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  1. Thanks
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from W4L in Media Uploader (Support Topic)   
    Updated to 1.0.7
    Bug Fix
    Fixed the bug on the topics when trying to embed some files it threw a error
  2. Like
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from Koper74 in Advanced Stats (Support Topic)   
    Pages ain't in there yet, but it will be in the future though so follow the download if you want and you will get notifications of new versions
  3. Like
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from GrooveOnBeat in Advanced Stats (Support Topic)   
    Updated to 1.0.4
    New Features
    Added a new widget for IPDownloads Shows the total amount of files uploaded Shows the total amount of authors Shows the total amount of views Shows the total amount of downloads Shows the total amount of comments Shows the total amount of reviews Bug Fixes
    Added the missing language strings
  4. Like
    TheJackal84 reacted to Adriano Faria in My Paid Files   
    What's New in Version 1.0.2:
    Fix issues pointed in the post. Tks to @TheJackal84 Let me know if anyone else needs some assistence to "fix" the manually gerenerated purchases.
  5. Thanks
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from SJ77 in My Paid Files   
    OK so I fixed everything needed fixing but if anyone has already generated purchases then they need to edit their database (read at the bottom for that )
    First is the simple it's just adding the <li> </li> class to the purchases button so it don't kiss the renew button
    Is for the tables in the mypaidfilesFiles.php in line 97
    $table = new \IPS\Helpers\Table\Db( 'nexus_purchases', \IPS\Http\Url::internal( 'app=downloads&module=downloads&controller=browse&do=contributorsviewfile&id={$id}', 'front', 'downloads_contributors_file' ), $where ); Needs to be
    $table = new \IPS\Helpers\Table\Db( 'nexus_purchases', \IPS\Http\Url::internal( "app=downloads&module=downloads&controller=browse&do=contributorsviewfile&id={$id}", 'front', 'downloads_contributors_file', $file->name_furl ), $where ) Its just the ' ' at the start and end of the url needs to be " " as it don't read the {$id} and the furl is not reading the $file->name_furl as it's not added
    In the generate purchase controller we need to change the
    'ps_renewals' => $expire > 0 ? 1 : 0, on line 215 to
    'ps_renewals' => $file->renewal_term, all its doing is trying to add the expire time to the db where it should be like 1 or 6 for 1 year or 6 months and add
    'ps_renewal_unit' => $file->renewal_units, to it as it don't know the period of the renewal, but if there is no renewal set for a file, it will throw another error that renewal_units cants be null so I used
    if ( $file->renewal_units ) { $save = array( 'ps_member' => $values['mypaidfiles_member']->member_id, 'ps_name' => $file->name, 'ps_active' => 1, 'ps_start' => $values['mypaidfiles_purchased']->getTimestamp(), 'ps_expire' => $expire, 'ps_app' => "downloads", 'ps_type' => "file", 'ps_item_id' => $file->id, 'ps_renewals' => $file->renewal_term, 'ps_renewal_price' => $price, 'ps_renewal_unit' => $file->renewal_units, 'ps_renewal_currency' => \IPS\nexus\Customer::loggedIn()->defaultCurrency() ); } else { $save = array( 'ps_member' => $values['mypaidfiles_member']->member_id, 'ps_name' => $file->name, 'ps_active' => 1, 'ps_start' => $values['mypaidfiles_purchased']->getTimestamp(), 'ps_expire' => $expire, 'ps_app' => "downloads", 'ps_type' => "file", 'ps_item_id' => $file->id, 'ps_renewals' => $file->renewal_term, 'ps_renewal_price' => $price, 'ps_renewal_currency' => \IPS\nexus\Customer::loggedIn()->defaultCurrency() ); } another little edit will be in the purchasersRows.phtml to edit from line 24 replacing
    <div class="ipsDataItem_generic ipsDataItem_size8"> {{if $row['ps_expire']}} {lang="mypaidfiles_expires"} {datetime="$row['ps_expire']"} {{else}} {lang="mypaidfiles_noexpire"} {{endif}} </div> with
    <div class="ipsDataItem_generic ipsDataItem_size8"> {{if $row['ps_expire'] AND $row['ps_expire'] < $time}} {lang="Expired"} {{elseif $row['ps_expire']}} {lang="mypaidfiles_expires"} {datetime="$row['ps_expire']"} {{else}} {lang="mypaidfiles_noexpire"} {{endif}} </div> Adding whatever lang string you want, that way if the file is expired it will show expired instead of the expire date.
    then anyone who has generated their purchases will need to edit their database adding the proper renewals terms and the renewal units otherwise it cant generate any renewal invoices and will throw a server error, Unless you make a little plugin to do it that way by pulling the file id and stuff then updating the columns
    Don't mean to be rude by this post just hoping it will help / be easier with fixing the errors
  6. Like
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from DSystem in Advanced Stats (Support Topic)   
    Updated to 1.0.4
    New Features
    Added a new widget for IPDownloads Shows the total amount of files uploaded Shows the total amount of authors Shows the total amount of views Shows the total amount of downloads Shows the total amount of comments Shows the total amount of reviews Bug Fixes
    Added the missing language strings
  7. Thanks
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from SJ77 in My Paid Files   
    It will be better to wait for @Adriano Faria to update it then to take let's say a hack of it ( I call it hack because it is not my work and I would be annoyed if someone edited mine and gave it to my customers ), I have put everything in a post above to what needs doing so hopefully he won't need to search through it all etc to find the errors etc, I have tested it already on my live site with them edits and its fine, and the tasks for the renewals no longer through a error they now send the mails
  8. Thanks
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from Koper74 in Sticky Notes (support topic)   
    Not yet but it is in my notes for a future version, 2.1.0 is nearly finished so I don't think it will be in that one, but it is on my list
  9. Like
    TheJackal84 reacted to Kev Collins in Sticky Notes (support topic)   
    Many thanks for your help and very speedy support today even thought it was my fault and nothing to do with Sticky Notes.
    All problems resolved now.
    Many thanks.
  10. Like
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from JTHastings in Members Tab (Support Topic)   
    Yeah I could add a default view setting in the ACP, I will put it in the next update
  11. Like
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from Claudia999 in Members Tab (Support Topic)   
    Members list don't exist, its only a search function on IPS, If I charged $5 then it will be this only with no updates no requests, the only time it will get any updates is if it didn't work when IPS update their software and it made mine broken, Like all my other apps and plugins I choose my prices with what I think it's worth and worth my time to take all requests on board and then update it to the users request ( if I can make it happen that is and this has a lot of potential ), You could send me a request and I could spend a whole day working on it, Now for something I charged $5 for is not something I want to spend days working on, $5 to my currency is like £3 then take away the fees from IPS and PayPal and that's not even a cup of coffee from costa
  12. Like
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from JTHastings in Sticky Notes (support topic)   
    I have done it so if there is one note pending it will be the same as now, if there is more than 1 than it will show the amount that are not dismissed with a choice to dismiss that note or all ( There will be a setting in the ACP for if you want this feature enabled incase people don't want it, the amount will still show though cos it's a nice feature )

