes all the enthusiasm out of the project. And then after a couple of months or so, refreshed, we try again. And on it goes. 

    But anyway, we are getting closer, albeit increasingly using less and less of the Invision UI. We are also starting to write our first plugins which seem easy to put together, hopefully leading to less reliance on the marketplace. 

    Thanks for your support. I am equally impressed with what you've done with Star Trek, which looks to be unique 🙂.

  7. 20 hours ago, Meddysong said:

    I bought a GSAP subscription a couple of years ago and made a couple of practice tweens. Unfortunately (well, fortunately, I suppose), I've accidentally ended up becoming a writer, which means that the evenings and weekends for tinkering have been in short supply since.

    Ahhh, that explains the clarity in your comments here. 🙂 Good luck.

    Edit: ^ becoming a writer


  8. 18 hours ago, Jordan Invision said:

    Wow 🤯 I love this! This is actually pretty incredible. I'd love to be able to filter by tags. Thing is in my community, the tags are open - meaning anyone can apply up to 5 tags of their choosing (versus preset), so not sure how that'd function. 

    There is a filter by tags app in the marketplace and it works well - but if you have lots of tags it can dominate the page.

    The alternative is to use an enhanced dropdown with multiselect set to true. This will enable you to search for tags (hidden inside the select component = neat and tidy) and display multiple selections.  I've not tested huge numbers with the dropdown yet, but we've had 5000+ rows in our jobs app, so no reason why a similar number of much simpler tag elements can't be hidden inside a filterable dropdown. Below is how it works on our content selector - it's perfect for mobile.


    18 hours ago, Jordan Invision said:

    Regarding the CSS stuff - I would like to dive further into that world and learn. Maybe the universe will hook me up with some 28 hour days soon 😂 

    You are clearly a very visual person - same as your site. I think learning CSS basics would pay huge dividends for you. It's the easiest and fastest way to give a site a new look, and with the latest CSS tools, it can transform the user experience.

    18 hours ago, Jordan Invision said:

    I love that the screen shot shows all the items being same height. That looks super slick. I'm curious how that uniformity was accomplished. 

    Again using CSS Grid. You can automatically clamp the row height to that of its smallest or largest item.  There's no reason why you can't do this with other CSS methods, but grid is much cleaner and quicker. Some folks use active client size resizing with JS, but in my view it makes for a sluggish page, especially on slower machines.

    I'll post more images as we tidy up the design over the next few weeks.


  9. 4 hours ago, Meddysong said:

    Do I recall you were once working on something using Isotope

    It was my go to app for many things, but Isotope doesn't work well with CSS grid given it relies on absolute transitions for the show/hide animations. So much of what Isotope offers can now be easily implemented with CSS grid, for example this:

        display: grid;
        grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(250px, 1fr));
        grid-gap: 1em;

    ... controls item flow and will correctly distribute items on desktop and mobile alike (can I use CSS Grid) No more multiple media queries, or slow and cumbersome client side controllers. Just tell the browser how to handle it and it does the rest. Incidentally both Chrome and Firefox offer excellent visual debugging of both grid and flex. For example here:


    .. you can see the basic layout described with:  grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(250px, 1fr));

    GSAP (Greensock) is also preferred for animation. In case you haven't used it, it offers timeline based animation out of the box and in the case of the Flip plugin allows you to capture DOM state before an action (for example hide photos ...) , and then once it's complete, Flip animates to the end state, giving far greater control than Isotope's easing options.  In case you were wondering, Flip hides the post state DOM changes and then plays them back using its own routines.

    Here you can see the Flip code that handles my show/hide filter actions. Note the onLeave/OnEnter callbacks which ease the show/hide states gracefully.

    	const state = Flip.getState("#spPromotedGrid > [itemcontainer],.gridSection");
    	do something with DOM
    	Flip.from(state, {
                duration: 0.4,
                scale: true,
                ease: "power1.inOut",
                stagger: 0.08,
                    onLeave: elements => gsap.to(elements, {opacity: 0, scale: 0, duration: .7}),
                   onEnter: elements => gsap.fromTo(elements, {opacity: 0, scale: 0}, {opacity: 1, scale: 1, duration: .7})  


    4 hours ago, Meddysong said:

    Do you make use of Isotope anywhere on a live site?

    Not any more.

    4 hours ago, Meddysong said:

    adding a degree of interactivity to a page by way of filting and sorting has my interest piqued.

    I think also you need to maintain state. Not so much with a state machine, but you'd probably want to 'remember' how the user configured the home page. I'm not comfortable with or proficient at writing state to the suite DB, so instead maintain it with cookies, which makes more sense too if someone accesses the site from more than one different sized device.

    I would love to see the tech team here present all content types via a simplified, unified interface - both with and without active controllers. The nearest I've seen so far is the 'Our Picks' code which does a good job of dumping all promoted content into a uniform format. All you need to do is remove the carousel controller and it's ready for passive CSS styling and further client side post processing to give you the 'grouped' look I showed earlier.