    I am not finished with it all yet I still need to fine tune it but letting you know it will be available to dismiss all in one go
  13. Like
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from Joel R in Sticky Notes (support topic)   
    I have done it so if there is one note pending it will be the same as now, if there is more than 1 than it will show the amount that are not dismissed with a choice to dismiss that note or all ( There will be a setting in the ACP for if you want this feature enabled incase people don't want it, the amount will still show though cos it's a nice feature )

    I am not finished with it all yet I still need to fine tune it but letting you know it will be available to dismiss all in one go
  14. Like
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from W.W.W in (DF41) Enhanced User Info Panel (Support Topic)   
    Updated to 2.0.4
    Bug Fix
    Fixes the bug where the cover photo don't show on 4.2.6
  15. Like
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from W.W.W in (DF41) Enhanced User Info Panel (Support Topic)   
    OK I will check it and fire out a update
  16. Like
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from bradl in Sticky Notes (support topic)   
    I can always add a setting so that if you want to show it, its there, if not it won't show. ( Gotta love the yes / no settings no one can moan if its there or not lol )
  17. Like
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from Robert Williams in Sticky Notes (support topic)   
    Go to the ACP and the sticky notes tab then go to the settings of personal sticky notes and only allow the admin to use it, then its basically just for the admin to use, they can use global on the ACP or frontend and the admin can also send personal sticky notes to members but they can't send back

  18. Like
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from Virgo81 in Sticky Notes (support topic)   
    I have done it so if there is one note pending it will be the same as now, if there is more than 1 than it will show the amount that are not dismissed with a choice to dismiss that note or all ( There will be a setting in the ACP for if you want this feature enabled incase people don't want it, the amount will still show though cos it's a nice feature )

    I am not finished with it all yet I still need to fine tune it but letting you know it will be available to dismiss all in one go
  19. Like
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from Virgo81 in Sticky Notes (support topic)   
    I will add a code so that users can pick members to block then when they try to send them a note

    you can change the words to what ever you want in the language bit of the ACP
  20. Thanks
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from bradl in Sticky Notes (support topic)   
    I will add a code so that users can pick members to block then when they try to send them a note

    you can change the words to what ever you want in the language bit of the ACP
  21. Thanks
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from Ramsesx in Sticky Notes (support topic)   
    I will add a code so that users can pick members to block then when they try to send them a note

    you can change the words to what ever you want in the language bit of the ACP
  22. Like
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from PPlanet in Block From Viewing My Topics ( Support Topic )   
    Updated to 1.0.2
    New Features
    Added new settings for members to be able to block certain usergroups from viewing their topics and to exclude selected members from that group giving them permission to view their topics New ACP settings to select what groups can use the above feature @SammyS
    @PPlanet I haven't checked what you asked for yet but will look into it during next week
  23. Like
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from Virgo81 in Sticky Notes (support topic)   
    It uses the editor so it will depend group settings, Go to ACP and user groups then edit and


  24. Like
    TheJackal84 reacted to SammyS in Block From Viewing My Topics ( Support Topic )   
    Will buy it during next week
  25. Thanks
    TheJackal84 got a reaction from SammyS in Block From Viewing My Topics ( Support Topic )   
    Updated to 1.0.2
    New Features
    Added new settings for members to be able to block certain usergroups from viewing their topics and to exclude selected members from that group giving them permission to view their topics New ACP settings to select what groups can use the above feature @SammyS
    @PPlanet I haven't checked what you asked for yet but will look into it during next week
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