    I no longer consider myself capable of producing code good enough to share with 3rd parties, but if you like we can start a new thread and share techniques like the above - most of which are easily installable via modified block templates. 

    Edit: Sorry @Jordan Invision. Hope this hasn't gone too far off topic.



  10. On 5/9/2021 at 8:26 PM, Nathan Explosion said:

    "Our Picks" is a widget/block so if you have Pages then create a custom block based on "Our Picks"


    On 5/9/2021 at 8:09 PM, Jordan Invision said:

    I was wondering if it's somehow possible to force the Our Picks content items into a single column (so there aren't any items side-by-side no matter how wide the browser window is - similar to how Instagram on desktop looks).

    It's actually very easy to reconfigure Our Picks - starting with a custom block as @Nathan Explosion suggested.

    You just need to take a deep breath @breatheheavy 😉 and get to grips with the default block code and reconfigure it to suit.  A few days learning CSS, in particular flex, grid and selectors, pays considerable dividends on the front end. 


    We've used promoted items as the basis of our (still! in development ) homepage. The user can reconfigure the view from a simple list, to a grouped view as required - preferences are stored in cookies. A filter (buttons on desktop and dropdown on mobile) allows individual content types to to selected. It's not finished yet (currently considering  implementing Google street view for the jobs section) and for the home page we hope to end up with something close to the Apple News mobile view. Anyway, a few in dev screen grabs below. It's almost exclusively CSS grid based which allows items to easily span multiple columns. So for example you could get featured promoted items to span x columns simply by applying a class at the item level and adding the appropriate css. You can see span (row and column) working in the group and mobile screen shots below.

    The grouping feature we provided requires individual items to be wrapped in a container on page load (jQuery wrapall). It could be done in the custom block but I am a better JS coder than I am PHP. Morphing animations between configurations (not shown here obviously) are provided by the excellent Greensock Flip plugin.

    This is the home page as it stands. Note filter and grouping options. Global menu location and styling still in flux.





    This shows same filtered on Classifieds. Same approach will be used for clubs and blogs home pages.




    This shows filtering and grouping. Rode Podcaster is shown as primary item in this case as it's first in the selection. That's a simple css choice. It could also be selected if the underlying content was featured, pinned etc.




    Here's the mobile view showing selected topics. Getting closer to the Apple News style as mentioned earlier. Note the HBO topic spans to 100% given it's also a featured item.



    I'd say we are about 3/4 through development, although not all the remaining 25% is a go live requirement. Note btw, none of the above items are finished in terms of final appearance, line clamping, call to action etc.

    I'll upload our jobs page in a week or so if anybody is interested. It sits on Datatables which we've tested with 5000 rows sitting in the browser -> offers user configurable real time searching 🙂  and filtering, as well as sorting and row and column level grouping - all of it exposed in a rich event driven CSOM.  We currently show all currently selected jobs (and soon to be directories of film studios etc) on a custom MapBox implementation but it's running out of steam, hence the likely and very reluctant £££ move back to Google Maps.

    If any of the above is useful I'm happy to share techniques when I have time.


  11. This may not suit if you are looking for an instant solution, but if you have a little time you can use a Pages database to store businesses and something like Supergrid will do a great job of presenting them.



    Also take a look at Links Directory. This is intended to provide a directory of web links, but assuming a business has a web address there's no reason why you couldn't use it to promote members' businesses.


    In both cases you might want to curate (create) the businesses yourself as I am not sure that Pages, or Links, can restrict users to only posting one 'business'. I could be wrong though.


  12. On 4/26/2021 at 11:15 PM, Marcel Iseli said:

    to an add code like this (htmls), what do I need to add to make it centered on the page?


    1 hour ago, sadams101 said:

    On at least 8 major template pages your plugin inserts this meta tag into the header:


    You guys might want to  read this:



  13. Hey

    I have created a new block based on our picks and am modifying the display template.

    The template loops through the promoted items like this:

        {{foreach $promoted as $item}}

    However the loop doesn't explicitly expose the content type - for example, topic, post, image, gallery, etc.

    The only place the content type surfaces is in a pre built block like this - which is difficult to parse.

    {$item->objectMetaDescription |raw }

    Does anybody know how I can list all the properties of item or item object so that I can pick out what I need?

    Currently I am searching the item url for a known substring, so as to ascertain the content type 🤨.

    Many thanks




  14. Hey, we are in the process of customising the look and feel of the Gallery, so thanks for posting this.

    13 hours ago, AlexWright said:

    Displaying Albums above the regular gallery navigation.

    Can you explain a little more about what you mean here? I've been reading your comment and viewing the gallery at the same time (4.5) and wasn't sure what you are referring to.


    13 hours ago, AlexWright said:

    Albums/image categorization in general.

    A feature of a few gallery sites is to allow an image to be categorized in more than one album.

    Totally agree with you there, we haven't even launched yet and this cropped up a few times during beta testing. 


    13 hours ago, AlexWright said:

    Uploading needs to be simpler.

    I was thinking that Invision had done a very good job with uploads - not sure how much simpler it could be, and if you get your wish with images having the ability to reside in multiple albums, then that will add another layer of complexity (album selections) on upload. 


    13 hours ago, AlexWright said:

    Now that I have moved a forum away from Invision (and over to XenForo),

    I'm a fan of Xenforo but never really got on with its image gallery. Perhaps we should take another look as we disabled it a couple of years back and maybe they've made improvements in the meantime. But,  I do prefer the way Xenforo handles videos, especially its FFmpeg transcoding. Same old story really, no one forum vendor is best in class across all the areas it caters for. 

    Generally I like the Gallery app although I am not a fan of the presentation layer in general. For example, I like the lightbox integration but not that you sometimes end up on the image's page when you close the popup, whereas other times you return to the screen that was present before you clicked on the image. 

    Thanks for posting.


    Edit: One other thing to add is image uploads and file renaming. Currently if I want to prettify image names which are used by default as captions,  I have to open every image and edit the caption to hide the underlying file name which was used to generate the caption on upload. Not everybody has a naming convention for images stored on their desktop, and almost certainly not on their phones, so being able to assign a naming sequence on batch upload, or single image upload, would be a nice to have. Not a deal breaker but I can see that's lots of images on my B2B Film & TV community are going to look untidy when someone checks out the caption in the lightbox, only to find a potentially very ugly (and perhaps compromising) filename, instead of something more appropriate.

  15. On 4/10/2021 at 12:43 AM, Chris Anderson said:

    I launched my first BBS in 1988 using the Wildcat BBS software. So I've actually been around forums for 33 years.  

    In the early 80s I'd just left warring Sudan and found myself instead building my first PC in Hong Kong - 40 years ago no less. I'd upgraded the motherboard to include a NEC V20, replacing the 8088 and later on added a ripped off Mountain Race Card with a 286 and on board ramdisk - great for Flight Simulator. I went on to be an assembler programmer and a well known hacker (those days are behind me), so the experience wasn't wasted. Nor were the pubs outside my apartment in Wanchai ☺️.

    2 hours ago, Morrigan said:

    I don't think I need to bring back that particular hardship but I can say, save for 3 people that actually replied (1 IPS person and 2 members I think) most of the people that responded were exclusively in reactions, which I actually appreciated significantly more than them replying to the thread with "I'm so sorry Morrigan I hope everything is okay".

    I'm caught in a middle ground. I'm empathetic by nature and my first reaction is always to try and put myself in that person's shoes. The issue comes with how to show support. I often feel that an emoji is not enough, but on the other hand a reply often seems too much - or invasive. I suppose it comes down to having the choice and applying judgement to that choice - as best one can. But more often than not I don't respond at all (or write something and delete it, sometimes many times a day) and I don't think that's necessarily solved by more granular emoji choices, but it's definitely not solved by lack of choice.

    But, thinking more on this, one of the barriers to offering more support, be that via emoji, gag video/animation, or heartfelt comment, is the often lack of feedback from those actions. It seems that a lot of folks want sympathy and support only from a subset of their audience (friends, sympathisers etc), not from their audience as a whole.

    Which echoes the real world I guess, with the obvious difference being that it's very difficult to ignore anyone face to face, whereas in a forum, turning your back is as easy as ignoring a reaction or scrolling past a comment. For example this thread might have prompted 1000 physical responses in the form of reactions and comments, but it's a fraction of the total number of emotional responses experienced by folks reading it. Perhaps that's one of the metrics of an online community - how much of what is felt actually makes its way into the thread in the way of visible support and other appropriate behaviour.


    10 hours ago, The Old Man said:

    We seem to be going backwards with this community, against a backdrop of pandemic's emotional and financial turmoil going on, ideally we need to either be moving forwards or finding some stability...

    Given the economic climate I would have liked to have seen some form of loyalty coupons over the past year, redeemable against licence renewals. The cash value isn't important, but the sentiment is. 


    11 hours ago, The Old Man said:

    Also, apologies as I'm in my early fifties and I'm not firing on all thrusters these days, but I just don't understand the cat reaction! What does it actually mean or reference, if it wasn't solely an April Fool's day inspired joke to make us chuckle, which it did me? I mean I've used it for fun which I thought it was for, and I'm not against it, but going back to your challenge, why do feel that adding a cat is any different or more acceptable than that of a saddened/empathy reaction in that it should require a follow up post/comment?

    Whilst wholly supporting attempts to address the non communityness of the community here, there are times like today and yesterday and..., that  I wish the energies were instead directed into the platform.



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